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Image/Vix interop with eVision/OpenCV


Image/Vix interop with eVision/OpenCV

  {:image, "~> 0.9.0"},
  {:evision, "~> 0.1"}

Define a known tensor as the reference image

tensor =
        [10, 20, 30],
        [40, 50, 60]
        [70, 80, 90],
        [100, 110, 120]
        [130, 140, 150],
        [160, 170, 180]
    type: {:u, 8}
tensor = Nx.reshape(tensor, Nx.shape(tensor), names: [:width, :height, :bands])

Save the tensor as a reference image

{:ok, image} = Image.from_nx(tensor)
Image.write(image, "/tmp/ref.png")

Import the tensor into eVision

{:ok, evision} = Evision.Nx.to_mat(tensor)

Render the eVision image as a tensor

The tensor as imported from Image to eVision, then exported again to Nx shows the tensor has the same data and shape.


Image stores data as {width, height, bands}. eVision stores data as {height, width, bands}. So transpose the axes in eVision.

Let’s save that as an image even though the data is in the wrong order. It should still be a valid image.

Evision.imwrite("/tmp/evision.png", evision)

We get an error writing the image.

libpng warning: Invalid image width in IHDR
libpng warning: Image width exceeds user limit in IHDR
libpng warning: Invalid image height in IHDR
libpng warning: Image height exceeds user limit in IHDR
libpng error: Invalid IHDR data

Transpose the image data

{:ok, transposed} = Evision.Mat.transpose(evision, [1, 0, 2])

Now see what the matrix looks like after exporting the transposition to Nx. From an Nx perspective the data looks correctly transposed.


Save the transposed image and see what it looks like

Evision.imwrite("/tmp/transposed.png", transposed)

We get the same error:

libpng warning: Invalid image width in IHDR
libpng warning: Image width exceeds user limit in IHDR
libpng warning: Invalid image height in IHDR
libpng warning: Image height exceeds user limit in IHDR
libpng error: Invalid IHDR data

Lets look at the shape of the data in the transposed image to confirm is {2, 3, 3}


Convert from RGB to BGR

Since Image data is RGB but eVision is BGR we need to convert it.

{:ok, bgr} = Evision.cvtColor(transposed, Evision.cv_COLOR_RGB2BGR())

Well that’s unexpected. I would expect [10, 20, 30] to become [30, 20, 10]?? It also seems the the transposition is largely undone? The data is in the same order as that of the original tensor, just grouped in {2, 3} rather than {3, 2}.

And try writing it again

Evision.imwrite("/tmp/bgr.png", bgr)

Nope, that data is completely unrecognizable!!!!!

Try a sample image

{:ok, i} = Image.open("qrcode.png", access: :random)
{:ok, t2} = Image.to_nx(i)
{:ok, e2} = Evision.Nx.to_mat(t2)
{:ok, trans2} = Evision.Mat.transpose(e2, [1, 0, 2])
{:ok, bgr2} = Evision.cvtColor(trans2, Evision.cv_COLOR_RGB2BGR())
Evision.imwrite("/tmp/qrcode_evision.png", bgr2)

Try Image.from_nx on our original data

{:ok, i2} = Image.from_nx(t2)
Image.write(i2, "/tmp/qrcode_orig.png")

Serialize the tensor for debugging purposes

{:ok, tensor} = Image.open!("color.jpg") |> Image.to_nx()
binary = tensor |> :erlang.term_to_binary()
File.write("/tmp/color_checker.etf", binary)

Now recover the etf to confirm its ok

t3 = File.read!("/tmp/color_checker.etf") |> :erlang.binary_to_term()
{:ok, i3} = Image.from_nx(t3)
Image.write(i3, "/tmp/color_checker_roundtrip.jpg")