Running a Complete Lux Company
In this guide, we’ll create and run a complete Lux company that creates blog content. We’ll:
- Define the company structure
- Create specialized agents with different roles
- Implement necessary tools (prisms, beams, lenses)
- Run the company and execute objectives
First, let’s make sure we have all the necessary dependencies:
{:lux, "~> 0.2.0"},
{:jason, "~> 1.4"},
{:req, "~> 0.4.0"}
Creating the Tools
Let’s create the tools our content creation company will need. We’ll start with some prisms for different content-related tasks:
defmodule ContentTools.ResearchPrism do
use Lux.Prism,
name: "Research Tool",
description: "Performs research on a given topic",
input_schema: %{
type: "object",
properties: %{
"topic" => %{
type: "string",
description: "The topic to research"
"depth" => %{
type: "string",
enum: ["basic", "detailed", "comprehensive"],
default: "detailed",
description: "How deep the research should go"
required: ["topic"]
def handler(%{"topic" => topic, "depth" => depth}, _context) do
# In a real implementation, this would do actual research
# For demo purposes, we'll simulate research results
research = %{
topic: topic,
depth: depth,
key_points: [
"First key point about #{topic}",
"Second key point about #{topic}",
"Third key point about #{topic}"
sources: [
"Source 1 for #{topic}",
"Source 2 for #{topic}"
{:ok, research}
defmodule ContentTools.OutlinePrism do
use Lux.Prism,
name: "Outline Generator",
description: "Creates a content outline based on research",
input_schema: %{
type: "object",
properties: %{
"topic" => %{type: "string"},
"research" => %{
type: "object",
properties: %{
"key_points" => %{
type: "array",
items: %{type: "string"}
"style" => %{
type: "string",
enum: ["blog", "article", "tutorial"],
default: "blog"
required: ["topic", "research"]
def handler(%{"topic" => topic, "research" => research, "style" => style}, _context) do
outline = %{
title: "#{topic} - A Comprehensive Guide",
sections: [
title: "Introduction",
points: ["Background", "Why this matters"]
title: "Main Content",
points: research.key_points
title: "Conclusion",
points: ["Summary", "Next steps"]
style: style
{:ok, outline}
defmodule ContentTools.WritingBeam do
use Lux.Beam,
name: "Content Writer",
description: "Coordinates the content creation process",
input_schema: %{
type: "object",
properties: %{
"topic" => %{type: "string"},
"style" => %{
type: "string",
enum: ["blog", "article", "tutorial"]
required: ["topic"]
def steps do
sequence do
# First do research
step(:research, ContentTools.ResearchPrism, %{
topic: [:input, "topic"],
depth: "detailed"
# Then create outline
step(:outline, ContentTools.OutlinePrism, %{
topic: [:input, "topic"],
research: [:steps, :research, :result],
style: [:input, "style"]
Defining Company Agents
Now let’s create our specialized agents:
defmodule ContentTeam.Agents.Researcher do
use Lux.Agent,
name: "Research Specialist",
description: "Specializes in gathering and analyzing information",
goal: "Provide well-researched, accurate information for content creation",
prisms: [ContentTools.ResearchPrism],
llm_config: %{
temperature: 0.3 # Lower temperature for more focused research
# Implement the task handler for research assignments
@impl true
def handle_task_assignment(%Lux.Signal{payload: payload} = signal, context) do
case payload do
%{"type" => "assignment", "title" => title, "description" => description} ->
# Extract topic from description
topic = extract_topic(description)
# Use the research prism
case ContentTools.ResearchPrism.handler(%{"topic" => topic, "depth" => "detailed"}, context) do
{:ok, research} ->
{:ok, create_completion_signal(signal, research)}
{:error, reason} ->
{:ok, create_failure_signal(signal, reason)}
_ ->
{:error, :invalid_task}
defp extract_topic(description) do
# Simple implementation - in real world, would use LLM to extract topic
|> String.split(" ")
|> Enum.take(3)
|> Enum.join(" ")
defp create_completion_signal(original, result) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "completion",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "completed",
"result" => %{
"success" => true,
"output" => result
recipient: original.sender
defp create_failure_signal(original, reason) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "failure",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "failed",
"result" => %{
"success" => false,
"error" => inspect(reason)
recipient: original.sender
defmodule ContentTeam.Agents.Writer do
use Lux.Agent,
name: "Content Writer",
description: "Creates engaging written content",
goal: "Transform research and outlines into polished content",
beams: [ContentTools.WritingBeam],
llm_config: %{
temperature: 0.7 # Higher temperature for more creative writing
@impl true
def handle_task_assignment(%Lux.Signal{payload: payload} = signal, context) do
case payload do
%{"type" => "assignment", "title" => title, "context" => %{"research" => research}} ->
# Use the writing beam
"topic" => title,
"style" => "blog"
}, context) do
{:ok, content} ->
{:ok, create_completion_signal(signal, content)}
{:error, reason} ->
{:ok, create_failure_signal(signal, reason)}
_ ->
{:error, :invalid_task}
# Reuse the same helper functions as Researcher
defp create_completion_signal(original, result) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "completion",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "completed",
"result" => %{
"success" => true,
"output" => result
recipient: original.sender
defp create_failure_signal(original, reason) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "failure",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "failed",
"result" => %{
"success" => false,
"error" => inspect(reason)
recipient: original.sender
defmodule ContentTeam.Agents.Editor do
use Lux.Agent,
name: "Content Editor",
description: "Reviews and improves content",
goal: "Ensure content meets quality standards and style guidelines",
llm_config: %{
temperature: 0.4 # Balanced temperature for editing
@impl true
def handle_task_assignment(%Lux.Signal{payload: payload} = signal, _context) do
case payload do
%{"type" => "assignment", "context" => %{"content" => content}} ->
# Simulate editing process
edited_content = %{
original: content,
edits: [
"Improved flow in introduction",
"Enhanced clarity in main points",
"Fixed grammar and style issues"
final_version: content # In real implementation, would actually edit
{:ok, create_completion_signal(signal, edited_content)}
_ ->
{:error, :invalid_task}
# Reuse the same helper functions
defp create_completion_signal(original, result) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "completion",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "completed",
"result" => %{
"success" => true,
"output" => result
recipient: original.sender
Defining the Company
Now let’s define our content creation company:
defmodule ContentTeam.Company do
use Lux.Company
company do
name "Content Creation Team"
mission "Create high-quality, research-backed blog content"
has_ceo "Content Director" do
agent ContentTeam.Agents.Editor
goal "Oversee content creation and ensure quality"
can "review"
can "approve"
can "coordinate"
members do
has_role "Research Specialist" do
agent ContentTeam.Agents.Researcher
goal "Research topics and provide comprehensive insights"
can "research"
can "analyze"
can "summarize"
has_role "Content Writer" do
agent ContentTeam.Agents.Writer
goal "Create engaging and well-structured content"
can "write"
can "edit"
can "draft"
objective :create_blog_post do
description "Create a well-researched blog post"
success_criteria """
- Well-researched content with cited sources
- Engaging writing style appropriate for target audience
- Proper structure and flow
- Error-free content
- Approved by Content Director
steps [
"Research the topic thoroughly and gather key insights",
"Create a detailed outline based on research",
"Write the first draft following the outline",
"Review and edit the content",
"Get final approval from Content Director"
Running the Company
Let’s start the company and create a blog post:
# Start the company
{:ok, company_pid} = ContentTeam.Company.start_link()
# Create a blog post
{:ok, objective_id} = Lux.Company.run_objective(company_pid, :create_blog_post, %{
"topic" => "The Future of AI",
"target_audience" => "tech enthusiasts",
"tone" => "informative yet engaging"
# Monitor the objective status
{:ok, status} = Lux.Company.get_objective_status(company_pid, objective_id)
# The status will include:
# - Current step
# - Overall progress
# - Any completed artifacts
# - Error information (if any)
Monitoring and Debugging
You can monitor the company’s operation in several ways:
Check objective status:
{:ok, status} = Lux.Company.get_objective_status(company_pid, objective_id) IO.inspect(status)
List all active objectives:
{:ok, objectives} = Lux.Company.list_objectives(company_pid) IO.inspect(objectives)
Get agent status:
{:ok, agents} = Lux.Company.list_agents(company_pid) IO.inspect(agents)
View objective artifacts:
{:ok, artifacts} = Lux.Company.get_objective_artifacts(company_pid, objective_id) IO.inspect(artifacts)
Error Handling
The company handles various types of errors:
Invalid inputs:
{:error, :invalid_input} = Lux.Company.run_objective(company_pid, :create_blog_post, %{ "topic" => "AI" # Missing required fields })
Agent failures:
# The company will attempt to recover from agent failures # You can check the error in the objective status {:ok, status} = Lux.Company.get_objective_status(company_pid, objective_id) if status.error do IO.puts("Error: #{status.error}") end
Next Steps
- Add more specialized agents to your company
- Create custom tools for specific tasks
- Implement more complex objectives
- Add monitoring and alerting
- Implement recovery strategies for different failure modes