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Understanding any code in Anoma


Understanding any code in Anoma


  1. Toc
  2. User
    1. Data
  3. Contributing
    1. Understanding Any Module
    2. Style Guide
    3. Writing Documents
    4. Examples Over Testing
    5. Git
    6. Hoon
    7. Iex
    8. Mnesia Vs Actor State
    9. Observer
    10. Testing
      1. Running Tests
      2. Writing Tests
  4. Visualization
    1. Actors
  5. Hoon
    1. Calling
    2. Dumping
    3. Setting Up
  6. Analysis
    1. Fema Analysis Pinger
  7. Logging
  8. Vm_interface

Figuring out what a module does

Α good start is by calling h on the module from within one’s IEX instance.

require IEx.Helpers
import IEx.Helpers
# the above two lines are not requried for the REPL!


I act as a registry for Anoma Nodes

## Required Arguments

  • name - name for this process
  • snapshot_path : [atom() | 0]
    • A snapshot location for the service (used in the worker)

  • storage : Anoma.Storage.t() - The Storage tables to use
  • block_storage - a location to store the blocks produced
## Optional Arguments

  • jet : Nock.jettedness() - how jetted the system should be
  • old_storage : boolean - states if the storage should be freshly made
    • by default it is false
## Registered names

### Created Tables

  • storage.qualified
  • storage.order
  • block_storage

However, this typically doesn’t show off how one uses said module. Thankfully, the codebase is setup in such a way that one can always interactively play with any given module.

This is done by simply checking out the tests folder, and finding the module you wish to learn to learn about.

For example, let us learn about the mempool. In the codebase currently this can be found here:

  • test/node/mempool_test.exs,

note that even if this gets out of date, you should be able to do this with any file!

The first thing one can do to run things interactively is by taking all the imports of the file and running it locally

In this case I input the following from the file into IEX.

I also make sure to include an extra import ExUnit.Assertions so that assertions can be copied and pasted to IEX

# output redacted for length
alias Anoma.Storage
alias Anoma.Node.Ordering
alias Anoma.Node.Mempool
alias Anoma.Node.Router

import TestHelper.Nock

import ExUnit.Assertions

After the imports are done, then we copy the setup_all if this section exists

# setup_all do
storage = %Anoma.Storage{
  qualified: AnomaTest.Mempool.Qualified,
  order: AnomaTest.Mempool.Order

name = :mempool
snapshot_path = [:my_special_nock_snaphsot | 0]

node = Anoma.Node.state(name)

unless Process.whereis(:mempool_mempool_com) do
    name: name,
    snapshot_path: snapshot_path,
    storage: storage,
    block_storage: :mempool_blocks

# end
  logger: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: :"Anoma.Node.Logger 0UFKnKepVKxm8B1uH/QkoKh0hLuVQ8TrRGf+4dFY+Zw=",
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<49, 47, 91, 248, 87, 123, 100, 79, 0, 37, 176, 239, 240, 27, 218, 11, 63, 251, 170,
        244, 75, 20, 116, 142, 149, 64, 1, 81, 42, 139, 210, 44>>,
      sign: <<209, 65, 74, 156, 167, 169, 84, 172, 102, 240, 29, 110, 31, 244, 36, 160, 168, 116,
        132, 187, 149, 67, 196, 235, 68, 103, 254, 225, 209, 88, 249, 156>>
    router: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
      server: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4=",
      id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
        encrypt: <<94, 28, 181, 242, 67, 161, 117, 206, 37, 31, 232, 223, 176, 59, 233, 72, 171, 91,
          128, 32, 13, 85, 217, 89, 101, 177, 80, 142, 50, 59, 42, 36>>,
        sign: <<30, 209, 148, 133, 48, 20, 5, 203, 237, 177, 99, 155, 147, 145, 153, 163, 128, 231,
          24, 41, 194, 1, 227, 145, 247, 139, 243, 222, 78, 176, 193, 158>>
      router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="
  clock: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: :"Anoma.Node.Clock qoWUQLrfe8KstPBZsIN9e6Escpvdu5LbUUCS1SoGVYw=",
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<141, 195, 214, 28, 18, 243, 25, 172, 222, 0, 152, 202, 137, 215, 147, 57, 71, 196,
        13, 93, 148, 71, 58, 222, 4, 173, 137, 126, 228, 55, 181, 48>>,
      sign: <<170, 133, 148, 64, 186, 223, 123, 194, 172, 180, 240, 89, 176, 131, 125, 123, 161, 44,
        114, 155, 221, 187, 146, 219, 81, 64, 146, 213, 42, 6, 85, 140>>
    router: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
      server: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4=",
      id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
        encrypt: <<94, 28, 181, 242, 67, 161, 117, 206, 37, 31, 232, 223, 176, 59, 233, 72, 171, 91,
          128, 32, 13, 85, 217, 89, 101, 177, 80, 142, 50, 59, 42, 36>>,
        sign: <<30, 209, 148, 133, 48, 20, 5, 203, 237, 177, 99, 155, 147, 145, 153, 163, 128, 231,
          24, 41, 194, 1, 227, 145, 247, 139, 243, 222, 78, 176, 193, 158>>
      router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="
  pinger: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: :"Anoma.Node.Pinger QeQQ09SN+5MeUCoc5hrKec7jJhKcrtSt+g879DFP0aY=",
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<98, 214, 175, 27, 239, 163, 208, 126, 208, 197, 212, 140, 32, 152, 249, 1, 180,
        245, 181, 143, 171, 251, 99, 160, 21, 174, 16, 128, 35, 100, 227, 75>>,
      sign: <<65, 228, 16, 211, 212, 141, 251, 147, 30, 80, 42, 28, 230, 26, 202, 121, 206, 227, 38,
        18, 156, 174, 212, 173, 250, 15, 59, 244, 49, 79, 209, 166>>
    router: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
      server: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4=",
      id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
        encrypt: <<94, 28, 181, 242, 67, 161, 117, 206, 37, 31, 232, 223, 176, 59, 233, 72, 171, 91,
          128, 32, 13, 85, 217, 89, 101, 177, 80, 142, 50, 59, 42, 36>>,
        sign: <<30, 209, 148, 133, 48, 20, 5, 203, 237, 177, 99, 155, 147, 145, 153, 163, 128, 231,
          24, 41, 194, 1, 227, 145, 247, 139, 243, 222, 78, 176, 193, 158>>
      router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="
  mempool_topic: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: nil,
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<111, 103, 214, 144, 51, 40, 198, 132, 2, 11, 19, 47, 228, 153, 121, 250, 201, 147,
        248, 105, 164, 121, 218, 177, 11, 155, 204, 208, 20, 202, 55, 12>>,
      sign: <<248, 79, 247, 60, 208, 85, 198, 79, 222, 145, 122, 214, 201, 141, 145, 255, 218, 208,
        168, 250, 173, 25, 37, 111, 214, 134, 93, 99, 36, 0, 154, 28>>
    router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="
  mempool: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: :"Anoma.Node.Mempool KNPB2ijsWnfve4L8Iuq434po8eFCJNK+EvKQ4Vd2Tqw=",
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<167, 148, 18, 166, 207, 244, 170, 202, 95, 3, 187, 9, 217, 157, 97, 177, 208, 76,
        163, 136, 148, 60, 160, 248, 68, 61, 142, 67, 47, 229, 82, 30>>,
      sign: <<40, 211, 193, 218, 40, 236, 90, 119, 239, 123, 130, 252, 34, 234, 184, 223, 138, 104,
        241, 225, 66, 36, 210, 190, 18, 242, 144, 225, 87, 118, 78, 172>>
    router: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
      server: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4=",
      id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
        encrypt: <<94, 28, 181, 242, 67, 161, 117, 206, 37, 31, 232, 223, 176, 59, 233, 72, 171, 91,
          128, 32, 13, 85, 217, 89, 101, 177, 80, 142, 50, 59, 42, 36>>,
        sign: <<30, 209, 148, 133, 48, 20, 5, 203, 237, 177, 99, 155, 147, 145, 153, 163, 128, 231,
          24, 41, 194, 1, 227, 145, 247, 139, 243, 222, 78, 176, 193, 158>>
      router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="
  executor_topic: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: nil,
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<250, 161, 209, 10, 200, 171, 194, 37, 114, 235, 167, 193, 45, 245, 92, 157, 121,
        106, 195, 86, 139, 58, 214, 217, 105, 181, 51, 76, 178, 55, 240, 37>>,
      sign: <<188, 255, 80, 242, 172, 114, 141, 55, 239, 90, 234, 3, 38, 172, 76, 203, 220, 62, 127,
        225, 249, 184, 214, 101, 227, 76, 95, 88, 235, 190, 14, 58>>
    router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="
  executor: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: :"Anoma.Node.Executor zdsJtoPjG67QStGoPdiqdjF8wYg5J8Op5i1Bx9V2HCc=",
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<161, 173, 246, 156, 52, 73, 176, 104, 173, 192, 224, 111, 212, 231, 14, 136, 230,
        151, 241, 237, 239, 180, 127, 69, 59, 149, 86, 210, 133, 246, 106, 20>>,
      sign: <<205, 219, 9, 182, 131, 227, 27, 174, 208, 74, 209, 168, 61, 216, 170, 118, 49, 124,
        193, 136, 57, 39, 195, 169, 230, 45, 65, 199, 213, 118, 28, 39>>
    router: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
      server: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4=",
      id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
        encrypt: <<94, 28, 181, 242, 67, 161, 117, 206, 37, 31, 232, 223, 176, 59, 233, 72, 171, 91,
          128, 32, 13, 85, 217, 89, 101, 177, 80, 142, 50, 59, 42, 36>>,
        sign: <<30, 209, 148, 133, 48, 20, 5, 203, 237, 177, 99, 155, 147, 145, 153, 163, 128, 231,
          24, 41, 194, 1, 227, 145, 247, 139, 243, 222, 78, 176, 193, 158>>
      router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="
  ordering: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: :"Anoma.Node.Ordering oCXn2nJdaIIF+wTv8PreeZ56RXH6TKNVH2Vk+EP4FzI=",
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<137, 234, 55, 245, 216, 126, 69, 133, 161, 185, 181, 4, 138, 160, 234, 238, 82,
        157, 113, 175, 169, 23, 67, 177, 90, 99, 60, 94, 0, 237, 51, 53>>,
      sign: <<160, 37, 231, 218, 114, 93, 104, 130, 5, 251, 4, 239, 240, 250, 222, 121, 158, 122,
        69, 113, 250, 76, 163, 85, 31, 101, 100, 248, 67, 248, 23, 50>>
    router: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
      server: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4=",
      id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
        encrypt: <<94, 28, 181, 242, 67, 161, 117, 206, 37, 31, 232, 223, 176, 59, 233, 72, 171, 91,
          128, 32, 13, 85, 217, 89, 101, 177, 80, 142, 50, 59, 42, 36>>,
        sign: <<30, 209, 148, 133, 48, 20, 5, 203, 237, 177, 99, 155, 147, 145, 153, 163, 128, 231,
          24, 41, 194, 1, 227, 145, 247, 139, 243, 222, 78, 176, 193, 158>>
      router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="
  router: %Anoma.Node.Router.Addr{
    server: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4=",
    id: %Anoma.Crypto.Id.Extern{
      encrypt: <<94, 28, 181, 242, 67, 161, 117, 206, 37, 31, 232, 223, 176, 59, 233, 72, 171, 91,
        128, 32, 13, 85, 217, 89, 101, 177, 80, 142, 50, 59, 42, 36>>,
      sign: <<30, 209, 148, 133, 48, 20, 5, 203, 237, 177, 99, 155, 147, 145, 153, 163, 128, 231,
        24, 41, 194, 1, 227, 145, 247, 139, 243, 222, 78, 176, 193, 158>>
    router: :"Anoma.Node.Router HtGUhTAUBcvtsWObk5GZo4DnGCnCAeOR94vz3k6wwZ4="

From here we can run any tests in the file by copying those as well!

What is even better is that we can copy parts of tests to setup an area to play with the code to figure out what is going well with our other tools.

This is a great way for learning any API in the codebase as you can get hands on what each function and message does.

# test "successful process", %{node: node} do
key = 555
storage = Ordering.get_storage(node.ordering)
increment = increment_counter_val(key)
zero = zero_counter(key)

:ok =
    {:subscribe_topic, node.executor_topic, :local}


pid_zero = Mempool.tx(node.mempool, {:kv, zero}).pid

{:ok, 1}

Further since the data is live, we can use tools like :observer to view the processes, and see general state dumping commands.

For databases I’ve found that Anoma.Mnesia is a good tool along with :observer for seeing what is currently in database table.