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Howto livebook


Howto livebook

Livebooks are a way to create interactive documents with elixir. Under the hood, they are markdown files that contain elixir code, like this very file. The livebook application provides an environment for editing and rendering livebooks. Conceptually, Livebooks are similar to jupyter notebooks but use elixir instead of python.

In order to start using Livebooks you need an instance of the livebook application. As the livebook application is a web app there are multiple ways to run it.

  • Use the app for macOS or Windows (recommended)
  • Use a cloud provider
  • Use docker

You can find installation instructions in the official (readme)[https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook#installation].

After you have set up your livebook instance this livebook can be imported by following this link. Run in Livebook

You can use all standard markdown features plus some extras. The app will render the markdown for you and will execute all elixir code blocks like the one below.

a = 3
b = 8

There is much more to learn about livebook, and the best way to leran it is by using livebooks. That’s why livebook comes with a “learn” section with livebooks that teach you everything you need.

Have fun and happy coding!