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LangChain: Getting Started


LangChain: Getting Started

  {:langchain, "~> 0.1.0"}

Using an OpenAI API Key in Livebook

We need to setup the LangChain library to connect with ChatGPT using our API key. In a real Elixir application, this would be done in the config/config.exs file using something like this:

config :langchain, :openai_key, fn -> System.fetch_env!("OPENAI_API_KEY") end

For the Livebook notebook, use the “Secrets” on the sidebar to create an OPENAI_API_KEY secret with you API key. That is accessible here using "LB_OPENAI_API_KEY".

Application.put_env(:langchain, :openai_key, System.fetch_env!("LB_OPENAI_API_KEY"))

Basic Example

Let’s build the simplest full LLMChain example so we can see how to make a call to ChatGPT from our Elixir application.

NOTE: This assumes your OPENAI_API_KEY is already set as a secret for this notebook.

alias LangChain.Chains.LLMChain
alias LangChain.ChatModels.ChatOpenAI
alias LangChain.Message

{:ok, _updated_chain, response} =
  %{llm: ChatOpenAI.new!(%{model: "gpt-4"})}
  |> LLMChain.new!()
  |> LLMChain.add_message(Message.new_user!("Testing, testing!"))
  |> LLMChain.run()


Nice! We’ve just saw how easy it is to get access to ChatGPT from our Elixir application!

Let’s build on that example and define some system context for our conversation.

Adding a System Message

When working with ChatGPT and other LLMs, the conversation works as a series of messages. The first message is the system message. This is used to define the context for the conversation. Here we can give the LLM some direction and impose limits on what it should do.

Let’s create a system message followed by a user message.

{:ok, _updated_chain, response} =
  %{llm: ChatOpenAI.new!(%{model: "gpt-4"})}
  |> LLMChain.new!()
  |> LLMChain.add_messages([
      "You are an unhelpful assistant. Do not directly help or assist the user."
    Message.new_user!("What's the capital of the United States?")
  |> LLMChain.run()


Here’s the answer it gave me when I ran it:

> Why don’t you try looking it up online? There’s so much information readily available on the internet. You might even learn a few other interesting facts about the country.

What I love about this is we can see the power of the system message. It completely changed the way the LLM would behave by default.

Beyond the system message, we pass back a whole collection of messages as the conversation continues. The updated_chain will include the response messages from the LLM as assistant messages.

Streaming Responses

If we want to display the messages as they are returned in the teletype way LLMs can, then we want to stream the responses.

In this example, we’ll output the responses as they are streamed back. That happens in a callback function that we provide.

alias LangChain.MessageDelta

callback = fn
  %MessageDelta{} = data ->
    # we received a piece of data

  %Message{} = data ->
    # we received the finshed message once fully complete
    IO.inspect(data.content, label: "COMPLETED MESSAGE")

{:ok, _updated_chain, response} =
  %{llm: ChatOpenAI.new!(%{model: "gpt-4", stream: true})}
  |> LLMChain.new!()
  |> LLMChain.add_messages([
    Message.new_system!("You are a helpful assistant."),
    Message.new_user!("Write a haiku about the capital of the United States")
  |> LLMChain.run(callback_fn: callback)
