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PicChat: Image Upload


PicChat: Image Upload

  {:jason, "~> 1.4"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
  {:youtube, github: "brooklinjazz/youtube"},
  {:hidden_cell, github: "brooklinjazz/hidden_cell"}


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Review Questions

Upon completing this lesson, a student should be able to answer the following questions.

  • How do we allow image uploads in a Phoenix LiveView or LiveComponent?
  • How do we create a file input with an image preview for image/file uploads?
  • How do we consume uploaded files and save them locally or externally?
  • How can we enable drag and drop for file/image uploads?

PicChat: Image Uploads

Over the next several lessons, we’re going to build a PicChat application where users can create messages with uploaded pictures. This lesson will focus on uploading images with messages.

Phoenix LiveView supports File Uploads. To handle image uploads we need to:

  1. Use allow_upload/3 to store file upload information in the socket.
  2. Use live_file_input/3 to create a file input for uploading images.
  3. Use consume_uploaded_entries to consume the uploaded image files stored in temp storage and save them in some permanent storage such as the filesystem or Amazon S3

We’ll also modify the messages table/schema to store the path of the picture in a :picture field and display the picture on the index and show pages.

Migration And Schema

Create A Migration

In order to store pictures on each message, we’ll add a :picture field that will store the source of the image such as a path or URL.

Create a new migration.

mix ecto.gen.migration add_picture_to_messages

In the generated migration file, add a :picture column to our existing :messages table.

def change do
  alter table(:messages) do
    add :picture, :text

Run migrations.

mix ecto.migrate

Modify The Schema

Our schema should reflect the data in our database, so let’s add a picture field.

defmodule PicChat.Chat.Message do
  use Ecto.Schema
  import Ecto.Changeset

  schema "messages" do
    field :content, :string
    # added picture field
    field :picture, :string
    belongs_to :user, PicChat.Accounts.User


  @doc false
  def changeset(message, attrs) do
    # added :picture to casted fields
    |> cast(attrs, [:content, :user_id, :picture])
    |> validate_required([:content])

Allow Uploads

Use allow_upload/3 in the form component. This causes the LiveView to automatically store :picture upload information in an @uploads field on the socket assigns.

# Form_component.ex
@impl true
def update(%{message: message} = assigns, socket) do
  changeset = Chat.change_message(message)

    |> assign(assigns)
    |> assign_form(changeset)
    |> allow_upload(:picture, accept: ~w(.jpg .jpeg .png), max_entries: 1)

Live File Input

Create a live_file_input/1 in the message form.

We’ve added the optional attribute phx-drop-target supports drag and drop for image uploads and used live_img_preview/1 to display a preview of the uploaded image.

# Form.html.heex
  <.input field={@form[:content]} type="text" label="Content" />
  <.live_file_input upload={@uploads.picture} />
  <%= for entry <- @uploads.picture.entries do %>
    <.live_img_preview entry={entry} width="75" />
  <% end %>
  <.input field={@form[:user_id]} type="hidden" value={@current_user.id} />
    <.button phx-disable-with="Saving...">Save Message

Consume Upload Entries

Consume the uploaded entries when we save a message and copy them to the filesystem for long term persistence. Note that is is not an ideal solution. Ideally we would upload these files to a storage system such as Amazon S3 but that is beyond the scope of this lesson.

# Form_component.ex
@impl true
def handle_event("save", %{"message" => message_params}, socket) do
  file_uploads =
    consume_uploaded_entries(socket, :picture, fn %{path: path}, entry ->
      ext = "." <> get_entry_extension(entry)
      # The `static/uploads` directory must exist for `File.cp!/2`
      # and PicChat.static_paths/0 should contain uploads to work,.
      dest = Path.join("priv/static/uploads", Path.basename(path <> ext))
      File.cp!(path, dest)
      {:ok, ~p"/uploads/#{Path.basename(dest)}"}

  message_params = Map.put(message_params, "picture", List.first(file_uploads))
  save_message(socket, socket.assigns.action, message_params)

defp get_entry_extension(entry) do
  [ext | _] = MIME.extensions(entry.client_type)

Make sure to create a priv/static/uploads folder, and add uploads to PicChat.static_paths/0 in pic_chat_web.ex.

# Pic_chat_web.ex
def static_paths, do: ~w(assets uploads fonts images favicon.ico robots.txt)

Display Images

Display pictures on the message index page by adding a column to the table component.

<:col :let={{_id, message}} label="Picture"><img src="{message.picture}" />

Display the picture on the show page by adding it to the list items.

<:item title="Picture"><img src="{@message.picture}" />

Live Image Preview

We can add an image preview with [live_image_preview]

# Added To Form_component.ex
<.live_file_input upload={@uploads.picture} />
<%= for entry <- @uploads.picture.entries do %>
  <.live_img_preview entry={entry} width="75" />
<% end %>


To ensure our migration and schema work, it would be wise to write a test.

Modify your existing create_message/1 with valid data creates a message test in chat_test.exs to ensure we can create a message with a picture.

test "create_message/1 with valid data creates a message" do
  user = user_fixture()
  valid_attrs = %{content: "some content", user_id: user.id, picture: "images/picture.png"}

  assert {:ok, %Message{} = message} = Chat.create_message(valid_attrs)
  assert message.content == "some content"
  assert message.user_id == user.id
  assert message.picture == "images/picture.png"

Further Reading

Consider the following resource(s) to deepen your understanding of the topic.

Commit Your Progress

DockYard Academy now recommends you use the latest Release rather than forking or cloning our repository.

Run git status to ensure there are no undesirable changes. Then run the following in your command line from the curriculum folder to commit your progress.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish PicChat: Image Upload reading"
$ git push

We’re proud to offer our open-source curriculum free of charge for anyone to learn from at their own pace.

We also offer a paid course where you can learn from an instructor alongside a cohort of your peers. We will accept applications for the June-August 2023 cohort soon.


Home Report An Issue PicChat: AuthenticationPicChat: PubSub