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ReqGA demonstration


ReqGA demonstration

    {:req_ga, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:kino_db, "~> 0.2.1"},
    {:goth, "~> 1.3.0"},
    {:req, "~> 0.4.5"},
    {:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.10"}



Since the retirement of the previous version of Google Analytics (known as Universal Analytics), Google is actively developing APIs for it’s replacement, Google Analytics 4 (abbreviated to GA4 in this notebook).

As of 2023, most of these APIs are in either alpha or beta releases and are subject to refinement.


There are a number of APIs for interacting with GA4:

  • Data API: used to generate GA4 report data
  • Admin API: used to access, create and modify GA4 configuration data
  • User Deletion API: use to delete data for a given user from a project or web property (e.g. for safeguarding data or for privacy reasons).

Req and ReqGA

Req is an innovative and flexible HTTP client by Wojtek Mach. It’s flexibility is due to the request and response cycle being chunked into a series of steps which can be re-used, re-arranged or even added to.

The ReqGA plugin library does this, adding additional steps to make it easier interacting with GA4 HTTP API endpoints as well as decoding the data returned so it is easier to work with from Elixir.

Many of the ReqGA’s structs implement the Table.Reader protocol which makes it play nicely with other Table.Reader compatible libraries and tools, such as Livebook, various Kino widgets and the DataFrame library Explorer.

Uses of ReqGA

The uses of ReqGA are only limited by what the GA4 APIs allow and your imagination! Some example uses may be:

  • Exploratory data analysis within Livebook using Explorer and Kino
  • Custom Phoenix LiveView reporting dashboards
  • Automating batch reports, for example, emailing out a monthly report
  • Reacting to realtime GA4 events
  • Implementing custom data pipelines using GA4 data, such as an ETL or data value-adding workload
  • Simplifying or automating administration tasks, such as bulk configuration of custom dimensions and metrics, etc.

What APIs methods been implemented - so far!

The table below summarises what GA4 API endpoints have been implemented so far:

:ga API method API Endpoint Req HTTP method supported
:run_report Data API “:runReport” post
:batch_run_reports Data API “:batchRunReports” post
:run_pivot_report Data API “:runPivotReport” post
:batch_run_pivot_reports Data API “:batchRunPivotReports” post
:run_realtime_report Data API “:runRealtimeReport” post
:check_compatibility Data API “:checkCompatibility” post
:metadata Data API “/metadata” get
:account_summaries Admin API “/accountSummaries” get
:custom_dimensions Admin API “/customDimensions” get, post
:custom_metrics Admin API “/customMetrics” get, post

Some endpoints are are quite simple and you’ll use Req.get or Req.get! with the required parameters. Others will require a json payload where you’ll use Req.post or Req.post!.

If in doubt, refer to the Google’s official API documentation for more information on which to use. Google’s documentation also includes the structure of the payload and expected values.

Example code snippet

Assuming Goth has been started (used to authenticate to Google Cloud), and the ReqGA library has been attached to Req, e.g.:

iex> req = Req.new() |> ReqGA.attach(goth: GA)

You can get a list of the custom dimensions for a GA4 property as follows:

iex> property_id = "properties/264264328"
iex> res = Req.get!(req, ga: :custom_dimensions, property_id: property_id)
iex> res.body # the body contains the data returned from the GA4 API.

General steps

The steps when using this library are:

  1. Authenticate to Google Cloud with Goth. This will likely require a service account created in the Google Cloud Console, and adding it into the Google Analytics Account(s) or Properties you wish to interact with. Different API calls require different levels of permissions, set though authorisation scopes.
  2. Attach ReqGA to Req. The active Goth process is attached at this point.
  3. Interact the APIs via Req. The attached ReqGA is passed to Req with each Req.get! or Req.post! call, ensuring as an ergonmic as experience as possible. An atom representing the API call you wish to make is passed using the ga: parameter, e.g. Req.get!(req, ga: :account_summaries).body which is equivalent of calling the “/accountSummaries” endpoint on the GA4 Admin API.
  4. The data is in Req’s response. If sucessfull the :body of Req’s response will have the result of your call.

That’s it!

Get ready…

The examples below will take you though these steps, starting with authenticaing to Google Cloud with Goth. For these examples to function you will need to have:

  • your service account setup with the service’s account credentials.json file added to Livebooks file’s section (see the file icon to the left of this page).
  • one or more valid GA4 property IDs so you can interact with the property.

Authenticate to Google Cloud

Load credentials.json file, set Google API scopes and use Goth to authenticate to Google Cloud.

credentials = "credentials.json" |> File.read!() |> Jason.decode!()

scopes = [

source = {:service_account, credentials, [scopes: scopes]}
{:ok, _} = Goth.start_link(name: GA, source: source, http_client: &Req.request/1)
{:ok, #PID<0.325.0>}

Use Req GA4 plugin to query Google Analytics

Attach ReqGA to Req’s request and response steps:

req = Req.new() |> ReqGA.attach(goth: GA)
  method: :get,
  url: URI.parse(""),
  headers: %{},
  body: nil,
  options: %{goth: GA},
  registered_options: MapSet.new([:compress_body, :decode_json, :max_retries, :redirect_log_level,
   :compressed, :max_redirects, :property_id, :base_url, :pool_timeout, :retry_log_level, :retry,
   :receive_timeout, :range, :user_agent, :location_trusted, :auth, :redact_auth, :unix_socket,
   :retry_delay, :goth, :json, :cache_dir, :finch, :redirect, :follow_redirects, :decode_body,
   :redirect_trusted, :cache, :inet6, :finch_private, :path_params, :output, :finch_request, :raw,
   :ga, :http_errors, :plug, :params, :form, :connect_options]),
  halted: false,
  adapter: &Req.Steps.run_finch/1,
  request_steps: [
    ga_run: #Function<0.112060180/1 in ReqGA.run>,
    put_user_agent: &Req.Steps.put_user_agent/1,
    compressed: &Req.Steps.compressed/1,
    encode_body: &Req.Steps.encode_body/1,
    put_base_url: &Req.Steps.put_base_url/1,
    auth: &Req.Steps.auth/1,
    put_params: &Req.Steps.put_params/1,
    put_path_params: &Req.Steps.put_path_params/1,
    put_range: &Req.Steps.put_range/1,
    cache: &Req.Steps.cache/1,
    put_plug: &Req.Steps.put_plug/1,
    compress_body: &Req.Steps.compress_body/1
  response_steps: [
    retry: &Req.Steps.retry/1,
    redirect: &Req.Steps.redirect/1,
    decompress_body: &Req.Steps.decompress_body/1,
    decode_body: &Req.Steps.decode_body/1,
    handle_http_errors: &Req.Steps.handle_http_errors/1,
    output: &Req.Steps.output/1
  error_steps: [retry: &Req.Steps.retry/1],
  private: %{}

Run a report

Below is an example of a simple report. For each country it asks for the number of:

  • active users
  • user engagement duration (in seconds)
  • engagement rate (a float representing the percentage); and the
  • organic Google Search click-through rate (also a float). It does this for the date range “2023-09-01” to “2023-09-30”.

Feel free to:

  • adjust the date range it isn’t valid for your GA4 property
  • change the property_id to the ID of a propery you have access to.

A note on property IDs

Property IDs are in the format "properties/", for example:

iex> property_id = "properties/264264328"

When this library looks for a property ID, make sure the "properties/" is prepended to the number as above.

A note on json payloads

Note that some of the GA4 APIs require you to post a json payload with the actions and data required for that endpoint. :run_report is one of those.

Because Req automatically converts Elixir types into a valid json payload, you can write your report request using Elixir datatypes as below.


:run_report requires one of the following OAuth scopes:

# ID of property to query. In the format "properties/"
property_id = "properties/264264328"

# Define a report to be posted
report = %{
  "dateRanges" => [%{"startDate" => "2023-09-01", "endDate" => "2023-09-30"}],
  "dimensions" => [%{"name" => "country"}],
  "metrics" => [
    %{"name" => "activeUsers"},
    %{"name" => "userEngagementDuration"},
    %{"name" => "engagementRate"},
    %{"name" => "organicGoogleSearchClickThroughRate"}
  "dateRanges" => [%{"endDate" => "2023-09-30", "startDate" => "2023-09-01"}],
  "dimensions" => [%{"name" => "country"}],
  "metrics" => [
    %{"name" => "activeUsers"},
    %{"name" => "userEngagementDuration"},
    %{"name" => "engagementRate"},
    %{"name" => "organicGoogleSearchClickThroughRate"}

Now we’ve defined our report above, lets post to the :run_report endpoint, passing the :property_id parameter and :json report payload as below:

# Run the report with the :run_report method
res = Req.post!(req, ga: :run_report, property_id: property_id, json: report)
  status: 200,
  headers: %{
    "alt-svc" => ["h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000"],
    "cache-control" => ["private"],
    "content-type" => ["application/json; charset=UTF-8"],
    "date" => ["Sat, 18 Nov 2023 06:40:30 GMT"],
    "server" => ["ESF"],
    "transfer-encoding" => ["chunked"],
    "vary" => ["Origin", "X-Origin", "Referer"],
    "x-content-type-options" => ["nosniff"],
    "x-frame-options" => ["SAMEORIGIN"],
    "x-xss-protection" => ["0"]
  body: %ReqGA.ReportResponse{
    dimensions: ["country"],
    metrics: [
      {"activeUsers", "TYPE_INTEGER"},
      {"userEngagementDuration", "TYPE_SECONDS"},
      {"engagementRate", "TYPE_FLOAT"},
      {"organicGoogleSearchClickThroughRate", "TYPE_FLOAT"}
    columns: ["country", "activeUsers", "userEngagementDuration", "engagementRate",
    rows: [
      ["Australia", 18290, 1039744, 0.6172032919434016, 0.06392575853974243],
      ["United States", 84, 2403, 0.6494845360824743, 0.004239977657602762],
      ["India", 83, 2032, 0.6601941747572816, 0.007432100114760369],
      ["Canada", 82, 2851, 0.5698924731182796, 0.013822202822639313],
      ["New Zealand", 60, 2276, 0.5652173913043478, 0.028935185185185185],
      ["United Kingdom", 56, 2550, 0.7205882352941176, 0.009810580333559731],
      ["Philippines", 43, 2450, 0.6071428571428571, 0.00852099817407182]
    totals: nil,
    maximums: nil,
    minimums: nil,
    count: 7,
    property_quota: nil,
    metadata: %{
      "currencyCode" => "AUD",
      "subjectToThresholding" => true,
      "timeZone" => "Australia/Melbourne"
  trailers: %{},
  private: %{}

If successful (status: 200 in the header) the response :body will hold the data returned from the Google Analytics API end point.

If unsuccessfull (e.g. a status: 404 in the header) the body will hold HTML containing information on the error. For example, the permissions may not have been set in Google Cloud Console.

Lets look at the response :body below:

country_data = res.body
  dimensions: ["country"],
  metrics: [
    {"activeUsers", "TYPE_INTEGER"},
    {"userEngagementDuration", "TYPE_SECONDS"},
    {"engagementRate", "TYPE_FLOAT"},
    {"organicGoogleSearchClickThroughRate", "TYPE_FLOAT"}
  columns: ["country", "activeUsers", "userEngagementDuration", "engagementRate",
  rows: [
    ["Australia", 18290, 1039744, 0.6172032919434016, 0.06392575853974243],
    ["United States", 84, 2403, 0.6494845360824743, 0.004239977657602762],
    ["India", 83, 2032, 0.6601941747572816, 0.007432100114760369],
    ["Canada", 82, 2851, 0.5698924731182796, 0.013822202822639313],
    ["New Zealand", 60, 2276, 0.5652173913043478, 0.028935185185185185],
    ["United Kingdom", 56, 2550, 0.7205882352941176, 0.009810580333559731],
    ["Philippines", 43, 2450, 0.6071428571428571, 0.00852099817407182]
  totals: nil,
  maximums: nil,
  minimums: nil,
  count: 7,
  property_quota: nil,
  metadata: %{
    "currencyCode" => "AUD",
    "subjectToThresholding" => true,
    "timeZone" => "Australia/Melbourne"

You can see a populated %ReqGA.ReportResponse{} struct, containing the report data. Some of the struct’s fields are blank as they’re not relevant to the report query we sent.

Dimensions and metrics

The :dimensions and :metrics key holds information about what dimensions and metrics are included in the report. The metrics also include type information in the tuple, for example "activeUsers" is of "TYPE_INTEGER".

Metadata or ancillary information

The :count key holds the number of :rows returned and the :metadata key may hold information related to the property and results, and in this case it’s returned the currency code of "AUD" (Australia) and the time zone of "Australia/Melbourne" (this may be different for you). You’ll also see in the metadata the a value for "subjectToThresholding". When this is true, it means the report is subject to thresholding and only returns data that meets the minimum aggregation thresholds. In this case, GA4 may be witholding data to prevent anyone viewing a report from inferring the identity or sensitive information of individual users based on demographics, interests, or other signals present in the data.

Data of interest

The data we’re interested in sits within the :rows key. The column heading for each item in the row is under the :columns key.

Note that as %ReqGA.ReportResponse{} implements the Table.Response protocol, the returned struct can be piped into Kino.DataTable.new(), Explorer.DataFrame.new() and other functions which are compatible with Table.Response.

Let’s try that!

# Visualise the report response in a Kino DataTable
country_data |> Kino.DataTable.new()
%ReqGA.ReportResponse{dimensions: ["country"], metrics: [{"activeUsers", "TYPE_INTEGER"}, {"userEngagementDuration", "TYPE_SECONDS"}, {"engagementRate", "TYPE_FLOAT"}, {"organicGoogleSearchClickThroughRate", "TYPE_FLOAT"}], columns: ["country", "activeUsers", "userEngagementDuration", "engagementRate", "organicGoogleSearchClickThroughRate"], rows: [["Australia", 18290, 1039744, 0.6172032919434016, 0.06392575853974243], ["United States", 84, 2403, 0.6494845360824743, 0.004239977657602762], ["India", 83, 2032, 0.6601941747572816, 0.007432100114760369], ["Canada", 82, 2851, 0.5698924731182796, 0.013822202822639313], ["New Zealand", 60, 2276, 0.5652173913043478, 0.028935185185185185], ["United Kingdom", 56, 2550, 0.7205882352941176, 0.009810580333559731], ["Philippines", 43, 2450, 0.6071428571428571, 0.00852099817407182]], totals: nil, maximums: nil, minimums: nil, count: 7, property_quota: nil, metadata: %{"currencyCode" => "AUD", "subjectToThresholding" => true, "timeZone" => "Australia/Melbourne"}}
# Let's put it into a DataFrame
country_data |> Explorer.DataFrame.new()
  Polars[7 x 5]
  country string ["Australia", "United States", "India", "Canada", "New Zealand", ...]
  activeUsers integer [18290, 84, 83, 82, 60, ...]
  userEngagementDuration integer [1039744, 2403, 2032, 2851, 2276, ...]
  engagementRate float [0.6172032919434016, 0.6494845360824743, 0.6601941747572816,
   0.5698924731182796, 0.5652173913043478, ...]
  organicGoogleSearchClickThroughRate float [0.06392575853974243, 0.004239977657602762,
   0.007432100114760369, 0.013822202822639313, 0.028935185185185185, ...]

The type data under the :metrics key is used to usher the data into the correct Elixir data type. As you can see, Explorer has correctly applied the right type for each column as it is compatible with the Table.Reader protocol. This is true of the previous example, where Kino has also picked up the correct type information.


Let’s visulise this as a Kino chart:

VegaLite.new(width: 600, height: 350, title: "Active users by country")
|> VegaLite.data_from_values(country_data, only: ["activeUsers", "country"])
|> VegaLite.mark(:bar)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:x, "activeUsers", type: :quantitative)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:y, "country", type: :nominal)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:color, "country", type: :nominal)
{"$schema":"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json","data":{"values":[{"activeUsers":18290,"country":"Australia"},{"activeUsers":84,"country":"United States"},{"activeUsers":83,"country":"India"},{"activeUsers":82,"country":"Canada"},{"activeUsers":60,"country":"New Zealand"},{"activeUsers":56,"country":"United Kingdom"},{"activeUsers":43,"country":"Philippines"}]},"encoding":{"color":{"field":"country","type":"nominal"},"x":{"field":"activeUsers","type":"quantitative"},"y":{"field":"country","type":"nominal"}},"height":350,"mark":"bar","title":"Active users by country","width":600}

In this example, it looks like the website is very well targetted to Australian users!

You’ll no doubt get a different result and feel free to experiment with the chart accordingly.

Get metadata for a property

Metadata allows you to gather dimensions and metrics (including custom dimensions and metrics) for the property.

In the following example, we’ll see if there are any custom events configured on our property To do this we’ll:

  • call the :metadata endpoint for our property
  • access the "dimensions" key on the response
  • filter on the "apiName" key for dimensions starting with "customEvent".

Note that the :metadata endpoint requires one of the following OAuth scopes:

Lets take a look!

# List the custom dimensions added to a property
Req.get!(req, ga: :metadata, property_id: property_id).body["dimensions"]
|> Enum.filter(fn dimension -> String.starts_with?(dimension["apiName"], "customEvent") end)
    "apiName" => "customEvent:accordion_on_page",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Accordion on page"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_avg_read_time",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Content avg read time"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_1",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Breadcrumb Level 1"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_2",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Breadcrumb Level 2"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_3",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Breadcrumb Level 3"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_4",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Breadcrumb Level 4"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_5",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Breadcrumb Level 5"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_publication_name",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Content publication name"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_section_count",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Content site section count"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_site_section",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Content site section"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_type",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Content type"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:content_wordcount_range",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Content word count range"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:department",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Department"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:error_message",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Error Message"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:event_data",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Event Data"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:event_timestamp",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "AUTO Event Timestamp"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:file_download_on_page",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "File on Page"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:file_extension",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "File Extension"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:file_name",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "File Name"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:file_size",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "File Size"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:form_name",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Form name"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:ga_session_id",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "AUTO GA Session ID"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:gtm_container_id",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "GTM container ID"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:gtm_container_version",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "GTM container version"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:image_count",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Image Count"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:image_on_page",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Image on Page"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:link_classes",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Link Classes"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:link_text",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Link Text"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:link_url",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Link URL"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:outbound",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Link Outbound"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:page_location",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Page Location"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:percent_scrolled",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Percent Scrolled"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:search_term",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Search Term"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:traffic_type",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Traffic type"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:url_query",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "URL Query"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:video_on_page",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Video on Page"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:video_title",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Video Title"
    "apiName" => "customEvent:video_url",
    "category" => "Event-scoped Custom Dimension",
    "customDefinition" => true,
    "description" => "An event scoped custom dimension for your Analytics property.",
    "uiName" => "Video URL"

That is a lot of custom events!

If your GA4 property has no custom events, comment out or remove the line starting with |> Enum.filter... and re-run the command. You’ll notice that it brings back ALL metrics and dimensions on the property, including those standard ones built in to GA4.

Get custom dimension and metrics for a property

Because there are a range of APIs for interacting with GA4, sometimes there are some slight overlaps in terms of features.

For example, the Admin API also allows you to query, add or update dimensions and metrics for a property.

The results will be slightly different than above.

The :custom_dimensions API call requires one of the following OAuth scopes:

Lets query it now:

# Enter an ID of a GA4 property in the following format:
property_id = "properties/264264328"

res = Req.get!(req, ga: :custom_dimensions, property_id: property_id)
  status: 200,
  headers: %{
    "alt-svc" => ["h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000"],
    "cache-control" => ["private"],
    "content-type" => ["application/json; charset=UTF-8"],
    "date" => ["Sat, 18 Nov 2023 06:59:07 GMT"],
    "server" => ["ESF"],
    "transfer-encoding" => ["chunked"],
    "vary" => ["Origin", "X-Origin", "Referer"],
    "x-content-type-options" => ["nosniff"],
    "x-frame-options" => ["SAMEORIGIN"],
    "x-xss-protection" => ["0"]
  body: [
      "description" => "This may not show up in GA4, only in BQ",
      "displayName" => "AUTO Event Timestamp",
      "parameterName" => "event_timestamp",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
    %{"displayName" => "AUTO GA Session ID", "parameterName" => "ga_session_id", "scope" => "EVENT"},
      "description" => "This may not show up in GA4, only in BQ",
      "displayName" => "AUTO User Pseudo ID",
      "parameterName" => "user_pseudo_id",
      "scope" => "USER"
      "description" => "Yes/No Accordion on page",
      "displayName" => "Accordion on page",
      "parameterName" => "accordion_on_page",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 1",
      "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_1",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 2",
      "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_2",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 3",
      "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_3",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 4",
      "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_4",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 5",
      "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_5",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "Content avg read time",
      "parameterName" => "content_avg_read_time",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "Content publication name",
      "parameterName" => "content_publication_name",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "Content site section",
      "parameterName" => "content_site_section",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "description" => "Count of H2 headings for section count",
      "displayName" => "Content site section count",
      "parameterName" => "content_section_count",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
    %{"displayName" => "Content type", "parameterName" => "content_type", "scope" => "EVENT"},
      "displayName" => "Content word count range",
      "parameterName" => "content_wordcount_range",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
    %{"displayName" => "Department", "parameterName" => "department", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "Error Message", "parameterName" => "error_message", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "Event Data", "parameterName" => "event_data", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "File Extension", "parameterName" => "file_extension", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "File Name", "parameterName" => "file_name", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "File Size", "parameterName" => "file_size", "scope" => "EVENT"},
      "description" => "Yes/No if there is one or more files to download on the page.",
      "displayName" => "File on Page",
      "parameterName" => "file_download_on_page",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "description" => "Name of a form",
      "displayName" => "Form name",
      "parameterName" => "form_name",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "GTM container ID",
      "parameterName" => "gtm_container_id",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "displayName" => "GTM container version",
      "parameterName" => "gtm_container_version",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "description" => "Count of images on page",
      "displayName" => "Image Count",
      "parameterName" => "image_count",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
      "description" => "Yes/No for the presence of one or more images on a page",
      "displayName" => "Image on Page",
      "parameterName" => "image_on_page",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
    %{"displayName" => "Link Classes", "parameterName" => "link_classes", "scope" => "EVENT"},
      "description" => "True/False; True if the link click is external to the website. False if an internal link click.",
      "displayName" => "Link Outbound",
      "parameterName" => "outbound",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
    %{"displayName" => "Link Text", "parameterName" => "link_text", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "Link URL", "parameterName" => "link_url", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "Page Location", "parameterName" => "page_location", "scope" => "EVENT"},
      "description" => "The scroll depth threshold represented as a %",
      "displayName" => "Percent Scrolled",
      "parameterName" => "percent_scrolled",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
    %{"displayName" => "Search Term", "parameterName" => "search_term", "scope" => "EVENT"},
      "description" => "When traffic_type = internal this means the visitor is on a VPS IP range.",
      "displayName" => "Traffic type",
      "parameterName" => "traffic_type",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
    %{"displayName" => "URL Query", "parameterName" => "url_query", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "Video Title", "parameterName" => "video_title", "scope" => "EVENT"},
    %{"displayName" => "Video URL", "parameterName" => "video_url", "scope" => "EVENT"},
      "description" => "Yes/No if there is a video embedded on the page.",
      "displayName" => "Video on Page",
      "parameterName" => "video_on_page",
      "scope" => "EVENT"
  trailers: %{},
  private: %{}

Although it brings back a list of maps, it can be piped into a Kino DataTable or Explorer DataFrame if they have the same keys.

However, in this example only some dimensions have "descriptions", so we’ll drop these first before piping into Kino DataTable:

res.body |> Enum.map(&amp;Map.drop(&amp;1, ["description"])) |> Kino.DataTable.new()
[%{"displayName" => "AUTO Event Timestamp", "parameterName" => "event_timestamp", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "AUTO GA Session ID", "parameterName" => "ga_session_id", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "AUTO User Pseudo ID", "parameterName" => "user_pseudo_id", "scope" => "USER"}, %{"displayName" => "Accordion on page", "parameterName" => "accordion_on_page", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 1", "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_1", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 2", "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_2", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 3", "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_3", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 4", "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_4", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Breadcrumb Level 5", "parameterName" => "content_breadcrumb_path_lvl_5", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Content avg read time", "parameterName" => "content_avg_read_time", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Content publication name", "parameterName" => "content_publication_name", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Content site section", "parameterName" => "content_site_section", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Content site section count", "parameterName" => "content_section_count", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Content type", "parameterName" => "content_type", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Content word count range", "parameterName" => "content_wordcount_range", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Department", "parameterName" => "department", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Error Message", "parameterName" => "error_message", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Event Data", "parameterName" => "event_data", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "File Extension", "parameterName" => "file_extension", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "File Name", "parameterName" => "file_name", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "File Size", "parameterName" => "file_size", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "File on Page", "parameterName" => "file_download_on_page", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Form name", "parameterName" => "form_name", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "GTM container ID", "parameterName" => "gtm_container_id", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "GTM container version", "parameterName" => "gtm_container_version", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Image Count", "parameterName" => "image_count", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Image on Page", "parameterName" => "image_on_page", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Link Classes", "parameterName" => "link_classes", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Link Outbound", "parameterName" => "outbound", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Link Text", "parameterName" => "link_text", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Link URL", "parameterName" => "link_url", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Page Location", "parameterName" => "page_location", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Percent Scrolled", "parameterName" => "percent_scrolled", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Search Term", "parameterName" => "search_term", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Traffic type", "parameterName" => "traffic_type", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "URL Query", "parameterName" => "url_query", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Video Title", "parameterName" => "video_title", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Video URL", "parameterName" => "video_url", "scope" => "EVENT"}, %{"displayName" => "Video on Page", "parameterName" => "video_on_page", "scope" => "EVENT"}]

You should see the list of custom dimensions for that property.

Account summaries

The Admin API has a very convient features which allows you to see what accounts you have access to and what properties they contain.

To make these calls, the Google Analytics Admin API and requires one of the following OAuth scopes:

Let’s give it a go:

res = Req.get!(req, ga: :account_summaries)

If you inspect the body, you’ll see some nested structs:

  • %ReqGA.AccountList{}; with a list of:
  • %ReqGA.Account{}; with a list of:
  • %ReqGA.Property{}.

This structure will flatten out into a tabular format, if you pipe it into Kino.DataTable.new() or Explorer.DataFrame.new()… or even into Table.Response.init() if you want the raw flattened data structure.

res.body |> Kino.DataTable.new()

That ends our ReqGA demo!

Hopefully this has given you a sense of how you can use ReqGA with Req and Goth for interacting with Google Analytics 4 APIs.