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Spectrum Modal Analysis


Spectrum Modal Analysis


~Bazel is needed for exla brew install bazel~

~Libtorch is needed, but brew install libtorch will not work, and one needs pip3 install libtorch.~

~Set LIBTORCH_DIR=/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/libtorch/, or whatever the installed libtorch ends up as, when starting livebook.~

~EXLA is going to take a while to build (on the order of hours, possibly), but it is cached through bazel, so this only needs to be done once per EXLA release.~

EXLA should come as a binary now, without needing to build. set XLA_BUILD=force in livebook env vars to force building lengthily from source.

Protobuf installation in $PATH may cause trouble, so unlink when building XLA.

# In case the Mix.install() cache gets screwed up, 
# we can get the path to it for digging into the problem
  # basic numerics
  # {:nx, "~> 0.1"},
  # {:exla, "~> 0.1"},
  # {:torchx, "~> 0.1"},
  {:exla, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github: "elixir-nx/nx", sparse: "exla"},
  {:torchx, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github: "elixir-nx/nx", sparse: "torchx"},
    "~> 0.1",
    #  ref: "2c534e27e16bc7793c50620d9b3d53f2f1b53c46",
    github: "elixir-nx/nx", sparse: "nx", override: true
  # {:nx, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github: "dognotdog/nx", sparse: "nx", override: true, branch: "triangular-solve-dims-fix"},

  # visualization
  # html/json parsing
  {:floki, "~> 0.31.0"},
  {:jason, "~> 1.2"},
  # spectrometer tools path relative to livebook install, not notebook
  {:spex, path: "../spex"}

# , force: true)

require Logger
alias VegaLite, as: Vl
alias Spex.RefSpec.Mainz, as: Mainz
alias Spex.RefSpec.Hitran, as: Hitran
alias Spex.RefSpec.JcampDx, as: JcampDx

# set default backend for numerical compute
Nx.Defn.default_options(compiler: EXLA)
# Nx.Defn.default_options(compiler: Nx.Defn.Expr)
# Nx.default_backend(EXLA.DeviceBackend)
# Nx.default_backend(Torchx.Backend)
Path.join([:code.priv_dir(:spex), "reference-data"])

Getting Data

https://aircocalc-www.createlab.org/spectrometer_data/ has the spectrometer data, sorted by year/month/day/

defmodule SMA do
  def plotxy(x, y) do
    # plot a spectrum
    Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400)
    |> Vl.data_from_series(x: x, y: y)
    |> Vl.mark(:circle, clip: true)
    |> Vl.encode(:size, value: 4)
    |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: [210, 410]])
    |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y", type: :quantitative)

uvspec_wl = [
  218.0596, 218.2508, 218.442, 218.6332, 218.8244, 219.0156, 219.2067, 219.3979, 219.589, 
  219.7801, 219.9712, 220.1623, 220.3533, 220.5444, 220.7354, 220.9264, 221.1174, 221.3083,
  221.4993, 221.6902, 221.8812, 222.0721, 222.263, 222.4538, 222.6447, 222.8355, 223.0264, 
  223.2172, 223.408, 223.5987, 223.7895, 223.9802, 224.1709, 224.3616, 224.5524, 224.743, 
  224.9337, 225.1243, 225.315, 225.5056, 225.6962, 225.8867, 226.0773, 226.2678, 226.4584, 
  226.6489, 226.8394, 227.0298, 227.2203, 227.4108, 227.6012, 227.7916, 227.982, 228.1723, 
  228.3627, 228.5531, 228.7434, 228.9337, 229.124, 229.3143, 229.5045, 229.6948, 229.885, 
  230.0752, 230.2654, 230.4556, 230.6457, 230.8358, 231.026, 231.2161, 231.4062, 231.5963, 
  231.7863, 231.9764, 232.1664, 232.3564, 232.5464, 232.7364, 232.9263, 233.1163, 233.3062, 
  233.4961, 233.686, 233.8758, 234.0657, 234.2555, 234.4454, 234.6352, 234.825, 235.0147, 
  235.2045, 235.3942, 235.5839, 235.7737, 235.9633, 236.153, 236.3427, 236.5323, 236.7219, 
  236.9115, 237.1011, 237.2907, 237.4803, 237.6698, 237.8593, 238.0488, 238.2383, 238.4278, 
  238.6172, 238.8066, 238.9961, 239.1855, 239.3748, 239.5642, 239.7536, 239.9429, 240.1322,
  240.3215, 240.5108, 240.7001, 240.8893, 241.0786, 241.2677, 241.457, 241.6461, 241.8353, 
  242.0244, 242.2136, 242.4027, 242.5918, 242.7809, 242.9699, 243.159, 243.348, 243.537, 
  243.726, 243.915, 244.1039, 244.2929, 244.4818, 244.6707, 244.8596, 245.0485, 245.2373, 
  245.4262, 245.615, 245.8038, 245.9926, 246.1814, 246.3701, 246.5589, 246.7476, 246.9363, 
  247.1249, 247.3136, 247.5023, 247.6909, 247.8795, 248.0681, 248.2567, 248.4453, 248.6338, 
  248.8224, 249.0109, 249.1994, 249.3878, 249.5763, 249.7648, 249.9532, 250.1416, 250.33, 
  250.5183, 250.7067, 250.8951, 251.0834, 251.2717, 251.46, 251.6483, 251.8365, 252.0247, 
  252.213, 252.4012, 252.5894, 252.7775, 252.9657, 253.1538, 253.3419, 253.53, 253.7181, 
  253.9062, 254.0942, 254.2823, 254.4703, 254.6583, 254.8463, 255.0342, 255.2222, 255.4101, 
  255.598, 255.7859, 255.9738, 256.1616, 256.3495, 256.5373, 256.7251, 256.9129, 257.1006, 
  257.2884, 257.4761, 257.6638, 257.8515, 258.0392, 258.2269, 258.4146, 258.6022, 258.7898, 
  258.9774, 259.165, 259.3525, 259.5401, 259.7276, 259.9151, 260.1026, 260.2901, 260.4776, 
  260.665, 260.8524, 261.0398, 261.2272, 261.4146, 261.6019, 261.7893, 261.9766, 262.1639, 
  262.3512, 262.5384, 262.7257, 262.9129, 263.1001, 263.2873, 263.4745, 263.6617, 263.8488, 
  264.0359, 264.2231, 264.4101, 264.5972, 264.7842, 264.9713, 265.1583, 265.3453, 265.5323, 
  265.7193, 265.9062, 266.0931, 266.2801, 266.4669, 266.6538, 266.8407, 267.0276, 267.2143, 
  267.4012, 267.588, 267.7747, 267.9615, 268.1482, 268.3349, 268.5217, 268.7083, 268.895, 
  269.0817, 269.2682, 269.4549, 269.6415, 269.8281, 270.0146, 270.2012, 270.3877, 270.5742, 
  270.7607, 270.9472, 271.1336, 271.32, 271.5065, 271.6929, 271.8792, 272.0656, 272.252, 
  272.4383, 272.6246, 272.8109, 272.9972, 273.1835, 273.3697, 273.5559, 273.7421, 273.9283, 
  274.1145, 274.3007, 274.4868, 274.6729, 274.859, 275.0451, 275.2311, 275.4172, 275.6032,
  275.7892, 275.9752, 276.1612, 276.3472, 276.5331, 276.719, 276.9049, 277.0908, 277.2767, 
  277.4625, 277.6484, 277.8342, 278.02, 278.2057, 278.3915, 278.5772, 278.763, 278.9487, 
  279.1343, 279.32, 279.5057, 279.6913, 279.877, 280.0625, 280.2481, 280.4337, 280.6192, 
  280.8048, 280.9903, 281.1758, 281.3612, 281.5467, 281.7321, 281.9175, 282.1029, 282.2884, 
  282.4737, 282.6591, 282.8444, 283.0297, 283.215, 283.4002, 283.5855, 283.7707, 283.956, 
  284.1412, 284.3264, 284.5115, 284.6967, 284.8818, 285.0669, 285.252, 285.4371, 285.6222, 
  285.8072, 285.9922, 286.1772, 286.3622, 286.5472, 286.7321, 286.9171, 287.102, 287.2869, 
  287.4717, 287.6566, 287.8415, 288.0263, 288.2111, 288.3959, 288.5806, 288.7654, 288.9501, 
  289.1348, 289.3195, 289.5042, 289.6889, 289.8735, 290.0581, 290.2428, 290.4273, 290.6119, 
  290.7965, 290.981, 291.1655, 291.35, 291.5345, 291.719, 291.9034, 292.0878, 292.2722, 
  292.4566, 292.641, 292.8253, 293.0096, 293.194, 293.3783, 293.5626, 293.7468, 293.9311, 
  294.1153, 294.2995, 294.4837, 294.6678, 294.852, 295.0361, 295.2202, 295.4043, 295.5884, 
  295.7725, 295.9565, 296.1405, 296.3246, 296.5085, 296.6925, 296.8764, 297.0603, 297.2443, 
  297.4282, 297.612, 297.7959, 297.9797, 298.1635, 298.3474, 298.5311, 298.7149, 298.8987, 
  299.0823, 299.2661, 299.4498, 299.6334, 299.8171, 300.0007, 300.1843, 300.368, 300.5515, 
  300.7351, 300.9186, 301.1021, 301.2857, 301.4691, 301.6526, 301.8361, 302.0195, 302.2029, 
  302.3863, 302.5697, 302.753, 302.9364, 303.1197, 303.303, 303.4863, 303.6696, 303.8528, 
  304.036, 304.2192, 304.4024, 304.5856, 304.7688, 304.9519, 305.135, 305.3181, 305.5012, 
  305.6842, 305.8673, 306.0504, 306.2333, 306.4163, 306.5993, 306.7822, 306.9652, 307.1481, 
  307.331, 307.5139, 307.6967, 307.8796, 308.0624, 308.2452, 308.428, 308.6107, 308.7935, 
  308.9762, 309.1589, 309.3416, 309.5243, 309.7069, 309.8896, 310.0721, 310.2548, 310.4373, 
  310.6199, 310.8024, 310.985, 311.1674, 311.3499, 311.5324, 311.7148, 311.8973, 312.0797, 
  312.2621, 312.4445, 312.6268, 312.8091, 312.9915, 313.1738, 313.356, 313.5383, 313.7206, 
  313.9027, 314.085, 314.2672, 314.4493, 314.6314, 314.8136, 314.9957, 315.1778, 315.3598, 
  315.5419, 315.724, 315.9059, 316.088, 316.2699, 316.4519, 316.6338, 316.8157, 316.9977, 
  317.1795, 317.3614, 317.5432, 317.7251, 317.9069, 318.0887, 318.2704, 318.4522, 318.6339, 
  318.8156, 318.9973, 319.179, 319.3607, 319.5423, 319.7239, 319.9055, 320.0871, 320.2687, 
  320.4502, 320.6317, 320.8132, 320.9947, 321.1761, 321.3576, 321.5391, 321.7205, 321.9019, 
  322.0832, 322.2646, 322.4459, 322.6272, 322.8085, 322.9898, 323.1711, 323.3523, 323.5335, 
  323.7147, 323.8959, 324.0771, 324.2582, 324.4393, 324.6204, 324.8015, 324.9826, 325.1637, 
  325.3447, 325.5257, 325.7067, 325.8877, 326.0686, 326.2496, 326.4305, 326.6114, 326.7922, 
  326.9731, 327.1539, 327.3347, 327.5155, 327.6963, 327.8771, 328.0578, 328.2385, 328.4193, 
  328.5999, 328.7806, 328.9613, 329.1419, 329.3225, 329.5031, 329.6837, 329.8642, 330.0447, 
  330.2252, 330.4057, 330.5862, 330.7667, 330.9471, 331.1275, 331.3079, 331.4883, 331.6687, 
  331.849, 332.0293, 332.2096, 332.3899, 332.5702, 332.7504, 332.9306, 333.1108, 333.291, 
  333.4712, 333.6514, 333.8315, 334.0116, 334.1917, 334.3717, 334.5518, 334.7318, 334.9119, 
  335.0918, 335.2718, 335.4518, 335.6317, 335.8116, 335.9915, 336.1714, 336.3513, 336.5311, 
  336.7109, 336.8907, 337.0705, 337.2502, 337.43, 337.6097, 337.7894, 337.9691, 338.1488, 
  338.3284, 338.508, 338.6877, 338.8672, 339.0468, 339.2263, 339.4059, 339.5854, 339.7649, 
  339.9443, 340.1238, 340.3032, 340.4826, 340.662, 340.8414, 341.0207, 341.2001, 341.3794, 
  341.5587, 341.738, 341.9172, 342.0965, 342.2757, 342.4549, 342.6341, 342.8132, 342.9923, 
  343.1715, 343.3506, 343.5296, 343.7087, 343.8878, 344.0668, 344.2458, 344.4248, 344.6037, 
  344.7827, 344.9616, 345.1405, 345.3194, 345.4982, 345.6771, 345.8559, 346.0347, 346.2135, 
  346.3923, 346.571, 346.7498, 346.9285, 347.1071, 347.2859, 347.4645, 347.6431, 347.8217, 
  348.0003, 348.1789, 348.3574, 348.5359, 348.7145, 348.893, 349.0714, 349.2499, 349.4283, 
  349.6068, 349.7852, 349.9635, 350.1419, 350.3202, 350.4985, 350.6768, 350.8551, 351.0334, 
  351.2116, 351.3898, 351.568, 351.7462, 351.9243, 352.1025, 352.2806, 352.4587, 352.6368, 
  352.8148, 352.9929, 353.1709, 353.3489, 353.5268, 353.7048, 353.8828, 354.0607, 354.2386, 
  354.4165, 354.5943, 354.7722, 354.95, 355.1278, 355.3056, 355.4833, 355.6611, 355.8388, 
  356.0165, 356.1942, 356.3719, 356.5495, 356.7271, 356.9047, 357.0823, 357.2599, 357.4374, 
  357.6149, 357.7924, 357.9699, 358.1474, 358.3248, 358.5023, 358.6797, 358.8571, 359.0344, 
  359.2118, 359.3891, 359.5664, 359.7437, 359.9209, 360.0982, 360.2754, 360.4526, 360.6298, 
  360.807, 360.9841, 361.1613, 361.3383, 361.5154, 361.6925, 361.8695, 362.0466, 362.2236, 
  362.4005, 362.5775, 362.7545, 362.9314, 363.1083, 363.2852, 363.462, 363.6389, 363.8157, 363.9925, 364.1693, 364.346, 364.5228, 364.6996, 364.8762, 365.0529, 365.2296, 365.4062, 365.5829, 365.7595, 365.9361, 366.1126, 366.2892, 366.4657, 366.6422, 366.8186, 366.9951, 367.1716, 367.348, 367.5244, 367.7008, 367.8772, 368.0535, 368.2298, 368.4061, 368.5824, 368.7586, 368.9349, 369.1111, 369.2873, 369.4635, 369.6396, 369.8158, 369.9919, 370.168, 370.3441, 370.5202, 370.6962, 370.8722, 371.0482, 371.2242, 371.4002, 371.5761, 371.752, 371.9279, 372.1038, 372.2796, 372.4555, 372.6313, 372.8071, 372.9829, 373.1586, 373.3344, 373.5101, 373.6858, 373.8615, 374.0371, 374.2127, 374.3884, 374.564, 374.7395, 374.9151, 375.0906, 375.2661, 375.4416, 375.6171, 375.7925, 375.968, 376.1434, 376.3188, 376.4941, 376.6695, 376.8448, 377.0201, 377.1954, 377.3707, 377.5459, 377.7212, 377.8964, 378.0715, 378.2467, 378.4218, 378.597, 378.7721, 378.9472, 379.1222, 379.2973, 379.4723, 379.6473, 379.8223, 379.9972, 380.1722, 380.3471, 380.522, 380.6969, 380.8717, 381.0466, 381.2214, 381.3962, 381.571, 381.7457, 381.9204, 382.0952, 382.2699, 382.4445, 382.6192, 382.7938, 382.9685, 383.1431, 383.3176, 383.4922, 383.6667, 383.8412, 384.0157, 384.1902, 384.3646, 384.5391, 384.7134, 384.8878, 385.0622, 385.2365, 385.4109, 385.5852, 385.7594, 385.9337, 386.1079, 386.2822, 386.4564, 386.6306, 386.8047, 386.9789, 387.153, 387.3271, 387.5012, 387.6752, 387.8492, 388.0233, 388.1972, 388.3712, 388.5452, 388.7191, 388.893, 389.0669, 389.2408, 389.4146, 389.5884, 389.7623, 389.9361, 390.1098, 390.2835, 390.4573, 390.631, 390.8047, 390.9784, 391.152, 391.3256, 391.4992, 391.6728, 391.8464, 392.0199, 392.1934, 392.3669, 392.5403, 392.7138, 392.8873, 393.0607, 393.2341, 393.4074, 393.5808, 393.7542, 393.9274, 394.1007, 394.274, 394.4472, 394.6205, 394.7937, 394.9668, 395.14, 395.3131, 395.4863, 395.6594, 395.8325, 396.0055, 396.1786, 396.3516, 396.5246, 396.6975, 396.8705, 397.0434, 397.2163, 397.3892, 397.5621, 397.735, 397.9077, 398.0806, 398.2534, 398.4261, 398.5989, 398.7716, 398.9443, 399.117, 399.2896, 399.4623, 399.6349, 399.8075, 399.9801, 400.1526, 400.3252, 400.4977, 400.6702, 400.8427, 401.0151, 401.1875, 401.36, 401.5323, 401.7047, 401.877, 402.0494, 402.2216, 402.394, 402.5662, 402.7385, 402.9107, 403.0829, 403.2551, 403.4272, 403.5994, 403.7715, 403.9436, 404.1156

Spectral Reference Data Sources

refdata_path = "../spex/reference-data"

uv_references = Spex.RefSpec.load_uvspec_references() 
|> Spex.RefSpec.remap_references(uvspec_wl)

  naphthalene: naphthalene,
  benzene: benzene,
  so2: so2,
  ozone: o3,
  no2: no2,
  formaldehyde: formaldehyde,
  phenol: phenol,
  toluene: toluene,
} = uv_references

# Spex.RefSpec.remap_references()
uv_references = Map.to_list(uv_references)

# uv_references = for {name, ref} <- uv_references, name not in [:benzene, :formaldehyde, :phenol, :toluene] do
#   {name, ref}
# end
# uv_references = for {name, ref} <- uv_references, name not in [:benzene, :naphthalene, :formaldehyde, :phenol, :no2, :toluene] do
#   {name, ref}
# end

{naphthalene_wl, naphthalene_norm} = Mainz.to_norm_spectrum(naphthalene)

{benzene_wl, benzene_norm} = Mainz.to_norm_spectrum(benzene)

{so2_wl, so2_norm} = Mainz.to_norm_spectrum(so2)

{o3_wl, o3_norm} = Mainz.to_norm_spectrum(o3)

# {no2_wl, no2_norm} = Mainz.to_norm_spectrum(no2)

{formaldehyde_wl, formaldehyde_norm} = Mainz.to_norm_spectrum(formaldehyde)

{phenol_wl, phenol_norm} = Mainz.to_norm_spectrum(phenol)

benzene_norm_spec =
  Spex.Interp.rebin(benzene_wl, Nx.to_flat_list(benzene_norm), uvspec_wl)
  |> Nx.tensor(names: [:wavelength])
# [so2] = Hitran.load_xsc("../uvspec/612d0a9e/SO2_298.0_0.0_23995.0-43985.0_09.xsc")
# {so2_wl, so2_norm} = Hitran.to_norm_spectrum(so2)
# [o3] = Hitran.load_xsc("../uvspec/612d2557/O3_293.0K-0.0Torr_28901.0-40999.0_118.xsc")
# {o3_wl, o3_norm} = Hitran.to_norm_spectrum(o3)
# [benzene] = Hitran.load_xsc("../uvspec/612d24db/C6H6_293.0_0.0_36990.0-41785.0_09.xsc")
# {benzene_wl, benzene_norm} = Hitran.to_norm_spectrum(benzene)
# [toluene] =
#   Hitran.load_xsc(Path.join([refdata_path, "612d27aa/C7H8_293.0_0.0_35990.0-41285.0_09.xsc"]))

{toluene_wl, toluene_norm} = Hitran.to_norm_spectrum(toluene)

# SMA.plotxy(so2_wl, Nx.to_flat_list(so2_norm))
SMA.plotxy(toluene_wl, Nx.to_flat_list(toluene_norm))
# {naphthalene_wl, naphthalene_norm} =
#   JcampDx.load!("../uvspec/91-20-3-UVVis.jdx") |> JcampDx.to_norm_spectrum()

# shift benzene refrence data, 
# because visual inspection shows about 0.125 nm shif is best match with our data
wl_shifted = for wl <- benzene.spectrum.wavelength, do: wl + 0.125
benzene = put_in(benzene.spectrum.wavelength, wl_shifted)

# smooth benzene spikes, with a [1,2,1] kernel a few times
# att_smoothed = Nx.to_flat_list(Spex.Gauss.smooth(Nx.tensor(benzene.spectrum.attenuation), 5))
att_smoothed = Nx.to_flat_list(Spex.Gauss.smooth(Nx.tensor(benzene.spectrum.attenuation), 5))
benzene = put_in(benzene.spectrum.attenuation, att_smoothed)
# uv_references = Keyword.replace!(uv_references, :benzene, benzene)
# slopes
slope = 1.0e-20
wl0 = Enum.sum(uvspec_wl) / Enum.count(uvspec_wl)

positive_slope = %{
  spectrum: %{
    wavelength: uvspec_wl,
    attenuation: for(wl <- uvspec_wl, do: (wl - wl0) * slope)

defmodule SpecPlot do
  def plot_references(refs, ref_wl) do
    [wlmin, wlmax] = [Enum.min(ref_wl), Enum.max(ref_wl)]

    ref_list = Enum.with_index(refs)

    factors =
      for {{_name, reference = %{spectrum: %{attenuation: attenuation, wavelength: wl}}}, _i} <-
            ref_list do
        reg_range = Spex.Utils.in_range(wl, wlmin, wlmax)
        attenuation = Enum.slice(attenuation, reg_range)

    colors = [

    layers =
      for {{name, %{spectrum: %{attenuation: attenuation, wavelength: wl}}}, i} <- ref_list do
        f = Enum.at(factors, i)

        attenuation = for y <- attenuation, do: y / f

        |> Vl.data_from_series(x: wl, y: attenuation)
        |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, tooltip: true)
        |> Vl.encode(:size, value: 1.0)
        |> Vl.encode(:color, value: Enum.at(colors, i), type: :ordinal, legend: [title: "#{name}"])
        # |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: [wlmin, wlmax]])
        |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: [210, 360]])
        |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y",
          type: :quantitative,
          title: "#{name}",
          scale: [domain: [0.0, 1.0]]

        # Enum.count(x)

    Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400)
    |> Vl.layers(layers)

plot_names = [:ozone, :so2, :no2]

nonplot_names = [

# spiky: [
# :benzene, 
# :formaldehyde, 
# :m_xylene
# :naphthalene, 
# :no2,
# :o_xylene, 
# :p_xylene, 
# :phenol, 
# :toluene, 
# :so2, 
# ]
# flat: [:h2s, :n2o]
# both: [:ozone]

# refs = for name <- plot_names, into: %{}, do: {name, uv_references[name]}

refs =
  for {name, val} <-
        Spex.RefSpec.raw_uvspec_references() |> Spex.RefSpec.remap_references(uvspec_wl),
      # name in plot_names,
      name not in nonplot_names,
      do: {name, val}

# refs
SpecPlot.plot_references(refs, uvspec_wl)
alias Spex.RefSpec, as: RefSpec

defmodule Gauss do
  def plot_pyramid(pyramid, wl) do
    colors = [

    layers =
      for {y, i} <- Enum.with_index(pyramid) do
        flaty = Nx.to_flat_list(y)
        n = Enum.count(flaty)
        stride = Integer.pow(2, div(i, 2))

        x = for j <- 1..n, do: Enum.at(wl, (j - 1) * stride + div(stride, 2), 0.0)

        |> Vl.data_from_series(x: x, y: flaty)
        |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, tooltip: true)
        |> Vl.encode(:size, value: 1.0)
        |> Vl.encode(:color, value: Enum.at(colors, i), type: :ordinal, legend: [title: "#{i}"])
        |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: [210, 310]])
        |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y",
          type: :quantitative,
          title: "#{i}",
          scale: [domain: [-7.816830422244086e-19, 7.816830422244086e-19]]

        # Enum.count(x)

    Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400)
    |> Vl.layers(layers)

benzene_regressor = RefSpec.regressor(benzene, uvspec_wl)
# o3_regressor = RefSpec.regressor(o3, uvspec_wl)
# toluene_regressor = RefSpec.regressor(toluene, uvspec_wl)

benzene_n1 = Spex.Gauss.smooth(benzene_regressor, 3)
gauss_pyramid = Spex.Gauss.gaussian_pyramid_1d(benzene_regressor, 8)
dog_pyramid = Spex.Gauss.dog_pyramid_1d(benzene_regressor, 8)

Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400)
|> Vl.concat(
    Gauss.plot_pyramid(gauss_pyramid, uvspec_wl),
    Gauss.plot_pyramid(dog_pyramid, uvspec_wl)

# Enum.max(benzene.spectrum.attenuation)

# SMA.plotxy(
#   for({x,i} <- Enum.with_index(uvspec_wl), rem(i, 2) == 0, do: x), 
#   Nx.to_flat_list(Enum.at(pyramid, 1)))
# Gauss.plot_pyramid(pyramid)
# absorbtion regression

alias Spex.RefSpec, as: RefSpec

# need to find a better toluene reference, as ours only goes to 277nm
# refspectra = [benzene, o3, toluene, naphthalene, so2, no2, formaldehyde, phenol, positive_slope]
refnames =
  for {name, _} <- uv_references, into: [] do
  |> Enum.sort()

refspectra = for name <- refnames, do: uv_references[name]
regressors = for spec <- refspectra, do: RefSpec.regressor(spec, uvspec_wl)
# RefSpec.minmax_wavelengths_all(refspectra)
# for spec <- refspectra, do: Enum.max(spec.spectrum.wavelength)

Relevant dates:

  • 2021-07-14 large spike around midnight
  • 2021-08-21/22 large event at night
# construct iso860 string from date

date_string = "2021-07-14" <> "T00:00:00Z"
data_date = NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!(date_string)

date_path =
  "#{:io_lib.format("~B/~2..0B/~2..0B", [data_date.year, data_date.month, data_date.day])}"

data_url = "https://aircocalc-www.createlab.org/spectrometer_data/#{date_path}/json"
# filter for files that begin with uvspec
data_files = for <<"uvspec" <> _>> = name <- Spex.WebSpec.list_html_dir(data_url), do: name

Fetch Data Files

Plot a single spectrum as a sanity check, simply by plotting the first spectrum from the given day:

[file | _] = data_files

uvspec_data = Spex.WebSpec.get_uvspec_samples(< "/" <> file>>)
# for newer files json is decoded already
# x = Jason.decode!("[#{uvspec_data["Wavelengths"]}]")
# y = Jason.decode!("[#{uvspec_data["Signals"]}]")
x = uvspec_data[:wavelengths]
y = uvspec_data[:signals]

# plot a spectrum
Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400)
|> Vl.data_from_series(x: x, y: y)
|> Vl.mark(:circle)
|> Vl.encode(:size, value: 4)
|> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: [210, 410]])
|> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y", type: :quantitative)

# SMA.get_uvspec_data_files(data_url)
# create Nx tensor from full day's data

  wavelengths: _wl,
  timestamps: timestamps,
  signals: signals
} = Spex.WebSpec.get_uvspec_samples(data_url)

# combine samples to reduce the number of samples for the SVD
chunk_tensors =
  for chunk <- Enum.chunk_every(signals, 10) do
    chunk_tensor = Nx.tensor(chunk, names: [:time, :wavelength])
    Nx.mean(chunk_tensor, axes: [:time], keep_axes: true)

minute_signal_tensor =
  for chunk <- signals do
    Nx.tensor([chunk], names: [:time, :wavelength])
  |> Nx.concatenate(axis: :time)

raw_signal_tensor =
    for chunk <- chunk_tensors do
      chunk |> Nx.backend_transfer()
    axis: :time

# signal_tensor = Nx.tensor(signals, names: [:time, :wavelength])

Data Analysis

Basic Spectroscopy Theory

The spectroscopy data we get out of the spectrometer is a signal strength for each wavelength the spectrometer measures. The light source is a Deuterium lamp, with an open path of approx 17 meters.

The gases in the open path absorb different parts of the spectrum, as described in by the Beer-Lambert Law.

For a single material

$$ A = \varepsilon l c $$


  • $A$ is the absorbance
  • $\varepsilon$ is the absorptivity / molar attenuation coefficient
  • $l$ is the optical path length
  • $c$ is the concentration of the attenuating material


$$ \tau = \sigma \int_l n(x) d x = \sigma N $$

$$ A = \varepsilon \int_l c(x) d x $$


  • $\tau$ is the optical depth
  • $\sigma$ is the attenuation cross section
  • $l$ is the optical path length
  • $n$ is the number density of the attenuating molecules
  • $N$ is the total number of molecules in the signal path

Both absorbance and optical depth are additive across different materials in the light path, and relate to the transmittance $T$ by

$$ T = \frac{\Phi_t}{\Phi_i} = e^{-\tau} = 10^{-A} $$


  • $\Phi_i$ is the incident radiant flux into the material,
  • and $\Phi_t$ is the transmitted radiant flux received through the material sample,

which shows that in terms of transmittance, the effects are multiplicative.

The attenuation cross section and molar attenuation coefficients are related by $$ \varepsilon = \frac{\textrm{N}\textrm{A}}{\ln 10}\sigma $$ thus $$ A = \frac{\textrm{N}\textrm{A}}{\ln 10} \sigma l c, \quad c = \frac{n}{\textrm{N}_\textrm{A}} $$ and $$ A = \frac{\sigma l}{\ln 10} n \quad \rightarrow \quad n = A\frac{\ln 10}{\sigma l}. $$

Relating Theory to Spectrometer Data

The data received from the spectrometer is incident intensity $I_i$, which relates to $T$ by $$ T = \frac{I_t}{I_i} $$ thus it does not matter whether we see $I$ or $\Phi$ for calculating $T$.

Assuming that pollutant gases are of a generally low enough concentration (in the ppb or ppm ranges) that they can be treated as additive to the normal atomsphere $T_0$, any particular pollutant $T_p$ contributes to total $T$ by $$ T = T_0 \cdot \prod_p T_p $$

The absorbtion (not the same as absorbance!) is $ 1/ T $.

Statistical analysis of the signal

For a cohort of samples, let’s say a day, one can easily compute $I_{\textrm{max}}$ as the maximum intensities over all samples. This can be used to establish a clean air baseline, through the attenuation of which transient pollution can be measured.

The absorbances are additive in the logarithm of the transmittance, as $ T = e^{-\tau} $, and therefore we should be able to run a linear regression in that space. $$ \ - \ln T = \sum \tau $$ Knowing the path length $l$, and $\tau = \sigma l n$, $l \cdot n=\frac{\tau}{\sigma}$. The result parameter of a linear regression $\beta$ relates as $\tau = \sigma \beta$, and therefore $$ n = \frac{\beta}{l} $$ Knowing the number concentration $n$, and molecular mass $m$, we can compute mass concentration $\rho$ by $$ \rho = \frac{n \cdot m}{\textrm{N}_\textrm{A}} $$

getting to a ppb value under standard atmospheric conditions is just a short step away.

$$ \kappa $$

Ridge Regression

Ridge regression does not help, as as our problem is not one of outliers, but that discrepancies in low-frequency parts of the model cause the regression to try to pull up high-frequency regressors to smooth out those bumps, which ultimately does not result in a plausible fit.

Regression Pre-proccessing

The regression on the spectrometer data is tricky, as it is very heterogeneous, and there are components that are hard to account for, eg potential scattering effects from particulates and unknown pollutants. This causes a naive regression to not converge to a faithful representation of the observed signal.

Differentiating the signal over the spectrum, and doing a regression on that, seems to work consistently for compounds that have strong high-frequency components (SO2, NO, Naphthalene, BTEX), but it does not work for spectra that are dominated by lower-frequency components.

It seems like a tiered bandpass approach could reconstruct the components.

Incremental Regression with Gaussian Pyramids

Gaussian pyramids are used in computer vision for feature detection, and it seems like they are a good fit here, too.

The source signal is blurred in steps, and at each step the difference-of-gaussians (DoG) is computed, which approximates a bandpass filtered version of the spectrum.

Starting from the highest frequency, we can perform a regression on the signal, but remove the regressed components from the signal before continuing to the next step. This way, as we approach lower frequencies, we can incrementally sum the regression parameters.

Unfortunately, it turns out that using this method does not reliably converge, resulting in significant over-estimation of pollutants with strong high-frequency components.

defmodule Test do

  def pyramid_regression(signal, ref_signal, regressors, opts \\ []) do
    levels = Keyword.get(opts, :levels, 5)
    # reverse = Keyword.get(opts, :reverse_pyramid, false)
    cut_residual = Keyword.get(opts, :cut_pyramid_residual, false)
    last_index = if cut_residual do -2 else -1 end

    y = Spex.Utils.signal_to_attenuation(signal, ref_signal)
    {n} = Nx.shape(y)

    ones = Nx.broadcast(1.0, {1, n})
    zero_pyramid = Spex.Gauss.dog_pyramid_1d(ones, levels) 
      |> Enum.slice(0..last_index//1)
      |> Nx.concatenate(axis: 1)

    reg_pyramids = for reg <- regressors do 
      Spex.Gauss.dog_pyramid_1d(reg, levels) 
      |> Enum.slice(0..last_index//1)
      |> Nx.concatenate(axis: 1)

    # IO.puts("reg_pyramids=#{inspect(for(p <- reg_pyramids, do: Enum.count(p)))}")

    y_pyramid = Spex.Gauss.dog_pyramid_1d(y, levels) |> Enum.slice(0..last_index//1) |> Nx.concatenate()

    x_pyramid = Nx.concatenate([zero_pyramid | reg_pyramids], axis: 0) |> Nx.transpose()
    b = Spex.Regression.linreg(x_pyramid,y_pyramid)

    x = Nx.concatenate([ones | regressors], axis: 0) |> Nx.transpose()
    {x, b}

  defp pyramid_reg_iter([], _reg_pyramids, b, _opts), do: b
  defp pyramid_reg_iter(y_pyramid, reg_pyramids, b, opts) do
    # IO.puts("pyramid_reg_iter(#{inspect({reg_pyramids})})")
    # reverse = Keyword.get(opts, :reverse_pyramid, false)

    [y | rem_y_pyramid] = y_pyramid

    [regressors | rem_reg_pyramids] = reg_pyramids

    {n} = Nx.shape(y)

    ones = Nx.tensor([for(_i <- 1..n, do: 1.0e0)])
    x = Nx.concatenate([ones | regressors], axis: 0) |> Nx.transpose()
    # IO.puts("  x = #{inspect(x)}")

    b_reg = Spex.Regression.linreg(x,y)

    # remove signal part from all subsequent pyramid levels
    rem_y_pyramid = for {yp, pregressors} <- Enum.zip(rem_y_pyramid, rem_reg_pyramids) do
      # IO.puts("pyramid_reg_iter(#{inspect({yp, pregressors})})")

      {np} = Nx.shape(yp)

      # ones = Nx.tensor([for(_i <- 1..np, do: 1.0e0)])
      ones = Nx.broadcast(1.0, {1, np})
      # IO.puts("  ones = #{inspect(ones)}")

      xp = Nx.concatenate([ones | pregressors], axis: 0) |> Nx.transpose()
      # IO.puts("pyramid_reg_iter(#{inspect({i, xp})})")

      yp_mod = Nx.dot(xp, b_reg)
      Nx.subtract(yp, yp_mod)

    b = Nx.add(b, b_reg)

    # {x, b)

    pyramid_reg_iter(rem_y_pyramid, rem_reg_pyramids, b, opts)


  @doc """
  return concentration in ug/m^3 for regression results
  `beta` is a tensor with one more entry than refnames 
  at the beginning for the constant factor, 
  which is ignored here.
  def attenuation_to_concentration(beta, refnames, opts) do
    # quantifying the attenuation
    # beta containes the attenuations
    # path length is 17 meters
    # sigma is [cm^2/mol] from the reference data
    # number density n is [1/volume]
    # \beta is result of the linear regression, and it relates \tau = \beta \sigma
    path_length = Keyword.get(opts, :path_length_m, 17.0)
    # \tau = \sigma l n
    # -> \tau / \sigma = \beta = l n
    # -> n = \beta / l

    na = 6.02214076e23
    # g/mol
    molecular_masses = Spex.RefSpec.molecular_masses()

    for {i, name} <- Enum.zip([Enum.to_list(1..Enum.count(refnames)), refnames]) do
      b = beta[i] |> Nx.to_number()
      # n is n/cm^3
      n = b / (path_length * 100)
      # g / cm^3 = 1.0e-6 g/m^3
      density_g_cm3 = n / na * molecular_masses[name]
      # convert to ug/m^3
      {name, _density = density_g_cm3 * 1.0e6 * 1.0e6}

  def attenuation_to_concentration(betas, opts) do
    # quantifying the attenuation
    # beta containes the attenuations
    # path length is 17 meters
    # sigma is [cm^2/mol] from the reference data
    # number density n is [1/volume]
    # \beta is result of the linear regression, and it relates \tau = \beta \sigma
    path_length = Keyword.get(opts, :path_length_m, 17.0)
    # \tau = \sigma l n
    # -> \tau / \sigma = \beta = l n
    # -> n = \beta / l

    na = 6.02214076e23
    # g/mol
    molecular_masses = Spex.RefSpec.molecular_masses()

    for {name, beta} <- betas, molecular_masses[name] != nil do
      b = beta |> Nx.to_number()
      # n is n/cm^3
      n = b / (path_length * 100)
      # g / cm^3 = 1.0e-6 g/m^3
      density_g_cm3 = n / na * molecular_masses[name]
      # convert to ug/m^3
      {name, _density = density_g_cm3 * 1.0e6 * 1.0e6}

  def pmap(collection, func) do
    |> Enum.map(&amp;(Task.async(fn -> func.(&amp;1) end)))
    |> Enum.map(&amp;(Task.await(&amp;1, :infinity)))

  def compute_concentration(signal, ref_signal, wl, regressors, refnames, opts \\ []) do

    # some signals are good with slope, some more with value
    spiky_refnames = [
    flat_refnames = [:h2s, :n2o]
    both_refnames =  [:ozone]

    spiky_regressors = for item = {name, _regressor} <- Enum.zip([refnames, regressors]), (name in spiky_refnames) or (name in both_refnames) do
    flat_regressors = for item = {name, _regressor} <- Enum.zip([refnames, regressors]), (name in flat_refnames) or (name in both_refnames) do
    # IO.puts("spiky_regressors=#{inspect(spiky_regressors)}")
    # IO.puts("flat_regressors=#{inspect(spiky_regressors)}")

    reg_results = Spex.Utils.slope_value_regression(signal, ref_signal, wl, spiky_regressors, flat_regressors, opts)
    # {x, b} = Spex.Utils.slope_regression(signal, ref_signal, wl, regressors, opts)
    # {x, b} = pyramid_regression(
    #   signal, 
    #   ref_signal, 
    #   regressors,
    #   cut_pyramid_residual: false, 
    #   levels: 6
    # )
    # IO.puts("reg_results=#{inspect(reg_results)}")

    y = Spex.Utils.signal_to_attenuation(signal, ref_signal)

    # IO.puts("x=#{inspect(Nx.shape(x))}, b=#{inspect(Nx.shape(b))}")
    x = reg_results.combined_x
    b = reg_results.combined_params
    y_reg = reg_results.y_value

    [y_modeled: y_reg, y_source: y, x: x, beta: b] ++ attenuation_to_concentration(b, opts)

  def compute_all_concentrations(signals, ref_signal, wl, regressors, refnames, opts) do
    wlmin = Keyword.get(opts, :wlmin, 220)
    wlmax = Keyword.get(opts, :wlmax, 360)
    reg_range = Spex.Utils.in_range(wl, wlmin, wlmax)
    wl = Enum.slice(wl, reg_range)

    ref_signal = ref_signal[reg_range]
    regressors = for reg <- regressors do 
      reg[0][reg_range] |> Nx.reshape({1,Enum.count(reg_range)})

    nsignals = elem(Nx.shape(signals), 0)

    signal_list = for i <- 1..nsignals, do: signals[i - 1][reg_range]

    # pmap(signal_list, fn signal -> 
    #   compute_concentration(signal, ref_signal, wl, regressors, refnames, opts) 
    # end)

    for signal <- signal_list do
      compute_concentration(signal, ref_signal, wl, regressors, refnames, opts)
# trim signal to regressor range
{wlmin, wlmax} = RefSpec.minmax_wavelengths_all(refspectra)
wlmin = 210.0
wlmax = 360.0
reg_range = Spex.Utils.in_range(uvspec_wl, wlmin, wlmax)

# Changing the reference computation from max to mean only seems to shift the regression results,
# but introduce not other qualitative or quantitative change,
# which is expected because of the logarithmic transform in the Beer-Lambert formulas,
# which in turn means that degradation of the light source and optical path over time
# will shift baselines, but can be compensated with a "rolling" reference max or mean.

# ref_signal = Nx.reduce_max(minute_signal_tensor, axes: [:time])
ref_signal = Nx.mean(minute_signal_tensor, axes: [:time])

regression_results =
    wlmin: wlmin,
    wlmax: wlmax

concentrations =
  for {name, _} <- uv_references, into: [] do
    x =
      for s <- regression_results, into: [] do
        Keyword.get(s, name, 0.0)

    {name, x}
Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400, title: "Pollutant concentration over time")
|> Vl.data_from_series(
    x: for(ts <- timestamps, do: DateTime.to_iso8601(ts))
    # x: Enum.to_list(1..Enum.count(timestamps)),
  ] ++ concentrations
# |> Vl.mark(:circle)
|> Vl.encode(:size, value: 4)
|> Vl.repeat(
  [layer: refnames],
  # |> Vl.mark(:circle, clip: true, size: 10, opacity: 0.5)
  |> Vl.mark(:line,
    clip: true,
    size: 1,
    tooltip: [
      [field: "x", type: "nominal"],
      [field: "y", type: "quantitative"]
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: [788, Enum.count(timestamps)]], title: "Sample")
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x",
    type: :temporal,
    scale: [
      # domain: [
      #   Enum.at(timestamps, 0) |> DateTime.to_iso8601(),
      #   Enum.at(timestamps, 100) |> DateTime.to_iso8601()
      # ]
    title: "Sample"
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :temporal, title: "Time")
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_repeat(:y, :layer, type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false], title: "ug/m^3")
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: [repeat: :layer])
regression_results |> Enum.at(0) |> Keyword.get(:x)
y_sources =
  for conc <- regression_results, into: [] do
    Keyword.get(conc, :y_source, 0.0)

y_models =
  for conc <- regression_results, into: [] do
    Keyword.get(conc, :y_modeled, 0.0)

xs =
  for conc <- regression_results, into: [] do
    Keyword.get(conc, :x, 0.0)

betas =
  for conc <- regression_results, into: [] do
    Keyword.get(conc, :beta, 0.0)

xs |> Enum.at(0)
plot_sample_input = Kino.Input.number("plot_sample", default: 1)
plot_sample = Kino.Input.read(plot_sample_input) |> trunc()

y = Enum.at(y_sources, plot_sample)
# y_reg = Enum.at(y_models, plot_sample)
b = Enum.at(betas, plot_sample)
x = Enum.at(xs, plot_sample)
time = Enum.at(timestamps, plot_sample)

b_tuning = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1, 0.5] |> Nx.tensor()

# b = Nx.multiply(b, b_tuning)

y_reg = Nx.dot(x, Enum.map(b, fn {_name, val} -> val end) |> Nx.tensor() |> Nx.transpose())

sample_concentrations =
  for {name, i} <- Enum.with_index(refnames), name in b do
    # bb = Nx.to_number(b[i + 1])
    bb = Nx.to_number(b[name])

      Nx.to_flat_list(Nx.multiply(Enum.at(regressors, i)[0][reg_range], bb))

Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400, title: "Regression Model at #{DateTime.to_iso8601(time)}")
|> Vl.data_from_series(
    x: Enum.slice(uvspec_wl, reg_range),
    y_orig: Nx.to_flat_list(Nx.subtract(y, Nx.mean(y))) |> Enum.slice(reg_range),
    y_reg: Nx.to_flat_list(Nx.subtract(y_reg, Nx.mean(y_reg))) |> Enum.slice(reg_range)
    # y_orig: Nx.to_flat_list(y) |> Enum.slice(reg_range),
    # y_reg: Nx.to_flat_list(y_reg) |> Enum.slice(reg_range)
  ] ++ sample_concentrations
# |> Vl.mark(:circle)
|> Vl.encode(:size, value: 2)
|> Vl.repeat(
      ] ++ refnames
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, size: 1.0)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x",
    type: :quantitative,
    scale: [domain: [wlmin, wlmax]],
    # scale: [domain: [245, 265]],
    title: "wavelength nm"
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_repeat(:y, :layer, type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false], title: "Attenuation")
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: [repeat: :layer], scale: [scheme: "category20"])
# for {b, name} <- Enum.zip(Nx.to_flat_list(b[1..-1//1]), refnames), abs(b) > 1.0e3, do: {name, b}
# cut off parts above 360nm
nwl = Enum.count(uvspec_wl, fn x -> x < 360.0 end)
signal_tensor = raw_signal_tensor[wavelength: 0..(nwl - 1)]

# get maximum: this signal is the baseline of maximum transmissivity
signal_max = Nx.reduce_max(signal_tensor, axes: [:time])

# # normalize each wavelength to the maximum
# norm_signal_tensor = Nx.divide(signal_tensor, signal_max)

# Absorbtion (inverse of transmittance) for each sample In/Imax
signal_tensor = Nx.divide(signal_tensor, signal_max)

# # subtract maximum signal from all samples
# signal_tensor = Nx.subtract(signal_tensor, signal_max)
defmodule SMANX do
  import Nx.Defn

  def svd(m, opts \\ []) do
    # if the matrix is wider than tall, transpose it
    {h, w} = Nx.shape(m)
    transpose? = h < w

    m = if transpose?, do: Nx.transpose(m), else: m

    m = m |> Nx.backend_transfer(EXLA.DeviceBackend)
    {u, s, v} = svdn(m, opts)

    # if we had to transpose the matrix, reverse order and transpose results, too
    if transpose?, do: {Nx.transpose(v), Nx.transpose(s), Nx.transpose(u)}, else: {u, s, v}

  @defn_compiler EXLA
  defn svdn(m, opts \\ []) do
    Nx.LinAlg.svd(m, opts)
# perform the SVD to get eigenvectors
# {u, s, v} = SMANX.svd(signal_tensor)
Nx.sum(signal_tensor, axes: [:time])
# SMA.plotxy(wl, Nx.to_flat_list(v[0]))
# plot a spectrum
plot_range = [220, 360]
# plot_range = [220, 320]
# plot_range = [290, 315]
Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400, autosize: [type: "fit", contains: "content"])
|> Vl.data_from_series(
  x: uvspec_wl,
  y0: Nx.to_flat_list(v[0]),
  y1: Nx.to_flat_list(v[1]),
  y2: Nx.to_flat_list(v[2]),
  y3: Nx.to_flat_list(v[3])
|> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x", range: plot_range])
|> Vl.encode(:size, value: 1)
|> Vl.repeat(
  [layer: ["y0", "y1", "y2", "y3"]],
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_repeat(:y, :layer, type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: [repeat: :layer])
{times, _nsamples} = Nx.shape(signal_tensor)

samples =
  for i <- 0..(times - 1),
      do: {"#{:io_lib.format("s~3..0B", [i])}", Nx.to_flat_list(signal_tensor[i])}

y_names = for {name, _data} <- samples, do: name
plot_data = [x: uvspec_wl] ++ samples

so2_scaled = Nx.multiply(so2_norm, 500.0)

# plot a spectrum
# plot_range = [246, 260]
plot_range = [210, 360]
# plot_range = [290, 315]
Vl.new(width: 700, height: 400, autosize: [type: "fit", contains: "content"])
|> Vl.encode(:size, value: 1)
|> Vl.data_from_series(plot_data)
|> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x", range: plot_range])
|> Vl.repeat(
  [layer: y_names],
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, stroke_width: 1.0)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x",
    type: :quantitative,
    scale: [domain: plot_range],
    title: "wavelength"
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_repeat(:y, :layer, type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false], title: "I/Imax")
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: [repeat: :layer], scale: [scheme: "turbo"])
  |> Vl.encode(:opacity, value: 0.5)
# SMA.plotxy(wl, Nx.to_flat_list(v[0]))
# plot a spectrum
plot_range = [246, 260]
# plot_range = [240, 270]
# plot_range = [290, 315]
so2_scaled = Nx.multiply(so2_norm, 500.0)
benzene_scaled = Nx.multiply(benzene_norm, 1000.0)
benzene_scaled_spec = Nx.multiply(benzene_norm_spec, 1000.0)
toluene_scaled = Nx.multiply(toluene_norm, 300.0)
o3_scaled = Nx.multiply(o3_norm, 300.0)
naphthalene_scaled = Nx.multiply(naphthalene_norm, 1000.0)

Vl.new(width: 800, height: 600, autosize: [type: "fit", contains: "content"])
|> Vl.data_from_series(
  x: uvspec_wl,
  y0: Nx.to_flat_list(v[0]),
  y1: Nx.to_flat_list(v[1]),
  y2: Nx.to_flat_list(v[2]),
  y3: Nx.to_flat_list(v[3])
|> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x", range: plot_range])
|> Vl.encode(:size, value: 1)
|> Vl.layers([
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 1.0)
  # |> Vl.encode(:stroke_width, type: :quantitative, datum: 8.0)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y0", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  |> Vl.encode(:color,
    type: :nominal,
    value: "blue",
    datum: "y0 (#{Nx.to_scalar(s[0])})",
    scale: [scheme: "turbo"]
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 1.0)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y1", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, value: "cyan", datum: "y1 (#{Nx.to_scalar(s[1])})"),
  # Vl.new()
  # |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 1.0)
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y2", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  # |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, value: "green", datum: "y2 (#{Nx.to_scalar(s[2])})"),
  # Vl.new()
  # |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 1.0)
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y3", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  # |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, value: "orange", datum: "y3 (#{Nx.to_scalar(s[3])})"),
  |> Vl.data_from_series(
    x_so2: so2_wl,
    y_so2: Nx.to_flat_list(so2_scaled)
  |> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x_so2", range: plot_range])
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 0.5, tooltip: "SO2")
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x_so2", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y_so2", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: "SO2"),
  # Vl.new()
  # |> Vl.data_from_series(
  #   x: o3_wl,
  #   y: Nx.to_flat_list(o3_scaled)
  # )
  # |> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x", range: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 0.5, tooltip: "O3")
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  # |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: "O3"),
  |> Vl.data_from_series(
    x: benzene_wl,
    y: Nx.to_flat_list(benzene_scaled)
  |> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x", range: plot_range])
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 0.8, tooltip: "Benzene")
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: "Benzene"),
  |> Vl.data_from_series(
    x: for(w <- uvspec_wl, do: w + 0.000),
    y: Nx.to_flat_list(benzene_scaled_spec)
  |> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x", range: plot_range])
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 0.8, tooltip: "Benzene'")
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: "Benzene'"),
  |> Vl.data_from_series(
    x: naphthalene_wl,
    y: Nx.to_flat_list(naphthalene_scaled)
  |> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x", range: plot_range])
  |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 0.3, tooltip: "Naphthalene")
  |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: "Naphthalene")
  # Vl.new()
  # |> Vl.data_from_series(
  #   x: toluene_wl,
  #   y: Nx.to_flat_list(toluene_scaled)
  # )
  # |> Vl.transform(filter: [field: "x", range: plot_range])
  # |> Vl.mark(:line, clip: true, opacity: 0.3, tooltip: "Toluene")
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative, scale: [domain: plot_range])
  # # |> Vl.encode_field(:color, datum: [repeat: "layer"], type: :nominal)
  # |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "y", type: :quantitative, scale: [zero: false])
  # |> Vl.encode(:color, type: :nominal, datum: "Toluene")


Lecture notes on ridge regression

Gaussian Scale Space

Conjugate Gradient