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GenServer, Supervisors DYI


GenServer, Supervisors DYI

GenServer callbacks

  • handle_call/3 - synchronous, receives messages via GenServer.call/3
  • handle_cast/2 - asynchronous, receives messages via GenServer.cast/2
  • handle_info/2 - receives messages from within the system, e.g. from itself
defmodule Periodically do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(_) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{})

  @impl true
  def init(state) do
    # Schedule work to be performed on start

    {:ok, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_info(:work, state) do
    # Do the desired work here
    IO.inspect("In handle info")
    # Reschedule once more

    {:noreply, state}

  defp schedule_periodic_work(period) do
    DateTime.utc_now() |> IO.inspect(label: :IN_SCHEDULE_PERIODIC_WORK)
    Process.send_after(self(), :work, period)
GenServer.start_link(Periodically, [], name: Periodically)

GenServer message processing

  • each GenServer has it’s own mailbox
  • messages in mailbox are processed in order
  • large number of messages or long time of processing?

Delegate job to another process!!!

defmodule Stack do
  use GenServer

  # Callbacks

  @impl true
  def init(stack) do
    {:ok, stack}

  @impl true
  def handle_call(:pop, _from, [head | tail]) do
    {:reply, head, tail}

  def handle_call(:reply_in_one_second, from, state) do
    spawn(fn ->
      GenServer.reply(from, :replied_after_one_second)

    {:noreply, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_cast({:push, element}, state) do
    {:noreply, [element | state]}
GenServer.start_link(Stack, [:initial], name: Stack)
spawn(fn ->
  for i <- 1..25 do
    GenServer.cast(Stack, {:push, i})
    GenServer.call(Stack, :pop) |> IO.inspect()

GenServer.call(Stack, :reply_in_one_second) |> IO.inspect()
GenServer.cast(Stack, {:push, :new_value})

Supervisor configuration

Max restarts

:max_restarts - maximum number of child restarts allowed in a time frame, default: 3

Max seconds

:max_seconds - the time frame in which :max_restarts applies, default: 5


:name - a name to register the supervisor process


:strategy - the supervision strategy, how to manage crashed children processes

  • :one_for_one - if a child process terminates, only that process is restarted
  • one_for_all - if a child process terminates, all other child processes are terminated and then all child processes are restarted
  • :rest_for_one - if a child process terminates, the terminated child process and the rest of the children started AFTER IT are terminated and restarted

Supervison start, shutdown, restarts

Supervisor start

We can distinguish following steps on supervisor start:

  • traverse all child specifications and start each child in defined order
  • call (typically) start_link/1 for each child, function MUST return {:ok, pid}
  • child process uses init/1 to start its work.

Supervisor stop

On supervisor shutdown:

  • traverse each children process in REVERSE order
  • send Process.exit(child_pid, :shutdown) signal to child
  • await for 5s for child exit, if it doesn’t happend send :kill signal

Child restart strategies

Child is restarted depending :restart strategy, possible values:

  • :permanent - child is always restarted
  • :transient - child proces is restarted only of it terminates abnormally
  • :temporary - child process is never restarted

Child exit reasons

  • :normal - standard exit reason, no restart in transient mode, linked processes do not exit
  • :shutdown or {:shutdown, term}, no restart in transent mode, linked processes exit with same reason unles they’re trapping exits
  • any other term - exit is logged, restarts in transient mode, linked processes exit with same reason

IMPORTANT If supervisor reaches maximum restart intensity it will exit with :shutdown reason. In this case the supervisor will only be restarted if its child specification was defined with the :restart option set to :permanent

What happens if supervisor crashes?

Short answer - it propagetes errors up the supervision tree

Long answer - if one of the supervisor children crashed and can’t be restarted supervisor after reaching :max_restarts in :max_seconds will crash and send sends signal that it terminated abruptly to its own supervisor, and so on and so on until we reach top of the supervision tree and the whole Application is terminated and tries to restart

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