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MapSet Product Filters


MapSet Product Filters

  {:jason, "~> 1.4"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
  {:youtube, github: "brooklinjazz/youtube"},
  {:hidden_cell, github: "brooklinjazz/hidden_cell"},
  {:benchee, "~> 1.1"},
  {:faker, "~> 0.17.0"}


Home Report An Issue MapSet DrillsFibonacci Sequence

MapSet Product Filters

Previously in the Product Filters exercise, you built an application where users search for products based on certain filters.

Each product is a map with a :name, :category, and :price (in cents).

Instead of using a list of products, you’re going to re-implement the product search using a MapSet of products.

products =
    %{name: "Laptop", category: :tech, price: 100_000},
    %{name: "Phone", category: :tech, price: 50000},
    %{name: "Chocolate", category: :snacks, price: 200},
    %{name: "Shampoo", category: :health, price: 1000}

You’re going to refactor and re-implement your existing Products.filter/2 function and test cases using MapSets.

You should be able to filter by:

  1. a partial case-insensitive :name field.
  2. an inclusive :min and :max price.
  3. an exact :category field as an atom.

Example Test Cases

ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)

defmodule MapSetProductsTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "filter/2 empty filters" do
    products = MapSet.new([make_product()])
    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, []) == products

  test "filter/2 by exact matching name" do
    found = make_product(name: "AAA")
    not_found = make_product(name: "B")
    products = MapSet.new([found, not_found])
    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, name: "AAA") == MapSet.new([found])

  test "filter/2 by partial matching name" do
    found = make_product(name: "AAA")
    not_found = make_product(name: "B")
    products = MapSet.new([found, not_found])
    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, name: "A") == MapSet.new([found])

  test "filter/2 by mixed case partial matching name" do
    found = make_product(name: "AAA")
    not_found = make_product(name: "B")
    products = MapSet.new([found, not_found])
    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, name: "a") == MapSet.new([found])

  test "filter/2 by category" do
    found = make_product(category: :tech)
    not_found = make_product(category: :health)
    products = MapSet.new([found, not_found])
    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, category: :tech) == MapSet.new([found])

  test "filter/2 by min price" do
    found_above = make_product(price: 110)
    found_exact = make_product(price: 100)
    not_found = make_product(price: 90)
    products = MapSet.new([found_above, found_exact, not_found])
    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, min: 100) == MapSet.new([found_above, found_exact])

  test "filter/2 by max price" do
    not_found = make_product(price: 110)
    found_exact = make_product(price: 100)
    found_below = make_product(price: 90)
    products = MapSet.new([found_below, found_exact, not_found])
    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, max: 100) == MapSet.new([found_below, found_exact])

  test "filter/2 by max and min price" do
    not_found_above = make_product(price: 110)
    found = make_product(price: 100)
    not_found_below = make_product(price: 90)
    products = MapSet.new([not_found_above, found, not_found_below])
    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, max: 100, min: 100) == MapSet.new([found])

  test "filter/2 all filters" do
    not_found_above = make_product(name: "AAA", category: :tech, price: 110)
    not_found_below = make_product(name: "AAA", category: :tech, price: 90)
    not_found_name = make_product(name: "BBB", category: :tech, price: 100)
    not_found_category = make_product(name: "AAA", category: :health, price: 100)
    found = make_product(name: "AAA", category: :tech, price: 100)

    products =
      MapSet.new([found, not_found_above, not_found_below, not_found_name, not_found_category])

    assert MapSetProducts.filter(products, name: "a", category: :tech, max: 100, min: 100) ==

  defp make_product(attrs \\ %{}) do
    Enum.into(attrs, %{
      name: Enum.random(["A", "B", "C"]),
      category: Enum.random([:tech, :toys, :candy]),
      price: Enum.random(1..100)


Example Solution

In this example, we solve the problem by enumerating over products and checking each filter.

defmodule MapSetProducts do
  def filter(products, filters \\ []) do
    name_filter = filters[:name]
    category_filter = filters[:category]
    min_filter = filters[:min]
    max_filter = filters[:max]

    MapSet.filter(products, fn product ->
      matches_name = !name_filter || Regex.match?(~r/#{name_filter}/i, product.name)
      matches_category = !category_filter || product.category == category_filter
      matches_min = !min_filter || min_filter <= product.price
      matches_max = !max_filter || product.price <= max_filter

      matches_name and matches_category and matches_min and matches_max

Implement the MapSetProducts module using MapSet instead of the Enum module.

defmodule MapSetProducts do
  @moduledoc """
  Documentation for `Products`

  @doc """
  Filter products by name, category, and price.
  The name filter should be partial and case insensitive.

  ## Examples

    No filters returns all products.

      iex> MapSetProducts.filter(MapSet.new([%{name: "Laptop", category: :tech, price: 100}]), [])
      MapSet.new([%{name: "Laptop", category: :tech, price: 100}])

    Filter by name (case insensitive and partial matching)

      iex> MapSetProducts.filter(MapSet.new([%{name: "Laptop", category: :tech, price: 100}]), name: "l")
      MapSet.new([%{name: "Laptop", category: :tech, price: 100}])

    Multiple Filters

      iex> MapSetProducts.filter(MapSet.new([%{name: "Laptop", category: :tech, price: 100}]), min: 50, max: 200, name: "Laptop", category: :tech)
      MapSet.new([%{name: "Laptop", category: :tech, price: 100}])
  def filter(products, filters \\ []) do

ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)

defmodule MapSetProductsTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "filter/2 empty filters"

  test "filter/2 by exact matching name"

  test "filter/2 by partial matching name"

  test "filter/2 by mixed case partial matching name"

  test "filter/2 by category"

  test "filter/2 by min price"

  test "filter/2 by max price"

  test "filter/2 by max and min price"

  test "filter/2 all filters"


Bonus: Benchmark

Did using MapSet improve the performance of your solution? Use Benchee to find out. Ensure you benchmark your solution with a large and varied data set. We’ve included the Faker project to make this easier.


Consider adding the :memory_time option to your benchmark to see which solution is more memory efficient.

Example Solution

names = Enum.map(1..1000, fn _ -> Faker.Food.dish() end)
categories = [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g, :h, :i, :j, :k, :l, :m, :n, :o, :p]

products =
  for name <- names,
      category <- categories,
      do: %{name: name, category: category, price: Enum.random(1..100)}

filters = [name: "1", category: :tech, min: 25, max: 50]

mapset_products = MapSet.new(products)

    "Enum" => fn -> EnumProducts.filter(products, filters) end,
    "Stream" => fn -> StreamProducts.filter(mapset_products, filters) end
    "MapSet" => fn -> MapSetProducts.filter(mapset_products, filters) end
  memory_time: 2

You may create your solution below, or consider creating a product_filters mix project with all of your solutions and benchmarks as a GitHub project for your future resume!

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Run git status to ensure there are no undesirable changes. Then run the following in your command line from the curriculum folder to commit your progress.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish MapSet Product Filters exercise"
$ git push

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We also offer a paid course where you can learn from an instructor alongside a cohort of your peers. We will accept applications for the June-August 2023 cohort soon.


Home Report An Issue MapSet DrillsFibonacci Sequence