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Elixir Bootcamp - Structs & Pipe Operator


Elixir Bootcamp - Structs & Pipe Operator


Structs are special maps with a defined set of keys.

  • Structs provide compile-time checks and default values.
  • A struct is named after the module it is defined in.
  • To define a struct use the defstruct construct.
    • The construct usually immediately follows after the module definition.
  • defstruct accepts either a list of atoms (for nil default values) or keyword lists (for specified default values).
    • The fields without defaults must precede the fields with default values.
defmodule Plane do
  defstruct [:engine, wings: 2, seats: 4]
plane = %Plane{}
# => %Plane{engine: nil, wings: 2, seats: 4}

Accessing fields and updating

  • Most functions that work with maps will also work with structs.

  • It is recommended to use the static access operator . to access struct fields.

  • Get/fetch field values:

    plane = %Plane{}
    # => 4
    Map.fetch(plane, :wings)
    # => {:ok, 2}
  • Update field values

    plane = %Plane{}
    %{plane | wings: 4}
    # => %Plane{engine: nil, wings: 4, seats: 4}

Enforcing field value initialization

  • The @enforce_keys module attribute creates a run-time check that specified fields must be initialized to a non-nil value when the struct is created.
  • @enforce_keys is followed by a list of the field keys (which are atoms).
  • If an enforced key is not initialized, an error is raised.
defmodule User do
  @enforce_keys [:username]
  defstruct [:username]
# => (ArgumentError) the following keys must also be given when building struct User: [:username]

Pipe Operator

The |> operator is called the pipe operator. It can be used to chain function calls together in such a way that the value returned by the previous function call is passed as the first argument to the next function call.

String.replace_suffix(String.upcase(String.duplicate("go ", 3)), " ", "!")

# versus

"go "
|> String.duplicate(3)
|> String.upcase()
|> String.replace_suffix(" ", "!")

It can also be used on a single line:

"go " |> String.duplicate(3) |> String.upcase() |> String.replace_suffix(" ", "!")

Exercise - Remote Control Car

In this exercise you’ll be playing around with a remote controlled car, which you’ve finally saved enough money for to buy.

Cars start with full (100%) batteries. Each time you drive the car using the remote control, it covers 20 meters and drains one percent of the battery. The car’s nickname is not known until it is created.

The remote controlled car has a fancy LED display that shows two bits of information:

  • The total distance it has driven, displayed as: " meters".
  • The remaining battery charge, displayed as: "Battery at %".

If the battery is at 0%, you can’t drive the car anymore and the battery display will show "Battery empty".

1. Create a brand-new remote controlled car

Implement the RemoteControlCar.new/0 function to return a brand-new remote controlled car struct:

# => %RemoteControlCar{
#      battery_percentage: 100,
#      distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
#      nickname: "none"
#    }

The nickname is required by the struct, make sure that a value is initialized in the new function, but not in the struct.

2. Create a brand-new remote controlled car with a nickname

Implement the RemoteControlCar.new/1 function to return a brand-new remote controlled car struct with a provided nickname:

# => %RemoteControlCar{
#      battery_percentage: 100,
#      distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
#      nickname: "Blue"
#    }

3. Display the distance

Implement the RemoteControlCar.display_distance/1 function to return the distance as displayed on the LED display:

car = RemoteControlCar.new()
# => "0 meters"

Make sure the function only accepts a RemoteControlCar struct as the argument.

4. Display the battery percentage

Implement the RemoteControlCar.display_battery/1 function to return the battery percentage as displayed on the LED display:

car = RemoteControlCar.new()
# => "Battery at 100%"

Make sure the function only accepts a RemoteControlCar struct as the argument. If the battery is at 0%, the battery display will show “Battery empty”.

5. Driving changes the battery and distance driven

Implement the RemoteControlCar.drive/1 function that:

  • updates the number of meters driven by 20
  • drains 1% of the battery
|> RemoteControlCar.drive()

# => %RemoteControlCar{
#      battery_percentage: 99,
#      distance_driven_in_meters: 20,
#      nickname: "Red"
#    }

Make sure the function only accepts a RemoteControlCar struct as the argument.

6. Account for driving with a dead battery

Update the RemoteControlCar.drive/1 function to not increase the distance driven nor decrease the battery percentage when the battery is drained (at 0%):

  battery_percentage: 0,
  distance_driven_in_meters: 1980,
  nickname: "Red"
|> RemoteControlCar.drive()

# => %RemoteControlCar{
#      battery_percentage: 0,
#      distance_driven_in_meters: 1980,
#      nickname: "Red"
#    }


defmodule RemoteControlCar do
  # Please implement the struct with the specified fields

  def new() do
    # Please implement the new/0 function

  def new(nickname) do
    # Please implement the new/1 function

  def display_distance(remote_car) do
    # Please implement the display_distance/1 function

  def display_battery(remote_car) do
    # Please implement the display_battery/1 function

  def drive(remote_car) do
    # Please implement the drive/1 function


defmodule FakeRemoteControlCar do
  defstruct battery_percentage: 100,
            distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
            nickname: nil

defmodule RemoteControlCarTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  @tag task_id: 1
  test "required key 'nickname' should not have a default value" do
    assert_raise ArgumentError, fn ->
      quote do
      |> Code.eval_quoted()

  @tag task_id: 1
  test "new" do
    car = RemoteControlCar.new()

    assert car.__struct__ == RemoteControlCar
    assert car.battery_percentage == 100
    assert car.distance_driven_in_meters == 0
    assert car.nickname == "none"

  @tag task_id: 2
  test "new with nickname" do
    nickname = "Red"
    car = RemoteControlCar.new(nickname)

    assert car.__struct__ == RemoteControlCar
    assert car.battery_percentage == 100
    assert car.distance_driven_in_meters == 0
    assert car.nickname == nickname

  @tag task_id: 3
  test "display distance raises error when not given struct" do
    fake_car = %{
      battery_percentage: 100,
      distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
      nickname: "Fake"

    assert_raise(FunctionClauseError, fn ->

  @tag task_id: 3
  test "display distance raises error when given unexpected struct" do
    fake_car = %FakeRemoteControlCar{
      battery_percentage: 100,
      distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
      nickname: "Fake"

    assert_raise(FunctionClauseError, fn ->

  @tag task_id: 3
  test "display distance of new" do
    car = RemoteControlCar.new()

    assert RemoteControlCar.display_distance(car) == "0 meters"

  @tag task_id: 3
  test "display distance of driven" do
    car = RemoteControlCar.new()
    car = %{car | distance_driven_in_meters: 20}

    assert RemoteControlCar.display_distance(car) == "20 meters"

  @tag task_id: 4
  test "display battery raises error when not given struct" do
    fake_car = %{
      battery_percentage: 100,
      distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
      nickname: "Fake"

    assert_raise(FunctionClauseError, fn ->

  @tag task_id: 4
  test "display battery raises error when given unexpected struct" do
    fake_car = %FakeRemoteControlCar{
      battery_percentage: 100,
      distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
      nickname: "Fake"

    assert_raise(FunctionClauseError, fn ->

  @tag task_id: 4
  test "display battery of new" do
    car = RemoteControlCar.new()

    assert RemoteControlCar.display_battery(car) == "Battery at 100%"

  @tag task_id: 4
  test "display battery of dead battery" do
    car = RemoteControlCar.new()
    car = %{car | battery_percentage: 0}

    assert RemoteControlCar.display_battery(car) == "Battery empty"

  @tag task_id: 5
  test "drive raises error when not given struct" do
    fake_car = %{
      battery_percentage: 100,
      distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
      nickname: "Fake"

    assert_raise(FunctionClauseError, fn ->

  @tag task_id: 5
  test "drive raises error when given unexpected struct" do
    fake_car = %FakeRemoteControlCar{
      battery_percentage: 100,
      distance_driven_in_meters: 0,
      nickname: "Fake"

    assert_raise(FunctionClauseError, fn ->

  @tag task_id: 5
  test "drive with battery" do
    car = RemoteControlCar.new() |> RemoteControlCar.drive()

    assert car.__struct__ == RemoteControlCar
    assert car.battery_percentage == 99
    assert car.distance_driven_in_meters == 20

  @tag task_id: 6
  test "drive with dead battery" do
    car =
      |> Map.put(:battery_percentage, 0)
      |> RemoteControlCar.drive()

    assert car.__struct__ == RemoteControlCar
    assert car.battery_percentage == 0
    assert car.distance_driven_in_meters == 0

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