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Example Elixir Pods


Example Elixir Pods

  {:pods, path: "./pods"},
  {:pod_lispyclouds_sqlite, path: "./pods/example"},
  {:erlexec, "~> 2.0"},
  {:jason, "~> 1.4"},
  {:bento, "~> 1.0"}

require Logger

Example Client

The example process manager uses https://github.com/saleyn/erlexec/ but you can implement the pod services using System.cmd or Erlang Ports or any other solution if you want.

The only requirement is that it can allow stdin and stdout interactions.

defmodule Decoder do
  use Pods.Decoder
  def decode(message, "bencode"), do: Bento.decode(message)
  def decode(message, "json"), do: Jason.decode(message)
  def decode!(message, "bencode"), do: Bento.decode!(message)
  def decode!(message, "json"), do: Jason.decode!(message)

defmodule Encoder do
  use Pods.Encoder
  def encode(message, "bencode"), do: Bento.encode(message)
  def encode(message, "json"), do: Jason.encode(message)
  def encode!(message, "bencode"), do: Bento.encode!(message)
  def encode!(message, "json"), do: Jason.encode!(message)

defmodule Handler do
  use Pods.Handler

  def event(payload, type) do
    Logger.info("Got Pod Event #{type}")

  def success(payload) do
    Logger.info("Got Pod Success Response")

  def error(payload) do
    Logger.info("Got Pod Error Response")

  def exception(payload) do
    Logger.info("Got Pod Exception")

defmodule Manager do
  use Pods.Manager

  def init() do
    Logger.info("Manager started")

  def stop(pod) do
    Logger.info("Stopping Pod #{pod.module}")

  def send(pod, message) do
    Logger.info("Sending Message to Pod #{pod.module}")
    :exec.send(pod.pid, message)

  def start(executable, decoder, out_handler, exception_handler, opts \\ []) do
    temp_dir = System.tmp_dir!()
    temp_file_stdout = Path.join([temp_dir, Path.basename(executable) <> ".stdout"])

    # Some processes may write a lot of text (streams), so we try to decode a cache
    # until it works and then send the data to the handler
    # maybe a better solution exists, but it works for now.
    # can be a genserver? or maybe mnesia?
    stdout_watcher = fn origin, pid, response ->
      File.write!(temp_file_stdout, response, [:append])

      case decoder.decode(String.trim(File.read!(temp_file_stdout)), "bencode") do
        {:ok, _data} ->
          out_handler.(%{origin: origin, pid: pid, response: response})

        _ ->

    # exceptions may not be in bencode, so we send the raw response
    stderr_watcher = fn origin, pid, response ->
      exception_handler.(%{origin: origin, pid: pid, response: response})

    # start the process with ELIXIR_POD in the env
    case :exec.run_link(
             {:stdout, stdout_watcher},
             {:stderr, stderr_watcher},
             {:env, [{"ELIXIR_POD", "1"}]}
           ] ++ opts
         ) do
      {:ok, _, pid} -> {:ok, pid}
      _ = error -> {:error, error}
{:module, Manager, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 20, ...>>, {:start, 5}}

Example Pod Usage

# Start the Pods Services
pods =
    # Available Pods List
    # Pod Manager
    # Message Encoder
    # Message Decoder
    # stdout and stderr handler

# Use the Pods
|> Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.execute!("create table if not exists foo ( int foo )")
|> Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.execute!("delete from foo")
|> Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.execute!("insert into foo values (1), (2)")
|> Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.execute!("select * from foo")
|> then(fn pods ->
  # Give a little time to complete the operations
  receive do
    2000 ->
      Pods.stop(pods, :all)

16:01:26.921 [info] Manager started

16:01:26.925 [info] Got Pod Event before_op

16:01:26.925 [debug] [args: [], command: "", id: "018f35bf-658d-744e-90dd-36a92005b5f7", message: "d2:id36:018f35bf-658d-744e-90dd-36a92005b5f72:op8:describee", op: "describe", result: %{}, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.925 [info] Sending Message to Pod Elixir.Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite

16:01:26.925 [info] Got Pod Event ready

16:01:26.925 [debug] [args: [], command: "", id: "018f35bf-658d-744e-90dd-36a92005b5f7", message: "d2:id36:018f35bf-658d-744e-90dd-36a92005b5f72:op8:describee", op: "describe", result: :ok, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.926 [info] Invoke command in Pod

16:01:26.926 [debug] [args: ["create table if not exists foo ( int foo )"], command: "execute!", module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite]

16:01:26.926 [info] Got Pod Event before_op

16:01:26.926 [debug] [args: ["create table if not exists foo ( int foo )"], command: "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!", id: "018f35bf-658e-7ac6-ad20-3eaadd97065d", message: "d4:args46:[\"create table if not exists foo ( int foo )\"]2:id36:018f35bf-658e-7ac6-ad20-3eaadd97065d2:op6:invoke3:var31:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!e", op: "invoke", result: %{}, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.926 [info] Sending Message to Pod Elixir.Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite

16:01:26.927 [info] Got Pod Event after_op

16:01:26.927 [debug] [args: ["create table if not exists foo ( int foo )"], command: "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!", id: "018f35bf-658e-7ac6-ad20-3eaadd97065d", message: "d4:args46:[\"create table if not exists foo ( int foo )\"]2:id36:018f35bf-658e-7ac6-ad20-3eaadd97065d2:op6:invoke3:var31:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!e", op: "invoke", result: :ok, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.927 [info] Invoke command in Pod

16:01:26.927 [debug] [args: ["delete from foo"], command: "execute!", module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite]

16:01:26.927 [info] Got Pod Event before_op

16:01:26.927 [debug] [args: ["delete from foo"], command: "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!", id: "018f35bf-658f-761a-ad35-f9da6d1a0384", message: "d4:args19:[\"delete from foo\"]2:id36:018f35bf-658f-761a-ad35-f9da6d1a03842:op6:invoke3:var31:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!e", op: "invoke", result: %{}, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.927 [info] Sending Message to Pod Elixir.Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite

16:01:26.928 [info] Got Pod Event after_op

16:01:26.928 [debug] [args: ["delete from foo"], command: "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!", id: "018f35bf-658f-761a-ad35-f9da6d1a0384", message: "d4:args19:[\"delete from foo\"]2:id36:018f35bf-658f-761a-ad35-f9da6d1a03842:op6:invoke3:var31:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!e", op: "invoke", result: :ok, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.928 [info] Invoke command in Pod

16:01:26.928 [debug] [args: ["insert into foo values (1), (2)"], command: "execute!", module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite]

16:01:26.928 [info] Got Pod Event before_op

16:01:26.928 [debug] [args: ["insert into foo values (1), (2)"], command: "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!", id: "018f35bf-6590-7694-a2f5-b45d6c1f3396", message: "d4:args35:[\"insert into foo values (1), (2)\"]2:id36:018f35bf-6590-7694-a2f5-b45d6c1f33962:op6:invoke3:var31:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!e", op: "invoke", result: %{}, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.928 [info] Sending Message to Pod Elixir.Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite

16:01:26.928 [info] Got Pod Event after_op

16:01:26.928 [debug] [args: ["insert into foo values (1), (2)"], command: "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!", id: "018f35bf-6590-7694-a2f5-b45d6c1f3396", message: "d4:args35:[\"insert into foo values (1), (2)\"]2:id36:018f35bf-6590-7694-a2f5-b45d6c1f33962:op6:invoke3:var31:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!e", op: "invoke", result: :ok, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.929 [info] Invoke command in Pod

16:01:26.938 [debug] [args: ["select * from foo"], command: "execute!", module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite]

16:01:26.938 [info] Got Pod Event before_op

16:01:26.938 [debug] [args: ["select * from foo"], command: "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!", id: "018f35bf-659a-7bf8-b912-098a0b14c8dc", message: "d4:args21:[\"select * from foo\"]2:id36:018f35bf-659a-7bf8-b912-098a0b14c8dc2:op6:invoke3:var31:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!e", op: "invoke", result: %{}, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:26.939 [info] Sending Message to Pod Elixir.Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite

16:01:26.939 [info] Got Pod Event after_op

16:01:26.939 [debug] [args: ["select * from foo"], command: "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!", id: "018f35bf-659a-7bf8-b912-098a0b14c8dc", message: "d4:args21:[\"select * from foo\"]2:id36:018f35bf-659a-7bf8-b912-098a0b14c8dc2:op6:invoke3:var31:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!e", op: "invoke", result: :ok, pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:27.047 [info] Got Pod Success Response

16:01:27.048 [debug] [id: 7915, raw: %{pid: 7915, origin: :stdout, response: "d6:format4:json10:namespacesld4:name22:pod.lispyclouds.sqlite4:varsld4:name8:execute!eeeee"}, status: :ok, result: [], pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:27.050 [info] Got Pod Success Response

16:01:27.050 [debug] [id: "018f35bf-658e-7ac6-ad20-3eaadd97065d", raw: %{pid: 7915, origin: :stdout, response: "d2:id36:018f35bf-658e-7ac6-ad20-3eaadd97065d6:statusl4:donee5:value2:[]e"}, status: :ok, result: [], pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:27.052 [info] Got Pod Success Response

16:01:27.052 [debug] [id: "018f35bf-658f-761a-ad35-f9da6d1a0384", raw: %{pid: 7915, origin: :stdout, response: "d2:id36:018f35bf-658f-761a-ad35-f9da6d1a03846:statusl4:donee5:value2:[]e"}, status: :ok, result: [], pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:27.055 [info] Got Pod Success Response

16:01:27.055 [debug] [id: "018f35bf-6590-7694-a2f5-b45d6c1f3396", raw: %{pid: 7915, origin: :stdout, response: "d2:id36:018f35bf-6590-7694-a2f5-b45d6c1f33966:statusl4:donee5:value2:[]e"}, status: :ok, result: [], pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:27.058 [info] Got Pod Success Response

16:01:27.058 [debug] [id: "018f35bf-659a-7bf8-b912-098a0b14c8dc", raw: %{pid: 7915, origin: :stdout, response: "d2:id36:018f35bf-659a-7bf8-b912-098a0b14c8dc6:statusl4:donee5:value10:[[1], [2]]e"}, status: :ok, result: [[1], [2]], pod: %{module: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite, pid: 7915, manifest: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite.Manifest}]

16:01:28.940 [info] Stopping all pods

16:01:28.940 [info] Stopping Pod Elixir.Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite
[%{pid: 7915, stop: :ok, pod: Pod.LispyClouds.SQLite}]