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Advent of Code 2022 - Day 15


Advent of Code 2022 - Day 15

  {:kino_aoc, git: "https://github.com/ljgago/kino_aoc"}


test_input = """
Sensor at x=2, y=18: closest beacon is at x=-2, y=15
Sensor at x=9, y=16: closest beacon is at x=10, y=16
Sensor at x=13, y=2: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
Sensor at x=12, y=14: closest beacon is at x=10, y=16
Sensor at x=10, y=20: closest beacon is at x=10, y=16
Sensor at x=14, y=17: closest beacon is at x=10, y=16
Sensor at x=8, y=7: closest beacon is at x=2, y=10
Sensor at x=2, y=0: closest beacon is at x=2, y=10
Sensor at x=0, y=11: closest beacon is at x=2, y=10
Sensor at x=20, y=14: closest beacon is at x=25, y=17
Sensor at x=17, y=20: closest beacon is at x=21, y=22
Sensor at x=16, y=7: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
Sensor at x=14, y=3: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
Sensor at x=20, y=1: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
{:ok, puzzle_input} = KinoAOC.download_puzzle("2022", "15", System.fetch_env!("LB_AOC_SESSION"))
input_field =
  Kino.Input.select("input", [
    {{10, 20, test_input}, "test_input"},
    {{2_000_000, 4_000_000, puzzle_input}, "puzzle_input"}

Parse & Prep

{desty, boundary, input} = Kino.Input.read(input_field)

lines =
  |> String.split(~r/[^\d-]/, trim: true)
  |> Enum.map(&String.to_integer/1)
  |> Enum.chunk_every(4)
beacons_at = fn y ->
  Enum.flat_map(lines, fn
    [_, _, bx, ^y] -> [bx]
    _ -> []
  |> Enum.uniq()
  |> Enum.count()

Part 1

row_coverage = fn lines, row ->
  |> Enum.map(fn [sx, sy, bx, by] -> {sx, sy, abs(bx - sx) + abs(by - sy) - abs(sy - row)} end)
  |> Enum.filter(&(elem(&1, 2) > 0))
  |> Enum.map(fn {sx, _sy, dist} -> (sx - dist)..(sx + dist) end)
  |> Enum.sort()
  |> Enum.flat_map_reduce(nil, fn
    span, nil -> {[], span}
    span, last_span when span.first > last_span.last + 1 -> {[last_span], span}
    span, last_span -> {[], min(last_span.first, span.first)..max(last_span.last, span.last)}

(row_coverage.(lines, desty)
 |> elem(1)
 |> Range.size()) - beacons_at.(desty)

Part 2

{row, {ranges, remainder}} =
  |> Stream.map(&{&1, row_coverage.(lines, &1)})
  |> Enum.find(&match?({_, {[_ | _], _}}, &1))
  |> IO.inspect()

[_..x, _.._] = Enum.sort([remainder | ranges])
(x + 1) * 4_000_000 + row