Elixir is a dynamically typed language, which means it doesn’t provide compile-time type checks. Still, type specifications can be useful because they:
- Serve as documentation.
- Can be used by static analysis tools like Dialyzer to find possible bugs.
A type specification can be added to a function using the @spec
module attribute right before the function definition.
@spec longer_than?(String.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: boolean()
def longer_than?(string, length), do: String.length(string) > length
Expressions allowed in a typespec:
Basic types, for example:
A union of types:
integer() | list(integer())
Parameterized types:
- a list of integers -
%{age: integer()}
- map with an integer value under the key:age
Remote types (defined in some module), for example:
Literals, for example:
- an empty map -
- an empty list (but[any()]
is a non-empty list) -
- an atom literal
Built-in specialized types, for example:
- an integer from the range0..0x10FFFF
- a list of chars -
- a list of two element tuples, where the first element is an atom
Custom types
A full list of all types can be found in the “Typespecs” section in the official documentation.
Naming arguments
Arguments in the typespec could also be named which is useful for distinguishing multiple arguments of the same type.
@spec to_hex({hue :: integer, saturation :: integer, lightness :: integer}) :: String.t()
Custom types
Custom types can be defined in using one of the three module attributes:
- defines a public type -
- defines a private type -
- defines a public type whose structure is private
@type color :: {hue :: integer, saturation :: integer, lightness :: integer}
@spec to_hex(color()) :: String.t()
vs binary()
vs string()
is the correct type to use for Elixir strings, which are UTF-8 encoded binaries. Technically, String.t()
is defined as a binary()
, and those two types are equivalent to analysis tools, but String.t()
is the more intention-revealing choice for documenting functions that work with Elixir strings.
On the other hand, string()
is a different type. It’s an Erlang string, in Elixir known as a charlist. The string()
type should be avoided in typespecs and charlist()
should be used instead.
Dialyzer is a static analysis tool that can detect problems such as type errors in Erlang and Elixir code. The easiest way to use Dialyzer in an Elixir project is with Dialyxir.
is a control flow structure that allows us to compare a given value against many patterns. Clauses in a case
expression are evaluated from top to bottom, until a match is found.
In many cases, using case
is interchangeable with defining multiple function clauses. Pattern matching and guards can be used in case
# one function clause, multiple case clauses
def age_group(age) do
case age do
0 -> ~c"infant"
age when age < 4 -> ~c"baby"
age when age < 13 -> ~c"child"
age when age < 18 -> ~c"teenager"
_ -> ~c"adult"
# multiple function clauses, no case
def age_group(0), do: ~c"infant"
def age_group(age) when age < 4, do: ~c"baby"
def age_group(age) when age < 13, do: ~c"child"
def age_group(age) when age < 18, do: ~c"teenager"
def age_group(_), do: ~c"adult"
There are no strict rules for choosing one over the other. It’s a matter of personal preference that usually depends on context.
Charlists are created using the ~c
Note that in older versions of Elixir, charlists are represented as `'hello'` with single quotes.
A charlist is a list of integers. The integers represent the Unicode values of a given character — also known as code points.
[65, 66, 67]
# => ~c"ABC"
Charlists are lists
~c"" === []
# => true
# => true
Because charlist are lists, you can work with them just like with any other list - using recursion and pattern matching, or using the List
[first_letter | _] = ~c"cat"
# => 99
# => 104
List.pop_at(~c"hello", 0)
# => {104, ~c"ello"}
You can concatenate two lists together using ++
~c"hi" ++ ~c"!"
# => ~c"hi!"
The longer the first list is, the slower the concatenation, so avoid repeatedly appending to lists of arbitrary length.
If a list of integers contains only integers that are code points of printable character, it will be displayed as a charlist. Even if it was defined using the []
# => ~c"ABC"
[65, 66, 67]
# => ~c"ABC"
If a list of integers contains even one code point of an unprintable character (e.g. 0-6
, 14-26
, 28-31
), it will be displayed as a list. Even if it was defined using the~c""
# => [65, 66, 67, 0]
[65, 66, 67, 0]
# => [65, 66, 67, 0]
Printability can be checked with List.ascii_printable?
List.ascii_printable?([65, 66, 67])
# => true
List.ascii_printable?([65, 66, 67, 0])
# => false
Keep in mind that those are two different ways of displaying the same data. The values are strictly equal.
~c"ABC" === [65, 66, 67]
# => true
When printing a list with IO.inspect
, you can use the :charlists
option to control how lists are printed.
IO.inspect(~c"ABC", charlists: :as_charlists)
# => prints ~c"ABC"
IO.inspect(~c"ABC", charlists: :as_lists)
# => prints [65, 66, 67]
Code points
You can prepend a character with ?
to get its code point.
# => 65
[?:, ?)]
# => ~c":)"
Charlists vs strings
Charlists and strings consisting of the same characters are not considered equal.
~c"hello" == "hello"
Each value in a charlist is the Unicode code point of a character whereas in a string, the code points are encoded as UTF-8.
IO.inspect(~c"tschüss", charlists: :as_lists)
# => prints [116, 115, 99, 104, 252, 115, 115]
IO.inspect("tschüss", binaries: :as_binaries)
# => prints <<116, 115, 99, 104, 195, 188, 115, 115>>
Note how ü
, code point 252
, is encoded in UTF-8 as 195
and 188
In practice, charlists are rarely used. Their main use case is interfacing with Erlang, in particular when using older libraries that do not accept binaries as arguments.
When working with Elixir, use strings to store text. The String
module offers a wide choice of functions to process text, functions not available for charlists.
Charlists can be converted to strings with to_string
# => "hello"
Functions for handling input and output are provided by the IO
writes a string to the standard output, followed by a newline. Returns:ok
. -
writes a string to the standard output, without adding a newline. Returns:ok
. -
reads a line from the standard input. -
writes anything to the standard output, accepts useful options like:label
. Returns the value it was passed unchanged. Useful for debugging.
If you try to pass to IO.puts/2
a value that it cannot print, you will see a Protocol.UndefinedError
IO.puts({:ok, 7})
# ** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol String.Chars not implemented for {:ok, 7} of type Tuple
When this happens, you might want to use IO.inspect/2
for debugging
is perfect for debugging because it returns its argument unchanged, it can print anything, and it offers a :label
|> String.trim()
|> IO.inspect(label: "step 1")
|> String.downcase()
|> IO.inspect(label: "step 2")
# > step 1: "HELLO"
# > step 2: "hello"
# => "hello"
IO devices
The first argument to all those functions is an IO device, with the default value of :stdio
(standard input/output). To write to the standard error device, use :stderr
instead. An IO device could also be a process, for example one created by calling File.open/2
, which would allow writing to a file.
Besides cond
, Elixir also provides the macros if/2
and unless/2
which are useful when you need to check for only one condition.
accepts a condition and two options. It returns the first option if the condition is truthy, and the second option if the condition is falsy. unless/2
does the opposite.
age = 15
if age >= 16 do
"You are allowed to drink beer in Germany."
"No beer for you!"
# => "No beer for you!"
If the second option is not given, nil
will be returned.
age = 15
if age >= 16 do
"You are allowed to drink beer in Germany."
# => nil
It is also possible to write an if
expression on a single line. Note the comma after the condition.
if age >= 16, do: "beer", else: "no beer"
This syntax is helpful for very short expressions, but should be avoided if the expression won’t fit on a single line.
with an else
option should be avoided.
# preferred
if age >= 16, do: "beer", else: "no beer"
# not preferred
unless age < 16, do: "no beer", else: "beer"
Truthy and falsy
In Elixir, all datatypes evaluate to a truthy or falsy value when they are encountered in a boolean context (like an if
expression). All data is considered truthy except for false
and nil
. In particular, empty strings, the integer 0
, and empty lists are all considered truthy in Elixir. In this way, Elixir is similar to Ruby but different than JavaScript, Python, or PHP.
truthy? = fn x -> if x, do: "truthy", else: "falsy" end
# => "truthy"
# => "truthy"
# => "truthy"
# => "falsy"
# => "falsy"
, ||/2
, and !/1
are truthy boolean operators which work with any value, which complement the strict boolean operators and/2
, or/2
, and not/1
0 and true
# => ** (BadBooleanError) expected a boolean on left-side of "and", got: 0
0 && true
# => true
Nil is an English word meaning “nothing” or “zero”. In Elixir, nil
is a special value that means an absence of a value.
# I do not have a favorite color
favorite_color = nil
is an atom, but it is usually written as nil
, not :nil
. The boolean values true
and false
are atoms too.
nil === :nil
# => true
true === :true
# => true
You can check if a variable’s value is nil
using ==
, with pattern matching, or using the is_nil
def call(phone_number) do
if phone_number == nil do
def call(phone_number) when is_nil(phone_number) do
def call(nil) do
Each Elixir process has its own unique identifier - a PID (process identifier).
PIDs are their own data type.
You can check if a variable is a PID with
You can check if a variable is a PID with
You can get the current process’s PID with
. - PIDs function as mailbox addresses - if you have a process’s PID, you can send a message to that process.
PIDs are usually created indirectly, as a return value of functions that create new processes, like
PIDs should not be created directly by the programmer. If it were required, Erlang has a
PIDs should not be created directly by the programmer. If it were required, Erlang has a
In Elixir, all code runs inside processes. Elixir processes:
- Should not be confused with system processes.
- Are lightweight.
Have specific use cases. They can:
- Keep global state.
- Contain failure.
- Allow for concurrent and asynchronous code.
- It is normal to have an Elixir app that runs hundreds of processes, but also one that doesn’t explicitly create new processes at all, especially if it’s a library.
Creating processes
By default, a function will execute in the same process from which it was called. When you need to explicitly run a certain function in a new process, use spawn
accepts a function that it will execute directly.spawn(fn -> 2 + 2 end) # => #PID<0.125.0>
accepts a function that it will execute by the module name, the function name (as atom), and a list of arguments to pass to that function.spawn(String, :split, ["hello there", " "]) # => #PID<0.113.0>
- This data triplet is often called an MFA — Module, Function, Arguments.
A process exits as soon as its function has finished executing.
You can check if a process is still alive (executing) with
:pid = spawn(fn -> 2 + 2 end) Process.alive?(pid) # => false
Processes do not directly share information with one another. Processes send messages to share data. This concurrency pattern is called the Actor model.
Send messages to a process using
.send(pid, :hello)
- The message ends up in the recipient’s mailbox in the order that they are sent.
does not check if the message was received nor if the recipient is still alive.
A message can be of any type.
You can receive a message sent to the current process using
.- You need to pattern match on messages.
waits until one message matching any given pattern is in the process’s mailbox.-
By default, it waits indefinitely, but can be given a timeout using an
By default, it waits indefinitely, but can be given a timeout using an
Read messages are removed from the process’s mailbox. Unread messages will stay there indefinitely.
Always write a catch-all
clause inreceive/1
to avoid running of out memory due to piled up unread messages.
Always write a catch-all
receive do {:ping, sender_pid} -> send(sender_pid, :pong) _ -> nil after 5000 -> {:error, "No message in 5 seconds"} end
Receive loop
If you want to receive more than one message, you need to call receive/1
recursively. It is a common pattern to implement a recursive function, for example named loop
, that calls receive/1
, does something with the message, and then calls itself to wait for more messages. If you need to carry some state from one receive/1
call to another, you can do it by passing an argument to that loop
def loop(state) do
receive do
:increment_by_one ->
loop(state + 1)
{:report_state, sender_pid} ->
send(sender_pid, state)
:stop ->
_ ->
In practice, this approach is rarely used directly. Elixir offers concurrency abstractions, such as the Agent
module or a GenServer
behaviour, that both build on top of the receive loop. However, it is crucial to understand those basics to be able to efficiently use the abstractions.
Un bitstring
est une séquence de bits. C’est un type de données fondamental
dans le langage Elixir.
Un bitstring
est défini par des guillemets <<
et >>
<<1, 2, 3>>
Par défaut, chaque élément d’un bitstring
est codé sur 8 bits. Cependant
il est possible de spécifier le nombre de bits utilisés pour chaque élément
en ajoutant ::n
ou n
représente le nombre de bits utilisés pour l’élément.
<<1::4, 1::4>>
On peut écrire un segment en binaire en préfixant le littéral avec 0b
. Les valeurs seront néanmoins toujours affichées en binaire dans les résultats de test ou sous iex.
Si la valeur dépasse la capacité du nombre de bits spécifiés, la valeur est tronquée par la gauche:
Prepending and appending
On peut ajouter des bitstrings avant et après un bitstring existant. On peut utiliser le type ::bitstring
pour ne pas avoir à préciser la taille.
value = <<0b110::3, 0b001::3>>
new_value = <<0b011::3, value::bitstring, 0b000::3>>
Pattern matching
Les bitstrings
peuvent être utilisés dans des expressions de pattern matching
Il faut connaître le nombre de bits utilisés pour chaque fragment hormis pour le
dernier fragment.
<> = <<16>>
IO.puts("a: #{a}, b: #{b}")
Inspecting bitstrings
Par défaut, les bitstrings sont affiché en fragments de 8 bits (un octet) même s’ils sont créés avec des fragments de tailles différentes.
Si on crée un bitstring qui représente une chaîne de caractères UTF-8, il est affiché comme une chaîne de caractères.
<<65, 66, 67>>