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Advent of Code 2022 - Day 11


Advent of Code 2022 - Day 11

  {:kino_aoc, git: "https://github.com/ljgago/kino_aoc"},


test_input = """
Monkey 0:
  Starting items: 79, 98
  Operation: new = old * 19
  Test: divisible by 23
    If true: throw to monkey 2
    If false: throw to monkey 3

Monkey 1:
  Starting items: 54, 65, 75, 74
  Operation: new = old + 6
  Test: divisible by 19
    If true: throw to monkey 2
    If false: throw to monkey 0

Monkey 2:
  Starting items: 79, 60, 97
  Operation: new = old * old
  Test: divisible by 13
    If true: throw to monkey 1
    If false: throw to monkey 3

Monkey 3:
  Starting items: 74
  Operation: new = old + 3
  Test: divisible by 17
    If true: throw to monkey 0
    If false: throw to monkey 1
{:ok, puzzle_input} = KinoAOC.download_puzzle("2022", "11", System.fetch_env!("LB_AOC_SESSION"))
input_field =
  Kino.Input.select("input", [
    {test_input, "test_input"},
    {puzzle_input, "puzzle_input"}

Parse & Prep

|> Kino.Input.read()
|> String.split(~r/\n?Monkey.*/, trim: true)
|> Enum.map(&String.split(&1, "\n", trim: true))
parsed =
  |> Kino.Input.read()
  |> String.split(~r/\n?Monkey.*/, trim: true)
  |> Enum.map(&String.split(&1, "\n", trim: true))
  |> Enum.map(fn [
                   "  Starting items: " <> items,
                   "  Operation: new = " <> op,
                   "  Test: divisible by " <> divisor,
                   "    If true: throw to monkey " <> true_next_monkey,
                   "    If false: throw to monkey " <> false_next_monkey
                 ] ->
    divisor = String.to_integer(divisor)

      items |> String.split([" ", ","], trim: true) |> Enum.map(&amp;String.to_integer/1),
        next_level_1: "div(#{op}, 3)",
        next_level_2: "rem(#{op}, lcm)",
        divisor: divisor,
          "if rem(next_level, #{divisor}) == 0, do: #{true_next_monkey}, else: #{false_next_monkey}"

{start_levels, behaviours} = Enum.unzip(parsed)
num_monkeys = Enum.count(start_levels)

Part 1

monkey_behaviours = List.to_tuple(behaviours)

0..(num_monkeys - 1)
|> Stream.cycle()
|> Stream.take(20 * num_monkeys)
|> Stream.transform(List.to_tuple(start_levels), fn
  monkey, acc ->
    %{next_level_1: next_level_op, next_monkey: next_monkey_op} = elem(monkey_behaviours, monkey)
    items = elem(acc, monkey)

    acc =
      |> Enum.reduce(acc, fn
        level, acc ->
          {next_level, _} = Code.eval_string(next_level_op, old: level)
          {next_monkey, _} = Code.eval_string(next_monkey_op, next_level: next_level)
          update_in(acc, [Access.elem(next_monkey)], &amp;[next_level | &amp;1])

    {List.duplicate(monkey, Enum.count(items)), put_elem(acc, monkey, [])}
|> Enum.frequencies()
|> Map.values()
|> Enum.sort(:desc)
|> then(fn [first, second | _] -> first * second end)

Part 2

Not very efficient. But dividing by the LCM makes it terminate under a minute. So I’m gonna take that. Code is almost the same as above, but not exactly. Didn’t bother cleaning up this time…

lcm = Enum.reduce(behaviours, 1, &amp;Math.lcm(&amp;1.divisor, &amp;2))
monkey_behaviours = List.to_tuple(behaviours)

0..(num_monkeys - 1)
|> Stream.cycle()
|> Stream.take(10_000 * num_monkeys)
|> Stream.transform(List.to_tuple(start_levels), fn
  monkey, acc ->
    %{next_level_2: next_level_op, next_monkey: next_monkey_op} = elem(monkey_behaviours, monkey)
    items = elem(acc, monkey)

    acc =
      |> Enum.reduce(acc, fn
        level, acc ->
          {next_level, _} = Code.eval_string(next_level_op, old: level, lcm: lcm)
          {next_monkey, _} = Code.eval_string(next_monkey_op, next_level: next_level)
          update_in(acc, [Access.elem(next_monkey)], &amp;[next_level | &amp;1])

    {List.duplicate(monkey, Enum.count(items)), put_elem(acc, monkey, [])}
|> Enum.frequencies()
|> Map.values()
|> Enum.sort(:desc)
|> then(fn [first, second | _] -> first * second end)