Congress Quickstart
# install the dependency
# in your mix.exs
# defp deps do [
# {:congress, "~> 0.1.0"}
# ]
congress_root = Path.join(__DIR__, "..")
Mix.install([{:congress, path: congress_root}])
Create a new request reference
Congress uses req, so any additional configuration of the client can be done, for example, using steps.
api_key = System.get_env("LB_CONGRESS_API_KEY")
req = api_key)
Get a list of the most recent bills from the most recent US Congress.
{:ok, response} = Congress.Bill.bills(req)
Get more information about the first bill in the list:
first = List.first(response.bills)
{:ok, bill} = Congress.Bill.bill(req, first.congress, first.type, first.number)
{:ok, summaries} = Congress.Bill.summaries(req, first.congress, first.type, first.number)