Back Of The Envelope Estimation & Powers of Two
Data Volume Units Using the (Power of two)
A byte is a sequence of 8 bits
. An ASCII character uses one
of memory (8 bits
). Below is a table explaining the data volume unit.
Powers of two are often used to measure computer memory. A byte
is now considered eight bits (an octet)
, resulting in the possibility of 256
values (28). (The term byte
once meant (and in some cases, still means) a collection of bits
, typically of 5
to 32
, rather than only an 8-bit unit
Power | Approx. Value | Exp | Short Name | # of Zeros |
10 | 1 Thousand | 210 | 1 KB | 1_024 |
20 | 1 Million | 220 | 1 MB | 1_048_576 |
30 | 1 Billion | 230 | 1 GB | 1_073_741_824 |
40 | 1 Trillion | 240 | 1 TB | 1_099_511_627_776 |
50 | 1 Quadrillion | 250 | 1 PB | 1_125_899_906_842_624 |
# 1KB
# 1_024
iex > :math.pow(2, 10) |> round
# 1MB
# 1_048_576
iex > :math.pow(2, 20) |> round
# 1GB
# 1_073_741_824
iex > :math.pow(2, 30) |> round
# 1TB
# 1_099_511_627_776
iex > :math.pow(2, 40) |> round
# 1PB
# 1_125_899_906_842_624
iex > :math.pow(2, 50) |> round
= millisecond, µs
= microsecond, ns
= nanosecond
> 1 ms = 10^-3 seconds = 1,000 µs = 1,000,000 ns
> 1 µs = 10^-6 seconds = 1,000 ns
Interesting Inverse Comparisons
| In Seconds | Name | S Exp | v | Short Name | PwrOf2 | Exp Approx
|1 ms | millisecond| 10^-3 | | ~1 KB |210 | ~10^3
|1 µs | microsecond| 10^-6 | | ~1 MB |220 | ~10^6
|1 ns | nanosecond | 10^-9 | | ~1 GB |230 | ~10^9