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Search on Google via Serper


Search on Google via Serper

  {:req, "~> 0.3.11"},
  {:jason, "~> 1.4"}


defmodule GoogleSearch do
  def perform_search(query) do
    data = %{
      "q" => query,
      "autocorrect" => false

    headers = [
      {"X-API-KEY", System.fetch_env!("LB_SERPER_API_KEY")},
      {"Content-Type", "application/json"}

    case Req.post("https://google.serper.dev/search", body: Jason.encode!(data), headers: headers) do
      {:ok, response} ->
        {:ok, response.body}

      {:error, reason} ->
        {:error, reason}
{:module, GoogleSearch, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 9, ...>>, {:perform_search, 1}}
GoogleSearch.perform_search("Livebook notebooks")
   "organic" => [
       "imageUrl" => "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUUdDeAEnlfLZKUKJtqHwC6ZK5Fru7xF7aKte0mvPxkbEcS2fBkDQ3LIs&s",
       "link" => "https://livebook.dev/",
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         %{"link" => "https://news.livebook.dev/", "title" => "What's new?"},
         %{"link" => "https://livebook.dev/settings/", "title" => "Settings"},
         %{"link" => "https://livebook.dev/badge/", "title" => "Create badge"}
       "snippet" => "Notebooks are stored as .livemd files, a subset of Markdown that meshes together prose, code, and diagrams. Livebooks are easy to read, share, and version ...",
       "title" => "Home - Livebook.dev"
       "imageUrl" => "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZRzc7AqLQV8mfnOOeEp6pgNvaZ_rbv8kZSaiV8n4t6aB-0rfd9c_cfp0&s",
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         %{"link" => "https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook/pulls", "title" => "Pull requests 3"},
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           "link" => "https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md",
           "title" => "CHANGELOG.md"
           "link" => "https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook/blob/main/README.md",
           "title" => "README.md"
       "snippet" => "Livebook is a web application for writing interactive and collaborative code notebooks. It features: Code notebooks with Markdown support and Code cells ...",
       "title" => "livebook-dev/livebook: Automate code & data workflows with interactive Elixir notebooks - GitHub"
       "date" => "Jun 15, 2023",
       "link" => "https://huggingface.co/blog/livebook-app-deployment",
       "position" => 3,
       "snippet" => "If you don't know Livebook yet, it is an open-source tool for writing interactive code notebooks in Elixir, and it's part of the growing ...",
       "title" => "Deploy Livebook notebooks as apps to Hugging Face Spaces"
       "imageUrl" => "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4rHMuN-Q8Zph5VU8mVQxDIDMBOBNCmbENvNTpZCvvxhC0FTOeMXz-1YQ&s",
       "link" => "https://github.com/w0rd-driven/livebook_notebooks",
       "position" => 4,
       "snippet" => "Collection of Livebook notebooks. Livebook is also a great way to get your feet wet with Elixir concepts, like a powerful language scratchpad. Table of Contents.",
       "title" => "w0rd-driven/livebook_notebooks: Collection of useful Livebook notebooks - GitHub"
       "attributes" => %{"Duration" => "14:01", "Posted" => "Apr 11, 2023"},
       "date" => "Apr 11, 2023",
       "imageUrl" => "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MSMyRBJAoSs/default.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEECHgQQw&rs=AMzJL3lrah517UbpuNX3hXX7U0AnmluFTw",
       "link" => "https://youtube.com/watch?v=MSMyRBJAoSs",
       "position" => 5,
       "snippet" => "Blog post: https://news.livebook.dev/distributed2-machine ...",
       "title" => "Distributed² Machine Learning notebooks with Elixir and Livebook - Livebook Launch Week 1 - Day 2 - YouTube"
       "link" => "https://notes.club/",
       "position" => 6,
       "snippet" => "Discover Livebook notebooks (Elixir). 3882 notebooks and counting. Feel free to contribute on GitHub. Random. Featured: @livebook-dev @elixir-nx @josevalim ...",
       "title" => "Notesclub · Livebook Notebooks (Elixir)"
       "date" => "May 26, 2021",
       "link" => "https://fly.io/blog/livebook-for-app-documentation/",
       "position" => 7,
       "snippet" => "Livebook is Elixir's answer to something like Jupyter notebooks. It's an exciting project created to help use Nx, Axon and machine learning with ...",
       "title" => "Livebook is a secret weapon for documentation - Fly.io"
       "date" => "Aug 22, 2022",
       "imageUrl" => "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzXZBzQiYndWeHjWpc0VY82TMMnxUnxXmn8a1_Coks0c9fafLTgyRMNTk&s",
       "link" => "https://elixirforum.com/t/notesclub-discover-livebook-notebooks/49698",
       "position" => 8,
       "snippet" => "Hello! I built https://notes.club to discover Livebook notebooks. At the moment it is a proof of concept. But you can already browse and run ...",
       "title" => "Notesclub — Discover Livebook Notebooks - Other Resources - Elixir Forum"
       "imageUrl" => "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiYkEeGhdqq4nzaVTlwOm--Hdj55FUwPrINU72PGy1GTCGodzLZ2MkBr4&s",
       "link" => "https://fly.io/docs/elixir/advanced-guides/interesting-things-with-livebook/",
       "position" => 9,
       "snippet" => "Create scripts in the form of notebooks to run common administrative commands. Business Intelligence Through Livebook. Let's walk through using Livebook to get ...",
       "title" => "Do Interesting Things with Livebook and Your Production App - Fly.io"
       "imageUrl" => "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRLHON66GajnAqTgLdW1yxsngGobu89nHduO9Y7_qHR0hfvHkL_YIV_qNQ&s",
       "link" => "https://www.manning.com/livebook-program",
       "position" => 10,
       "snippet" => "A unique online reader · Free access to all 700+ Manning books and videos · Annotated code samples with one-click copy · Add your own notes and fast-find bookmarks ...",
       "title" => "liveBook - Manning Publications"
   "peopleAlsoAsk" => [
       "link" => "https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook",
       "question" => "How does livebook work?",
       "snippet" => "Livebook is built to document and execute code. Anyone with access to a Livebook\ninstance will be able to access any file and execute any code in the machine\nLivebook is running.",
       "title" => "livebook-dev/livebook: Automate code & data workflows with interactive Elixir notebooks - GitHub"
       "link" => "https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-sdks-docker-livebook",
       "question" => "What is livebook elixir?",
       "snippet" => "Livebook is an open-source tool for writing interactive code notebooks in\nElixir. It's part of a growing collection of Elixir tools for numerical\ncomputing, data science, and Machine Learning.",
       "title" => "Livebook on Spaces - Hugging Face"
   "relatedSearches" => [
     %{"query" => "Livebook GitHub"},
     %{"query" => "Livebook examples"},
     %{"query" => "Livebook Docker"},
     %{"query" => "Livebook docs"},
     %{"query" => "Livebook Linux"},
     %{"query" => "Livebook vs Jupyter"},
     %{"query" => "Livebook Python"},
     %{"query" => "Livebook Explorer"}
   "searchParameters" => %{"autocorrect" => false, "q" => "Livebook notebooks", "type" => "search"}