SmeeFeds Workbook
Mix.install([{:smee_feds, ">= 0.3.1"}, {:rambo, "~> 0.3.4"}])
alias Smee.{Metadata, Entity, Source, MDQ}
alias SmeeFeds.{Federation, Import, Export}
Requirements - Please Read!
Backend tools Please note: Smee does not do all processing itself using Elixir - it sometimes cheats (OK, it often cheats) by sending data to external programs for processing. At the moment it requires the following commandline utilities:
- xmlsec1
- xmllint
- xsltproc
On Debian: sudo apt-get install xmlsec1 libxml2-utils xsltproc
On RedHat: sudo yum install xmlsec1 libxml2 libxslt
On Macs: brew install xmlsec1 libxml2 libxslt
Finding an MDQ service
Very few MDQ services are present in the data, but they can be used as follows:
cern_idp =
|> SmeeFeds.Federation.mdq()
|> Smee.MDQ.lookup!("")
You can list the IDs of all federations that have an MDQ service using a filter:
|> SmeeFeds.Filter.mdq()
|> SmeeFeds.ids()
Getting a list of specific federations and writing their details to disk as a JSON file or CSV
The JSON file can be used a new default set of federations.
SmeeFeds.federations([:wayf, :haka, :dfnaai, :swamid])
|> SmeeFeds.Export.json_file!("my_feds.json")
The CSV export is a simpler, lossy summary.
csv =
SmeeFeds.federations([:wayf, :haka, :dfnaai, :swamid])
|> SmeeFeds.Export.csv()
File.write!("my_feds.csv", csv)
Defining your own lists of federations
my_feds = [,
name: "Example 1",
sources: ["")]
name: "Example 2",
sources: ["")]
Filtering lists of federations
Listing all known federations, then selecting those in the EU, and listing their unique IDs
|> SmeeFeds.ids()
Finding all hub-and-spoke networks with an MDQ service and returning their names
|> SmeeFeds.Filter.structure(:has)
|> SmeeFeds.Filter.mdq()
|> f -> end)
Using with Smee to download UK Access Management Federation metadata, pick a random entity and get its XML
Useful for testing as there’s no need to remember or look up metadata details. This involves a large download, so may take awhile on slower connections.
random_xml =
|> SmeeFeds.Federation.aggregate()
|> Smee.fetch!()
|> Smee.Metadata.random_entity()
|> Smee.Entity.xml()