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Day 6: Guard Gallivant


Day 6: Guard Gallivant

  {:kino, "~> 0.14.0"}


  • We’re trying to avoid a guard with a set patrol pattern
  • Input a map of the room, top down
    • The guard is marked by an arrow in the direction they’re facing
    • Obstructions are marked as #
  • The guard follows an algorithm to move:
    1. Go in current facing direction
    2. If hitting obstacle, rotate 90 degrees right
    3. If leaving map, complete
  • Simulate until the guard leaves the map
  • Output: Count the number of distinct positions the guard has stood on
    • If they are on a spot multiple times, it counts only ONCE!


raw_map =
  |> File.read!()

raw_sample = 



  • We’ll need a matrix/field to store the map in memory
    • Also find initial guard position while running through map
  • Since elixir Lists are linked lists, random access is “slow”
  • Can we simply run the entire map once and create a Map?
    • Key is {x, y} position, value is :obstacle or :floor
    • If key isn’t in Map, we’re out-of-bounds
  • The map input is square, so we can take the last X position and use it as the boundary in both directions
parse_map = fn raw_input ->
  |> String.to_charlist()
  |> Enum.reduce({{0,0}, %{}, nil}, fn
    ?., {{x, y}, map, guard} -> 
      map = Map.put_new(map, {x, y}, :floor)
      {{x + 1, y}, map, guard}
    ?#, {{x, y}, map, guard} ->
      map = Map.put_new(map, {x, y}, :obstacle)
      {{x + 1, y}, map, guard}

    ?\n, {{_, y}, map, guard} ->
      {{0, y + 1}, map, guard}

    ?^, {{x, y}, map, nil} ->
      map = Map.put_new(map, {x, y}, :floor)
      {{x + 1, y}, map, {{x, y}, :north}}

    char, acc ->
      raise "unexpected char #{<>} found, #{inspect(acc)}!"

{{0, boundary}, my_map, {guard_start, guard_facing}} = parse_map.(raw_map)

IO.inspect(my_map, label: "map")
IO.inspect(guard_start, label: "guard at")
IO.inspect(guard_facing, label: "guard facing")
IO.inspect(boundary, label: "boundary (in either direction)")


  • The movement algorithm is implemented in a simulate_step function that takes the map as input
  • The current position the simulate_step returns the new position {X, Y}
  • Put the position into a Set to later count distinct positions
  • Simulate until guard position X or Y is out of bounds of map
defmodule Guard do
  def rotate_right(current_direction) do
    case current_direction do
      :north -> :east
      :east -> :south
      :south -> :west
      :west -> :north

  def next_pos({x, y}, facing_direction) do
    case facing_direction do
      :north -> {x, y - 1}
      :east -> {x + 1, y}
      :south -> {x, y + 1}
      :west -> {x - 1, y}

  def simulate_step(map, pos, facing_direction) do
    new_pos = next_pos(pos, facing_direction)
    case Map.get(map, new_pos, :out_of_bounds) do
      :floor -> {:ok, new_pos, facing_direction}
      :obstacle -> {:ok, pos, rotate_right(facing_direction)}
      :out_of_bounds -> :out_of_bounds

distinct_pos_count = 
  # NOTE: using `repeatedly` gives and endless enum to "drive" the `reduce_while`
  # until we eventually return `:halt` from the reducer.
  Stream.repeatedly(fn -> :next_step end)
  |> Enum.reduce_while({MapSet.new([guard_start]), guard_start, guard_facing}, fn _, {visited, pos, facing} ->
    case Guard.simulate_step(my_map, pos, facing) do
      {:ok, new_pos, new_facing} ->
        visited = MapSet.put(visited, new_pos)
        {:cont, {visited, new_pos, new_facing}}

      :out_of_bounds ->
        {:halt, visited}
  |> MapSet.size()

Part 2

  • Based on the existing map, we want to add one new :obstacle to get the guard stuck in a loop
  • The obstacle can’t be added on the guards start position
  • Output: Find all possible positions to add the new obstacle and count them


  • The first question is: “How do you detect a loop?”
  • If they walk in a circle, simulate_step should return the same positions after a while
  • The only positions that are relevant for that are the ones where the guard changes direction
  • Put {{x, y}, direction} in a Map and store the number of “seen” as the value
  • As soon as we see a 3 from the Map, we have a loop
is_loop? = fn parallel_universe, start_pos, start_facing ->
  Stream.repeatedly(fn -> :next_step end)
  |> Enum.reduce_while({MapSet.new(), start_pos, start_facing}, fn _, {visited, pos, facing} ->
    case Guard.simulate_step(parallel_universe, pos, facing) do
      {:ok, new_pos, new_facing} when new_facing != facing ->
        # We turned for an obstacle
        if MapSet.member?(visited, {new_pos, new_facing}) do
          {:halt, true} # Back where we were, it's a circle!
          visited = MapSet.put(visited, {new_pos, new_facing})
          {:cont, {visited, new_pos, new_facing}}

      {:ok, new_pos, new_facing} ->
        # Just walk on, nothing to see here
        {:cont, {visited, new_pos, new_facing}}
      :out_of_bounds ->
        {:halt, false}

With loop detection done, we can now brute-force all possible maps with one more obstacle

  • Iterate over all possible positions from 0..boundary
  • Don’t do anything for guard_start_pos
  • Add an obstacle if there isn’t one alredy
  • Check if this new map gives true for is_loop?
place_new_obstacle = fn obstacle_pos, map ->
  case Map.get(map, obstacle_pos) do
    nil -> :error # out of bounds
    :obstacle -> :error # Already an obstacle, skip
    :floor -> {:ok, Map.replace!(map, obstacle_pos, :obstacle)}

placement_count = Enum.reduce(0..boundary - 1, 0, fn x, count ->
  Enum.reduce(0..boundary - 1, count, fn y, count ->
    case place_new_obstacle.({x, y}, my_map) do
      :error -> count
      {:ok, changed_map} -> if is_loop?.(changed_map, guard_start, guard_facing) do
        count + 1


My first iteration of the part 2 solution used a more optimized algorithm:

  1. Simulate a guard step on the original map
  2. If we’re out-of-bounds, complete loop and return current count
  3. Place an obstacle right in front of the guard on a new “alternate universe” map
  4. Simulate on the new “alternate universe” map until looping or out-of-bounds
  5. If loop, count + 1
  6. Go to 1

This seems correct, but gives incorrect results (curiously it does give correct results for the sample input, but not for a full dataset).

We have identified at least one problem:

The black line is the original map, the one we simulate our movement on. The orange line represents one new “parallel universe” we have spun off. At the point where the orange arrow is pointing a the shaded orange box, we have our issue.

If we place the orange box where the shaded one is currently, the timeline makes no sense. If the box where there, we’d have collided with it in step 1 (coming north) instead of now that we made our way around (coming from south).

This way, the “optimized” solution finds more loops that aren’t possible when simulating the changed maps from the start, as our brute-force solution does.

Part 2 - re-optimized

optimized_placement_count = Stream.repeatedly(fn -> :next_step end)
  |> Enum.reduce_while({MapSet.new([]), guard_start, guard_facing}, fn _, {visited, pos, facing} ->
    case Guard.simulate_step(my_map, pos, facing) do
      {:ok, new_pos, new_facing} ->
        visited = MapSet.put(visited, new_pos)
        {:cont, {visited, new_pos, new_facing}}

      :out_of_bounds ->
        {:halt, visited}
  |> Stream.map(fn {x, y} -> place_new_obstacle.({x, y}, my_map) end)
  |> Stream.filter(fn map -> map != :error end)
  |> Task.async_stream(
    fn {:ok, map} -> is_loop?.(map, guard_start, guard_facing) end,
    ordered: false
  |> Enum.reduce(0, fn
    {:ok, true}, count -> count + 1
    {:ok, false}, count -> count
    result, _count -> raise "Unexpected result #{inspect(result)}"

The brute-force version above places obstacles everywhere, even if the guard will never end up on these spaces. Then, we simulate the path for that version of the map, which will be entirely the same as the normal unchagned map. Not smart.

To not waste time looking at map variations that the guard will never come accross, we simulate the entire path through the normal map once. This gives us all unique positions that the guard is going to come accross. Then, we can spawn obstacles in all these places and simualte the maps.

  • Brute-Force (MacBook Pro M2): 152sec
  • Optimized (MacBook Pro M2): 31sec


Instead of calculating each changed map sequentially (one after another), we can calculate multiple of them in parallel.

The code above spawns a number of processes (10 on my MacBook Pro M2) and schedules one guard running one change map for each of them. The results are collected as they come in and the completed tasks starts with next map.

  • Prallel (MacBook Pro M2): 6sec