Structs are just enhanced Maps
Remember maps? the “go to” data structure
just allows you to define keys at compile time, it also allows to do certain validations
making they are really powerful in lot of applications
we can define a struct with defstruct
defmodule GitHub.Repository do
@moduledoc """
Represents a GitHub repository with common attributes and operations.
@enforce_keys [:name, :owner] # this is a module attribute
defstruct [
stars: 0,
forks: 0,
open_issues: 0,
created_at: nil,
updated_at: nil,
topics: []
# this is typespec, a way to define types(not like typescript)
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
name: String.t(),
owner: String.t(),
description: String.t() | nil,
url: String.t() | nil,
private: boolean() | nil,
stars: non_neg_integer(),
forks: non_neg_integer(),
open_issues: non_neg_integer(),
created_at: DateTime.t() | nil,
updated_at: DateTime.t() | nil,
topics: list(String.t())
@doc """
Creates a new repository struct with the given attributes.
def new(name, owner, description \\ nil) do
name: name,
owner: owner,
description: description,
private: false,
url: "{owner}/#{name}"
@doc """
Adds topics to a repository.
def add_topics(repo, new_topics) when is_list(new_topics) do
%{repo | topics: Enum.uniq(repo.topics ++ new_topics)}
@doc """
Updates the star count and returns the updated repository.
def update_stars(repo, count) when is_integer(count) and count >= 0 do
%{repo | stars: count, updated_at: DateTime.utc_now()}
@doc """
Returns true if the repository is popular (has more than 1000 stars).
def popular?(repo) do
repo.stars >= 1000
Usage is like here
repo =
"Peace of mind from prototype to production"
|> GitHub.Repository.add_topics(["elixir", "web", "framework"])
|> GitHub.Repository.update_stars(19000)
is_popular = GitHub.Repository.popular?(repo)
If we try to skip enforced keys
%GitHub.Repository{name: "my-repo"}
we get an error