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Ash: 6 - Attributes


Ash: 6 - Attributes

Application.put_env(:ash, :validate_domain_resource_inclusion?, false)
Application.put_env(:ash, :validate_domain_config_inclusion?, false)
Mix.install([{:ash, "~> 3.0"}], consolidate_protocols: false)


Querying HomeCustomizing Actions

In this tutorial you will add and configure Attributes to a Ticket resource

The Ticket resource will represent a helpdesk ticket.

It will have 3 main attributes.

  • A subject or title
  • A description
  • A status which can be either :open or :closed

It will also have 2 attributes for keeping track of when the ticket was created, and when it was last updated.


You need to make sure the subject is always set, it’s not possible to create a ticket without a subject. You can do this by setting allow_nil? to false. Like so: attribute :subject, :string, allow_nil?: false


The :description is simple, it’s a :string and it is allowed to be empty.


:status is more complicated.

  • It is of the type :atom
  • It can only be the value :open or :closed
  • By default it is :open
  • And it can’t be nil

Attributes are set in a do end block like so:

attribute :status, :atom do

  # ...

  allow_nil? false

To set a constraint of values, you can use the constraints option, like so:

constraints [one_of: [:open, :closed]]

To set the default value, you use default :open.

Keeping track of Created and Updated

Ash provides create_timestamp and update_timestamp to keep track of when the Resource was first created, and when it was last updated.

Add the following to the attributes block:

create_timestamp :created_at
update_timestamp :updated_at

Show Solution

  defmodule Tutorial.Support.Ticket do
    use Ash.Resource,
      domain: Tutorial.Support,
      data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets

    actions do
      defaults [:read]

      create :create do
        accept [:subject, :description, :status]

    attributes do
      uuid_primary_key :id

      attribute :subject, :string, allow_nil?: false
      attribute :description, :string

      # status is either `open` or `closed`.
      attribute :status, :atom do
        # Constraints allow you to provide extra rules for the value.
        # The available constraints depend on the type
        # See the documentation for each type to know what constraints are available
        # Since atoms are generally only used when we know all of the values
        # it provides a `one_of` constraint, that only allows those values
        constraints [one_of: [:open, :closed]]

        default :open
        allow_nil? false

      create_timestamp :created_at
      update_timestamp :updated_at

  defmodule Tutorial.Support do
    use Ash.Domain

    resources do
      resource Tutorial.Support.Ticket

Enter your solution

defmodule Tutorial.Support.Ticket do
  use Ash.Resource,
    domain: Tutorial.Support,
    data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets

  actions do
    defaults [:read]

    create :create do
      accept [:subject, :description, :status]

  attributes do
    uuid_primary_key :id

    # Add the attributes here -->
    # - Subject
    # - Description
    # - Status
    # - Create Timestamp
    # - Update Timestamp

defmodule Tutorial.Support do
  use Ash.Domain

  resources do
    resource Tutorial.Support.Ticket

Creating a Ticket

Create a Ticket without any attributes.

Remember, when creating a resource use a changeset (Ash.Changeset.for_create/3), which gets passed to Ash.create!/1.

The output should look something like this:

** (Ash.Error.Invalid) Input Invalid

* attribute subject is required

Show Solution

  |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{})
  |> Ash.create!()

Now create a Ticket with a subject

Show Solution

  |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{subject: "This is the subject"})
  |> Ash.create!()

Now create a ticket with the status set to :closed

Show Solution

  |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{subject: "This is the subject", status: :closed})
  |> Ash.create!()

Now try creating a ticket with the status set to :pending. This should give an error because :pending is not a valid status.

Show Solution

  |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{subject: "This is the subject", status: :pending})
  |> Ash.create!()

Latest created Ticket

Since you added a creation date, you can now query on the latest created ticket.

First, sort using the Ash.Query.sort/2 function by Ash.Query.sort(created_at: :desc)

Then limit the amount of records with the Ash.Query.limit/2 function by doing Ash.Query.limit(1)

Finally call Ash.read_one!() on the query.

Hint: Use a pipeline

Show Solution

  |> Ash.Query.sort(created_at: :desc)
  |> Ash.Query.limit(1)
  |> Ash.read_one!()
Querying HomeCustomizing Actions