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3b Fledex: Everything about Colors


3b Fledex: Everything about Colors

  {:fledex, "~>0.5"}

Colors and different drivers

Different drivers have different color characteristics. Therefore you might have to adjust the colors when migrating from one output to another. Some drivers allow some color correction to try to adjust for those issues (see also the ‘Color Correction’ section.

Color Information

Fledex has an extensive set of predefined colors from Wikipedia. You can retrieve those names by calling


You can also retrieve the complete data set by calling


Here a list of all the colors:

  keys: [:descriptive_name, :name, :rgb, :hex, :hsv, :hsl, :source],
  sorting_enabled: true

You can also retrieve the information from a specific color, like :almond in the following way

  • almond/0: Every color has it’s own function and the :hex value (represented as integer) will be returned
  • almond/1: This allows the retrieve a specific representation. It should be noted, that the color functions (that are oftne just approximations), do not provide the same results. The values returned here are the ones as defined on the Wikipedia page:
    • :all: This retrieves the full data set
    • :hex: This is the same as almond/0
    • :rgb: This retrieves an RGB struct, i.e. {r, g, b}
    • :hsv: This retrieves an HSV struct, i.e. {h, s, v}
    • :hsl: This retrieves an HSL struct, i.e. {h, s, l}
    • :index: The index of this color in the list of all colors
    • :desriptive_name: a string with name (from this the Atom is derived)
    • :source: Information where the color comes from, see Wikipedia for more details
  • info/1 and info/2: They are convenience functions when you only have an atom as the color name. They map to the functions, thus info(:almond) is equal to almond() and info(:almond, what) is equal to almond(what).

In addition each color can also be used directly in an Leds sequence since it provides to convenience functions:

  • almond(leds) which takes an Leds sequence and adds the :almond color to it (at the next position). This is equivalent to:
    leds |> Leds.light(almond(:hex))
  • almond(leds, offset) which takes an Leds sequence and an offset to specify where the led should be positioned. This is equivalent to:
    leds |> Leds.light(almond(:hex), offset)

This allows for a very natural way to define an led sequence. especially if we import the Fledex.Leds and Fledex.Color.Names modules.

import Fledex.Leds
import Fledex.Color.Names

leds(5) |> almond |> red |> green |> blue(5)

Color Correction

More info to follow