Livekit Server SDK Basic Usage
First, let’s install and set up our dependencies. We’ll use the local Livekit SDK package.
{:livekit, path: "/Users/alex/Projects/my/livekit/livekit"},
{:jason, "~> 1.4"},
{:tesla, "~> 1.7"},
{:hackney, "~> 1.18"}
alias Livekit.{AccessToken, RoomServiceClient}
Set your Livekit server credentials. You can modify these values to match your setup.
server_url = "http://localhost:7880"
api_key = "devkey"
api_secret = "secret"
# Initialize the RoomServiceClient
client =, api_key, api_secret)
Debug Authentication
Let’s check the authentication token generation:
# Generate a test access token with room creation permissions
token =, api_secret)
|> AccessToken.with_identity("test")
|> AccessToken.with_ttl(600)
|> AccessToken.add_grant(%{
room_create: true,
room_list: true,
room_admin: true
|> AccessToken.to_jwt()
IO.puts("Generated token: #{token}")
# Let's examine the client configuration
IO.puts("\nClient configuration:")
IO.inspect(client, pretty: true)
# Make a test request to list rooms to check auth
IO.puts("\nTesting authentication with list_rooms:")
case RoomServiceClient.list_rooms(client) do
{:ok, rooms} ->
IO.puts("Authentication successful!")
IO.puts("Current rooms:")
IO.inspect(rooms, pretty: true)
{:error, reason} ->
IO.puts("Authentication failed: #{inspect(reason)}")
Creating a Room
Now let’s try to create a room:
room_name = "test-room-#{:rand.uniform(1000)}"
room_opts = [
empty_timeout: 10 * 60, # 10 minutes
max_participants: 10
# Try to create the room
case RoomServiceClient.create_room(client, room_name, room_opts) do
{:ok, room} ->
IO.puts("Room created successfully:")
IO.inspect(room, pretty: true)
{:error, reason} ->
IO.puts("Error creating room: #{inspect(reason)}")
Listing Rooms
View all active rooms on your Livekit server.
case RoomServiceClient.list_rooms(client) do
{:ok, rooms} ->
IO.puts("Active rooms:")
IO.inspect(rooms, pretty: true)
{:error, reason} ->
IO.puts("Error listing rooms: #{inspect(reason)}")
Generating Access Tokens
Participant Token
Generate a token for a regular participant with basic permissions.
participant_token =, api_secret)
|> AccessToken.with_identity("participant-#{:rand.uniform(1000)}")
|> AccessToken.with_ttl(3600) # 1 hour
|> AccessToken.with_metadata(%{name: "Test User"} |> Jason.encode!())
|> AccessToken.add_grant(%{
room_join: true,
room: room_name,
can_publish: true,
can_subscribe: true,
can_publish_data: true
|> AccessToken.to_jwt()
IO.puts("Participant token: #{participant_token}")
Admin Token
Generate a token with admin permissions.
admin_token =, api_secret)
|> AccessToken.with_identity("admin-#{:rand.uniform(1000)}")
|> AccessToken.with_ttl(3600) # 1 hour
|> AccessToken.add_grant(%{
room_join: true,
room: room_name,
can_publish: true,
can_subscribe: true,
can_publish_data: true,
can_admin: true
|> AccessToken.to_jwt()
IO.puts("Admin token: #{admin_token}")
Deleting a Room
When you’re done with a room, you can delete it.
case RoomServiceClient.delete_room(client, room_name) do
{:ok, _} ->
IO.puts("Room #{room_name} deleted successfully")
{:error, reason} ->
IO.puts("Error deleting room: #{inspect(reason)}")
Next Steps
Now that you have a room and access tokens, you can:
- Connect to the room using a Livekit client library
- Use the admin token to manage the room
- Monitor room activity and participants
For more advanced usage, check out the advanced_usage.livemd