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# id = SecureRandom.uuid()
# secret = SecureRandom.hex(64)
id = "ceeffaba-4e66-42b0-8490-0488aa9c9a95"

secret =

[client_id: id, client_secret: secret]


  # OAuth client_id
  id: id,
  # OAuth client_secret
  secret: secret,
  # Display name
  name: "Bright local",
  # one day
  access_token_ttl: 60 * 60 * 24,
  # one minute
  authorization_code_ttl: 60,
  # one month
  refresh_token_ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
  # one day
  id_token_ttl: 60 * 60 * 24,
  # ID token signature algorithm, defaults to "RS512"
  id_token_signature_alg: "RS256",
  # userinfo signature algorithm, defaults to nil (no signature)
  userinfo_signed_response_alg: "RS256",
  # OAuth client redirect_uris
  redirect_uris: [
  # take following authorized_scopes into account (skip public scopes)
  authorize_scope: true,
  # scopes that are authorized using this client
  authorized_scopes: [%{name: "a:scope"}],
  # client supported grant types
  supported_grant_types: [
  # PKCE enabled
  pkce: false,
  # do not require client_secret for refreshing tokens
  public_refresh_token: false,
  # do not require client_secret for revoking tokens
  public_revoke: false,
  # see OAuth 2.0 confidentiality (requires client secret for some flows)
  confidential: true,
  # activable client authentication methods
  token_endpont_auth_methods: [
  # associated to authentication methods, the algorithm to use along
  token_endpoint_jwt_auth_alg: "HS256",
  # pem public key to be used with `private_key_jwt` authentication method
  jwt_public_key: nil