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Lists and Tuples


Lists and Tuples

  {:kino, "~> 0.14.0"}


We create lists with [] Actually we created a list in previous examples

orders = [1, 70, 110]

We can store mixed values in a List

my_school_bag = ["pens", 11, :rock, :pencil_box, "books", 55.7, true]

List manipulation

We are using ++ to concatenate lists.

[:clay] ++ my_school_bag

We can use -- to subsctract from a list

my_school_bag -- [:rock]

The result is a new list, it never modifies the original

In elixir Data Structures are Immutable, means we never modifies the original

> Don’t worry BEAM VM, Elixir’s VM is smart enough to handle this in an efficient way

# so it means my_school_bag is unchanged



[:water_bottle | my_school_bag]


my_school_bag ++ [:water_bottle]

Immutability in action 💪

my_school_bag = ["pens", 11, :rock, :pencil_box, "books", 55.7, true]
extra_books = ["Sherlock Holmes", "Robin Hood"]

bag = my_school_bag ++ extra_books

Original data is not modified


We get a new list instead


There are special modules in Elixir to make your life easier

Enum and List modules can help you manipulate lists

Enum.at(bag, 3)
List.replace_at(bag, 1, "atlas pens")

If we check bag its still unchanged


So its immutable 🫢


Tuples are created using {}

> Do NOT confuse this with a object in JS

{"gandalf", "frodo", "sam", "tom bombadil", :sauron}

Often we use this with functions to return multiple values

{:ok, "Here are some details you like"}

For example lets try to read a File

content =
  |> File.read()

Here you can see it has returned a tuple with {:ok, "content"} format


In here you can see we have {:error, reason} tuple

There are functions like put_elem, elem also Tuple module for dealing with tuples… Most of the time you wont use them…but good to know 🤓