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  {:maplibre, "~> 0.1.9"},
  {:kino_maplibre, "~> 0.1.13"},
  {:req, "~> 0.3.1"}

alias MapLibre, as: Ml



This integration automatically renders the MapLibre struct as a map:

  center: {-90.73414, 14.55524},
  zoom: 13,
  style: "https://api.maptiler.com/maps/basic/style.json?key=Q4UbchekCfyvXvZcWRoU"
|> Ml.update_layer("building",
  paint: [
    fill_color: ["interpolate", ["exponential", 0.5], ["zoom"], 15, "#e2714b", 22, "#eee695"],
    fill_opacity: ["interpolate", ["exponential", 0.5], ["zoom"], 15, 0, 22, 1]


Kino.MapLibre allows you to render a regular MapLibre map and then adds an initial support for the Evented API to update the map.

There are two types of maps: static and dynamic. Essentially, a dynamic map can be updated on the fly without having to be re-evaluated. To make a map dynamic you need to wrap it in Kino.MapLibre.new/1:

map =
  Ml.new(center: {-68.13734351262877, 45.137451890638886}, zoom: 3)
  |> Kino.MapLibre.new()

Having our dynamic map, we can now add new markers to the map at any point:

Kino.MapLibre.add_marker(map, {-69, 50})
Kino.MapLibre.add_marker(map, {-68, 45}, color: "red", draggable: true)

All manipulation functions are available for the static map as well. We just need to build it at once:

Ml.new(center: {-68.13734351262877, 45.137451890638886}, zoom: 3)
|> Kino.MapLibre.add_marker({-68, 45}, color: "red", draggable: true)
|> Kino.MapLibre.add_marker({-69, 50})

You can make a static map dynamic at any moment wrapping it in Kino.MapLibre.new/1

map =
  Ml.new(center: {-68.13734351262877, 45.137451890638886}, zoom: 3)
  # These markers will appear on the initial map render
  |> Kino.MapLibre.add_marker({-68, 45}, color: "red", draggable: true)
  |> Kino.MapLibre.add_marker({-69, 50})
  # This makes the map dynamic for further interactions
  |> Kino.MapLibre.new()

Let’s add navigation controls on the fly!


Smart cells

The following Smart cells are available:

  • Map cell - for building maps with geojson data