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Day 3


Day 3

  {:benchee, "~> 1.3"}


input =
  |> Path.join("data/day3.txt")
  |> File.read!()



defmodule Day3 do
  @part1_pattern ~r/mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)/
  @doc """
  iex> Day3.part1("xmul(2,4)%&mul[3,7]!@^do_not_mul(5,5)+mul(32,64]then(mul(11,8)mul(8,5))")
  def part1(input) do
    |> Regex.scan(input, capture: :all_but_first)
    |> Enum.reduce(0, fn [left, right], acc ->
      String.to_integer(left) * String.to_integer(right) + acc

  @part2_pattern ~r/(mul\((?P\d{1,3}),(?P\d{1,3})\))|(?Pdo\(\))|(?Pdon't\(\))/
  @doc """
  iex> Day3.part2("xmul(2,4)&mul[3,7]!^don't()_mul(5,5)+mul(32,64](mul(11,8)undo()?mul(8,5))")
  def part2(input) do
    |> Regex.scan(input, capture: :all_names)
    |> Enum.reduce({0, true}, fn
      group, {acc, active?} ->
        group = Enum.filter(group, fn item -> String.trim(item) != "" end)

        case group do
          [left, right] ->
            if active? do
              {acc + String.to_integer(left) * String.to_integer(right), active?}
              {acc, active?}

          ["do()"] ->
            {acc, true}

          ["don't()"] ->
            {acc, false}
    |> elem(0)

  def bench(input) do
        "part1" => fn -> part1(input) end,
        "part2" => fn -> part2(input) end
      time: 10,
      memory_time: 2
{:module, Day3, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 17, ...>>, {:bench, 1}}
Error trying to determine erlang version enoent, falling back to overall OTP version
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M1 Max
Number of Available Cores: 10
Available memory: 32 GB
Elixir 1.17.2
Erlang 27
JIT enabled: true

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 10 s
memory time: 2 s
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 28 s

Benchmarking part1 ...
Benchmarking part2 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...

Name            ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
part1        2.47 K        0.40 ms    ±13.12%        0.40 ms        0.45 ms
part2        0.67 K        1.50 ms     ±3.88%        1.49 ms        1.64 ms

part1        2.47 K
part2        0.67 K - 3.70x slower +1.09 ms

Memory usage statistics:

Name     Memory usage
part1       269.15 KB
part2       711.11 KB - 2.64x memory usage +441.96 KB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
  system: %Benchee.System{
    elixir: "1.17.2",
    erlang: "27",
    jit_enabled?: true,
    num_cores: 10,
    os: :macOS,
    available_memory: "32 GB",
    cpu_speed: "Apple M1 Max"
  configuration: %Benchee.Configuration{
    parallel: 1,
    time: 10000000000.0,
    warmup: 2000000000.0,
    memory_time: 2000000000.0,
    reduction_time: 0.0,
    pre_check: false,
    formatters: [Benchee.Formatters.Console],
    percentiles: ~c"2c",
    print: %{configuration: true, benchmarking: true, fast_warning: true},
    inputs: nil,
    input_names: [],
    save: false,
    load: false,
    unit_scaling: :best,
    assigns: %{},
    before_each: nil,
    after_each: nil,
    before_scenario: nil,
    after_scenario: nil,
    measure_function_call_overhead: false,
    title: nil,
    profile_after: false
  scenarios: [
      name: "part1",
      job_name: "part1",
      function: #Function<0.72196230/0 in Day3.bench/1>,
      input_name: :__no_input,
      input: :__no_input,
      before_each: nil,
      after_each: nil,
      before_scenario: nil,
      after_scenario: nil,
      tag: nil,
      run_time_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: 404528.9985023881,
          ips: 2472.010668461625,
          std_dev: 53083.25329029331,
          std_dev_ratio: 0.1312223684502557,
          std_dev_ips: 324.38309474983424,
          median: 399417.0,
          percentiles: %{50 => 399417.0, 99 => 447205.13},
          mode: 399125,
          minimum: 395500,
          maximum: 4595295,
          relative_more: nil,
          relative_less: nil,
          absolute_difference: nil,
          sample_size: 24706
        samples: [509625, 448126, 427708, 450250, 420292, 421250, 405083, 438418, 404625, 395500,
         399417, 398793, 409875, 411750, 399251, 399125, 398916, 399500, 399210, 407334, 399125,
         399543, 398917, 399292, 402209, 412543, 399000, 399375, 400376, 399333, 399291, 399125,
         401793, ...]
      memory_usage_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: 275608.0,
          ips: nil,
          std_dev: 0.0,
          std_dev_ratio: 0.0,
          std_dev_ips: nil,
          median: 275608.0,
          percentiles: %{50 => 275608.0, 99 => 275608.0},
          mode: 275608,
          minimum: 275608,
          maximum: 275608,
          relative_more: nil,
          relative_less: nil,
          absolute_difference: nil,
          sample_size: 3649
        samples: [275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608,
         275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608,
         275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608, 275608,
      reductions_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: nil,
          ips: nil,
          std_dev: nil,
          std_dev_ratio: nil,
          std_dev_ips: nil,
          median: nil,
          percentiles: nil,
          mode: nil,
          minimum: nil,
          maximum: nil,
          relative_more: nil,
          relative_less: nil,
          absolute_difference: nil,
          sample_size: 0
        samples: []
      name: "part2",
      job_name: "part2",
      function: #Function<1.72196230/0 in Day3.bench/1>,
      input_name: :__no_input,
      input: :__no_input,
      before_each: nil,
      after_each: nil,
      before_scenario: nil,
      after_scenario: nil,
      tag: nil,
      run_time_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: 1495214.4404067593,
          ips: 668.8003894130123,
          std_dev: 58059.7297822533,
          std_dev_ratio: 0.03883036988758528,
          std_dev_ips: 25.969766501868342,
          median: 1485001.0,
          percentiles: %{50 => 1485001.0, 99 => 1641881.04},
          mode: 1437376,
          minimum: 1425335,
          maximum: 3516712,
          relative_more: 3.6961860483233875,
          relative_less: 0.270549151727253,
          absolute_difference: 1090685.4419043711,
          sample_size: 6687
        samples: [1604792, 1509168, 1473793, 1465460, 1521917, 1505293, 1460001, 1551918, 1493168,
         1536210, 1483084, 1568584, 1547459, 1498709, 1502376, 1483751, 1522376, 1531001, 1470710,
         1547126, 1493834, 1568460, 1528794, 1477585, 1547084, 1498001, 1545251, 1516168, 1518543,
         1485251, 1538793, 1485501, ...]
      memory_usage_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: 728176.0,
          ips: nil,
          std_dev: 0.0,
          std_dev_ratio: 0.0,
          std_dev_ips: nil,
          median: 728176.0,
          percentiles: %{50 => 728176.0, 99 => 728176.0},
          mode: 728176,
          minimum: 728176,
          maximum: 728176,
          relative_more: 2.642071347711242,
          relative_less: 0.3784909142844587,
          absolute_difference: 452568.0,
          sample_size: 1225
        samples: [728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176,
         728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176,
         728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, 728176, ...]
      reductions_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: nil,
          ips: nil,
          std_dev: nil,
          std_dev_ratio: nil,
          std_dev_ips: nil,
          median: nil,
          percentiles: nil,
          mode: nil,
          minimum: nil,
          maximum: nil,
          relative_more: nil,
          relative_less: nil,
          absolute_difference: nil,
          sample_size: 0
        samples: []