Day 2
{:benchee, "~> 1.3"}
input =
|> Path.join("data/day2.txt")
defmodule Day2 do
def safe?(level) do
Enum.reduce_while(level, {nil, nil}, fn
item, acc ->
item = String.to_integer(item)
case acc do
{nil, nil} ->
{:cont, {item, nil}}
{prev, nil} ->
diff = abs(item - prev)
if diff >= 1 && diff <= 3 do
{:cont, {item, if(item > prev, do: :asc, else: :desc)}}
{:halt, false}
{prev, dir} ->
diff = abs(item - prev)
new_dir = if(item > prev, do: :asc, else: :desc)
if diff >= 1 && diff <= 3 && new_dir == dir do
{:cont, {item, dir}}
{:halt, false}
def part1(input) do
for level <- String.split(input, "\n"),
level != "",
|> safe?(),
reduce: 0 do
sum ->
sum + 1
def part2(input) do
for level <- String.split(input, "\n"),
level != "",
level = String.split(level),
Enum.any?(0..length(level), fn index ->
safe?(List.delete_at(level, index))
reduce: 0 do
sum ->
sum + 1
def bench(input) do
"part1" => fn -> part1(input) end,
"part2" => fn -> part2(input) end
time: 10,
memory_time: 2
{:module, Day2, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 17, ...>>, {:bench, 1}}
Error trying to determine erlang version enoent, falling back to overall OTP version
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M1 Max
Number of Available Cores: 10
Available memory: 32 GB
Elixir 1.17.2
Erlang 27
JIT enabled: true
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 10 s
memory time: 2 s
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 28 s
Benchmarking part1 ...
Benchmarking part2 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
part1 141.01 7.09 ms ±24.15% 6.84 ms 17.37 ms
part2 135.51 7.38 ms ±20.82% 7.20 ms 14.57 ms
part1 141.01
part2 135.51 - 1.04x slower +0.29 ms
Memory usage statistics:
Name Memory usage
part1 0.44 MB
part2 1.64 MB - 3.72x memory usage +1.20 MB
**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
system: %Benchee.System{
elixir: "1.17.2",
erlang: "27",
jit_enabled?: true,
num_cores: 10,
os: :macOS,
available_memory: "32 GB",
cpu_speed: "Apple M1 Max"
configuration: %Benchee.Configuration{
parallel: 1,
time: 10000000000.0,
warmup: 2000000000.0,
memory_time: 2000000000.0,
reduction_time: 0.0,
pre_check: false,
formatters: [Benchee.Formatters.Console],
percentiles: ~c"2c",
print: %{configuration: true, benchmarking: true, fast_warning: true},
inputs: nil,
input_names: [],
save: false,
load: false,
unit_scaling: :best,
assigns: %{},
before_each: nil,
after_each: nil,
before_scenario: nil,
after_scenario: nil,
measure_function_call_overhead: false,
title: nil,
profile_after: false
scenarios: [
name: "part1",
job_name: "part1",
function: #Function<0.49003594/0 in Day2.bench/1>,
input_name: :__no_input,
input: :__no_input,
before_each: nil,
after_each: nil,
before_scenario: nil,
after_scenario: nil,
tag: nil,
run_time_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
average: 7091490.894326241,
ips: 141.01407093395267,
std_dev: 1712775.1037341412,
std_dev_ratio: 0.24152538997187434,
std_dev_ips: 34.05847847384447,
median: 6839568.5,
percentiles: %{50 => 6839568.5, 99 => 17372209.74000002},
mode: 6746006,
minimum: 6645798,
maximum: 33028820,
relative_more: nil,
relative_less: nil,
absolute_difference: nil,
sample_size: 1410
samples: [6912756, 6771798, 6925339, 6929381, 7002797, 19756809, 7433049, 6907673, 6999131,
6899673, 6786464, 6836047, 6864256, 6825756, 6819256, 6893215, 6890297, 6884672, 6869173,
6826048, 6851131, 6853881, 6839464, 6795131, 6777298, 6744505, 6735756, 6715881, 6726214,
6766797, 6829839, 6702381, 6721005, ...]
memory_usage_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
average: 461264.0,
ips: nil,
std_dev: 0.0,
std_dev_ratio: 0.0,
std_dev_ips: nil,
median: 461264.0,
percentiles: %{50 => 461264.0, 99 => 461264.0},
mode: 461264,
minimum: 461264,
maximum: 461264,
relative_more: nil,
relative_less: nil,
absolute_difference: nil,
sample_size: 294
samples: [461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264,
461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264,
461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264, 461264,
reductions_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
average: nil,
ips: nil,
std_dev: nil,
std_dev_ratio: nil,
std_dev_ips: nil,
median: nil,
percentiles: nil,
mode: nil,
minimum: nil,
maximum: nil,
relative_more: nil,
relative_less: nil,
absolute_difference: nil,
sample_size: 0
samples: []
name: "part2",
job_name: "part2",
function: #Function<1.49003594/0 in Day2.bench/1>,
input_name: :__no_input,
input: :__no_input,
before_each: nil,
after_each: nil,
before_scenario: nil,
after_scenario: nil,
tag: nil,
run_time_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
average: 7379728.698154981,
ips: 135.50633646600204,
std_dev: 1536329.91307857,
std_dev_ratio: 0.20818243812440837,
std_dev_ips: 28.210039506798733,
median: 7197423.0,
percentiles: %{50 => 7197423.0, 99 => 14568399.480000034},
mode: [7209798, 7091631],
minimum: 7072547,
maximum: 39876452,
relative_more: 1.0406455861149528,
relative_less: 0.9609419511721612,
absolute_difference: 288237.8038287405,
sample_size: 1355
samples: [7120340, 7078798, 7170381, 7082256, 7072547, 7355382, 7233006, 7117298, 7117798,
7106298, 7128673, 7102715, 7108381, 7114965, 7126714, 7100297, 7100881, 7129132, 7130006,
7103423, 7106381, 7098423, 7182882, 7097131, 7102756, 7096506, 7178631, 7117006, 7110590,
7109465, 7124714, 7108089, ...]
memory_usage_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
average: 1715952.0,
ips: nil,
std_dev: 0.0,
std_dev_ratio: 0.0,
std_dev_ips: nil,
median: 1715952.0,
percentiles: %{50 => 1715952.0, 99 => 1715952.0},
mode: 1715952,
minimum: 1715952,
maximum: 1715952,
relative_more: 3.7201082243574177,
relative_less: 0.26880938394547166,
absolute_difference: 1254688.0,
sample_size: 265
samples: [1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952,
1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952,
1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952, 1715952,
1715952, 1715952, ...]
reductions_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
average: nil,
ips: nil,
std_dev: nil,
std_dev_ratio: nil,
std_dev_ips: nil,
median: nil,
percentiles: nil,
mode: nil,
minimum: nil,
maximum: nil,
relative_more: nil,
relative_less: nil,
absolute_difference: nil,
sample_size: 0
samples: []