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Kino LiveView Native


Kino LiveView Native

notebook_path = __ENV__.file |> String.split("#") |> hd()

    {:kino_live_view_native, path: Path.join([Path.dirname(notebook_path), "../"])}
    # {:kino_live_view_native,github: "liveview-native/kino_live_view_native"}
  config: [
    kino_live_view_native: [
      qr_enabled: true
    server: [
         server: true,
         url: [host: "localhost"],
         adapter: Phoenix.Endpoint.Cowboy2Adapter,
         render_errors: [
           formats: [html: ServerWeb.ErrorHTML, json: ServerWeb.ErrorJSON],
           layout: false
         pubsub_server: Server.PubSub,
         live_view: [signing_salt: "JSgdVVL6"],
         http: [ip: {0, 0, 0, 0}, port: 4000],
         secret_key_base: String.duplicate("a", 64),
         live_reload: [
           patterns: [
         code_reloader: true
    kino: [
      group_leader: Process.group_leader()
    phoenix: [
      template_engines: [neex: LiveViewNative.Engine]
    phoenix_template: [format_encoders: [swiftui: Phoenix.HTML.Engine]],
    mime: [
      types: %{"text/swiftui" => ["swiftui"], "text/styles" => ["styles"]}
    live_view_native: [plugins: [LiveViewNative.SwiftUI]],
    live_view_native_stylesheet: [
      content: [
        swiftui: [
      output: "priv/static/assets",
      attribute_parsers: [
        style: [
          livemd: &Server.AttributeParsers.Style.parse/2
    # Ensures that app.js compiles to avoid the switch to longpolling
    # when a LiveView doesn't exist yet
    esbuild: [
      version: "0.17.11",
      server_web: [
          ~w(js/app.js --bundle --target=es2017 --outdir=../priv/static/assets --external:/fonts/* --external:/images/*),
        cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__),
        env: %{"NODE_PATH" => Path.expand("../deps", __DIR__)}
  force: true


To use the Server project we need to install it. You can include the notebook dependencies as seen in the above Notebook dependencies and setup section.

By default, the server starts on port 4000. You can change this configuration if you want the server to run on a different port.

Basic LiveView Native Example

This is the basic "LiveView Native: LiveView" smart cell. It is available at http://localhost:4000. You can also inspect the native template code at http://localhost:4000/?_lvn[format]=swiftui

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive.SwiftUI do
  use ServerNative, [:render_component, format: :swiftui]

  def render(assigns) do
    Hello, world!

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive do
  use ServerWeb, :live_view
  use ServerNative, :live_view

  @impl true
  def render(assigns),
    do: ~H"""

Hello, world!

def handle_event("clicked", _params, socket) do IO.inspect("CLICKED") {:noreply, socket} end end |> Server.SmartCells.LiveViewNative.register("/") import Server.Livebook, only: [] import Kernel :ok

Render Components

This is the "LiveView Native: Render Component". If a LiveView is already defined, you can separately define the Render component to reduce code boilerplate.

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive.SwiftUI do
  use ServerNative, [:render_component, format: :swiftui]

  def render(assigns) do
    Hello, from LiveView Native!
|> Server.SmartCells.RenderComponent.register()

import Server.Livebook, only: []
import Kernel

Live Reloading

Server uses automatic code reloading, so anytime you change this file or evaluate one of the LiveView Native smart cells, the server will hot reload the page.

Evaluate the cell below that changes the text, and you should see the application reload in your simulator.

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.HomeLive.SwiftUI do
  use LiveViewNative.Component,
    format: :swiftui

  def render(assigns) do
    Hello, Live Reload!

defmodule ServerWeb.HomeLive do
  use ServerWeb, :live_view

  use LiveViewNative.LiveView,
    formats: [:swiftui],
    layouts: [
      swiftui: {ServerWeb.Layouts.SwiftUI, :app}

  @impl true
  def render(assigns) do

Hello Live Reload!

end end |> Server.SmartCells.LiveViewNative.register("/") import Server.Livebook, only: [] import Kernel :ok

Asset Paths

Asset paths are relative to the host URL. We have provided an example image at http://localhost:4000/images/logo.png for you to use in any examples.

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.HomeLive.SwiftUI do
  use LiveViewNative.Component,
    format: :swiftui

  def render(assigns) do

defmodule ServerWeb.HomeLive do
  use ServerWeb, :live_view

  use LiveViewNative.LiveView,
    formats: [:swiftui],
    layouts: [
      swiftui: {ServerWeb.Layouts.SwiftUI, :app}

  @impl true
  def render(assigns) do
|> Server.SmartCells.LiveViewNative.register("/")

import Server.Livebook, only: []
import Kernel

Core Components

Core components are supported.

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive do
  use ServerWeb, :live_view

  def render(assigns) do
|> Server.SmartCells.LiveViewNative.register("/")

import Server.Livebook, only: []
import Kernel

Utility Styles

Kino LiveView Native supports LiveView Native utility styles. The Mix.install.2 section above configures the stylesheets to watch the current notebook for stylesheet changes.

Below, we define the background(.blue) style.

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive.SwiftUI do
  use ServerNative, [:render_component, format: :swiftui]

  def render(assigns) do
    Hello blue text!

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive do
  use ServerWeb, :live_view
  use ServerNative, :live_view

  @impl true
  def render(assigns), do: ~H""
|> Server.SmartCells.LiveViewNative.register("/")

import Server.Livebook, only: []
import Kernel

We can use the following debug function to test if a style exists.


Custom Colors

Assuming your SwiftUI application has a color asset, you can use custom colors like so:

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive.SwiftUI do
  use ServerNative, [:render_component, format: :swiftui]

  def render(assigns) do

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive do
  use ServerWeb, :live_view
  use ServerNative, :live_view

  @impl true
  def render(assigns), do: ~H""
|> Server.SmartCells.LiveViewNative.register("/")

import Server.Livebook, only: []
import Kernel

To use double quotes within a style, you must wrap the value for the style attribute in curly brackets. Otherwise, you will experience parser issues.


LiveView Native core components supports both web components and native components, thus allowing us to share form logic.

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive.SwiftUI do
  use ServerNative, [:render_component, format: :swiftui]
  import ServerWeb.CoreComponents.SwiftUI

  def render(assigns) do
    <.simple_form for={@form} id="form" phx-submit="submit">
      <.input field={@form[:email]} type="TextField" placeholder="Email" />
        <.button type="submit">
          Send password reset instructions

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive do
  use ServerWeb, :live_view
  use ServerNative, :live_view

  @impl true
  def render(assigns),
    do: ~H"""
    <.simple_form for={@form} id="reset_password_form" phx-submit="submit">
      <.input field={@form[:email]} placeholder="Email" />
        <.button type="submit">
          Send password reset instructions

  @impl true
  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    {:ok, assign(socket, form: to_form(%{}, as: "user"))}

  @impl true
  def handle_event("submit", params, socket) do
    {:noreply, socket}
|> Server.SmartCells.LiveViewNative.register("/")

import Server.Livebook, only: []
import Kernel


While tailwind is included in the project. However, it is not currently functional.

Tailwind does static analysis to find classes used in the project, and therefore does not find classes defined within Livebook files.

require Server.Livebook
import Server.Livebook
import Kernel, except: [defmodule: 2]

defmodule ServerWeb.ExampleLive do
  use ServerWeb, :live_view

  def render(assigns) do

Not Red Text

end end |> Server.SmartCells.LiveViewNative.register("/") import Server.Livebook, only: [] import Kernel :ok