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  {:kino, "~> 0.5.0"}
sample_text = Kino.Input.textarea("sample")
input_text = Kino.Input.textarea("input")
sample = Kino.Input.read(sample_text)
input = Kino.Input.read(input_text)
defmodule Shared do
  defp parse_line(<>),
    do: {letter, String.to_integer(value)}

  def parse(text) do
    |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
    |> Enum.map(&amp;parse_line/1)

  def evaluate({x, y}), do: abs(x) + abs(y)

defmodule PartA do
  def run(actions), do: run(actions, 0, 0, {0, 1})

  defp run([], x, y, _direction), do: {x, y}

  defp run([head | rest], x, y, direction) do
    {new_x, new_y, new_direction} = step(head, x, y, direction)
    run(rest, new_x, new_y, new_direction)

  defp step({"N", value}, x, y, direction), do: {x + value, y, direction}
  defp step({"S", value}, x, y, direction), do: {x - value, y, direction}
  defp step({"E", value}, x, y, direction), do: {x, y + value, direction}
  defp step({"W", value}, x, y, direction), do: {x, y - value, direction}

  defp step({"F", value}, x, y, {dx, dy} = direction),
    do: {x + value * dx, y + value * dy, direction}

  defp step({letter, value}, x, y, direction),
    do: {x, y, rotate(letter, div(value, 90), direction)}

  defp rotate(_, 0, direction), do: direction
  defp rotate("L", iters, {dx, dy}), do: rotate("L", iters - 1, {dy, -1 * dx})
  defp rotate("R", iters, {dx, dy}), do: rotate("R", iters - 1, {-1 * dy, dx})

part a

|> Shared.parse()
|> PartA.run()
|> Shared.evaluate()

part b

defmodule PartB do
  # The code could be refactored to share the run function
  def run(actions), do: run(actions, 0, 0, 1, 10)

  defp run([], x, y, _dx, _dy), do: {x, y}

  defp run([head | rest], x, y, dx, dy) do
    {new_x, new_y, new_dx, new_dy} = step(head, x, y, dx, dy)
    run(rest, new_x, new_y, new_dx, new_dy)

  defp step({"N", value}, x, y, dx, dy), do: {x, y, dx + value, dy}
  defp step({"S", value}, x, y, dx, dy), do: {x, y, dx - value, dy}
  defp step({"E", value}, x, y, dx, dy), do: {x, y, dx, dy + value}
  defp step({"W", value}, x, y, dx, dy), do: {x, y, dx, dy - value}
  defp step({"F", value}, x, y, dx, dy), do: {x + value * dx, y + value * dy, dx, dy}

  defp step({letter, value}, x, y, dx, dy) do
    {new_dx, new_dy} = rotate(letter, div(value, 90), dx, dy)
    {x, y, new_dx, new_dy}

  # The code could be refactored to share the rotate function,
  # as the waypoint is relative to the ship
  defp rotate(_, 0, dx, dy), do: {dx, dy}
  defp rotate("L", iters, dx, dy), do: rotate("L", iters - 1, dy, -1 * dx)
  defp rotate("R", iters, dx, dy), do: rotate("R", iters - 1, -1 * dy, dx)
|> Shared.parse()
|> PartB.run()
|> Shared.evaluate()