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Chapter 6: Getting Real


Chapter 6: Getting Real

    {:exla, "~> 0.5"},
    {:nx, "~> 0.5"},
    {:vega_lite, "~> 0.1.6"},
    {:kino, "~> 0.8.1"},
    {:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.7"}
  config: [nx: [default_backend: EXLA.Backend]]

Our Own MNIST Library

defmodule C6.MNIST do
  @moduledoc """
  Use this Module to load the MNIST database (test, train, and labels).

  MNIST dataset specifications can be found here: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/

  @data_path Path.join(__DIR__, "../data/mnist") |> Path.expand()

  @train_images_filename Path.join(@data_path, "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz")
  @test_images_filename Path.join(@data_path, "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz")
  @train_labels_filename Path.join(@data_path, "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz")
  @test_labels_filename Path.join(@data_path, "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz")

  defstruct [:x_train, :x_test, :y_train, :y_test]

  @doc """
  Load the MNIST database and return the train and test images.
  def load() do
      # 60000 images, each 785 elements (1 bias + 28 * 28 pixels)
      x_train: prepend_bias(load_images(@train_images_filename)),
      # 10000 images, each 785 elements, with the same structure as `x_train`
      x_test: prepend_bias(load_images(@test_images_filename)),
      # 60000 labels
      y_train: load_labels(@train_labels_filename),
      # 10000 labels, with the same encoding as `y_train`
      y_test: load_labels(@test_labels_filename)

  @doc """
  Encode the five in the given label matrix by
  converting all 5s to 1, and everything else to 0.
  def encode_fives(y) do
    Nx.equal(y, 5)

  @doc """
  Load the MNIST labels from the given file
  and return a matrix.
  def load_labels(filename) do
    # Open and unzip the file of labels
    with {:ok, binary} <- File.read(filename) do
      <<_::32, n_labels::32, labels_binary::binary>> = :zlib.gunzip(binary)

      # Create a tensor from the binary and
      # reshape the list of labels into a one-column matrix.
      |> Nx.from_binary({:u, 8})
      |> Nx.reshape({n_labels, 1})

  @doc """
  Load the MNIST images from the given file
  and return a matrix.
  def load_images(filename) do
    # Open and unzip the file of images
    with {:ok, binary} <- File.read(filename) do
      <<_::32, n_images::32, n_rows::32, n_cols::32, images_binary::binary>> =

      # Create a tensor from the binary and
      # reshape the pixels into a matrix where each line is an image.
      |> Nx.from_binary({:u, 8})
      |> Nx.reshape({n_images, n_cols * n_rows})

  @doc """
  Prepend a the bias, an extra column of 1s, to
  the given tensor.
  def prepend_bias(x) do
    bias = Nx.broadcast(1, {elem(Nx.shape(x), 0), 1})

    # Insert a column of 1s in the position 0 of x.
    # ("axis: 1" stands for: "insert a column, not a row")
    # in python: `np.insert(X, 0, 1, axis=1)`
    Nx.concatenate([bias, x], axis: 1)
# Unzips and decodes images from MNIST’s binary files.
filename = Path.join(__DIR__, "../data/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz") |> Path.expand()
images_tensor = C6.MNIST.load_images(filename)
# Add the bias to the images tensor
images_tensor_with_bias = C6.MNIST.prepend_bias(images_tensor)

The Real Thing

Use the classifier developed in chapter 5 to train and test the system.

defmodule C5.Classifier do
  import Nx.Defn

  @doc """
  A sigmoid function is a mathematical function having
  a characteristic "S"-shaped curve or sigmoid curve.

  A sigmoid function:
  - is monotonic
  - has no local minimums
  - has a non-negative derivative for each point

  More here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmoid_function
  defn sigmoid(z) do
    Nx.divide(1, Nx.add(1, Nx.exp(Nx.negate(z))))

  @doc """
  Return the prediction tensor ŷ given the inputs and weight.
  The returned tensor is a matrix with the same dimensions as
  the weighted sum: one row per example, and one column.
  Each element in the matrix is now constrained between 0 and 1.  
  defn forward(x, weight) do
    weighted_sum = Nx.dot(x, weight)

  @doc """
  Return the prediction rounded to forecast a binary value (0, 1).
  defn classify(x, weight) do
    forward(x, weight)
    |> Nx.round()

  @doc """
  Log loss function.
  defn loss(x, y, weight) do
    # in python:
    # y_hat = forward(X, w)
    # first_term = Y * np.log(y_hat)
    # second_term = (1 - Y) * np.log(1 - y_hat)
    # return -np.average(first_term + second_term)

    y_hat = forward(x, weight)

    # Each label in the matrix `y_hat` is either `0` or `1`.
    # - `first_term` disappears when `y_hat` is 0
    # - `second_term` disappears when `y_hat` is 1
    first_term = y * Nx.log(y_hat)
    second_term = Nx.subtract(1, y) * Nx.log(Nx.subtract(1, y_hat))

    Nx.add(first_term, second_term)
    |> Nx.mean()
    |> Nx.negate()

  @doc """
  Returns the derivative of the loss curve.
  defn gradient(x, y, weight) do
    # in python:
    # np.matmul(X.T, (predict(X, w) - Y)) / X.shape[0]

    predictions = forward(x, weight)
    errors = Nx.subtract(predictions, y)
    n_examples = elem(Nx.shape(x), 0)

    |> Nx.dot(errors)
    |> Nx.divide(n_examples)

  @doc """
  Computes the weight by training the system
  with the given inputs and labels, by iterating
  over the examples the specified number of times.
  def train(x, y, iterations, lr) do
    Enum.reduce(0..(iterations - 1), init_weight(x), fn i, weight ->
      IO.inspect("Iteration #{i} => Loss: #{Nx.to_number(loss(x, y, weight))}")

      step(x, y, weight, lr)

  defnp step(x, y, weight, lr) do
    Nx.subtract(weight, Nx.multiply(gradient(x, y, weight), lr))

  def test(x, y, weight) do
    total_examples = elem(Nx.shape(x), 0)

    correct_results =
      classify(x, weight)
      |> Nx.equal(y)
      |> Nx.sum()
      |> Nx.to_number()

    # Accuracy of the classifier
    success_percent = Float.round(correct_results * 100 / total_examples, 2)

    IO.puts("Success: #{correct_results}/#{total_examples} (#{success_percent}%)")

  # Given n elements it returns a tensor
  # with this shape {n, 1}, each element
  # initialized to 0
  defnp init_weight(x) do
    Nx.broadcast(Nx.tensor([0]), {elem(Nx.shape(x), 1), 1})

Binary classifier - recognize the 5

The test and train labels contain values from 0 to 9, but for this chapter we want to recognize only 5s, therefore we use the C6.MNIST.encode_fives/1 function to turn these labels into binary values:

  • 1 when the value is 5
  • 0 otherwise

Train and test the system

# Use the public API to get train and test images
%{x_train: x_train, x_test: x_test, y_train: y_train, y_test: y_test} = C6.MNIST.load()
updated_y_train = C6.MNIST.encode_fives(y_train)

weight = C5.Classifier.train(x_train, updated_y_train, iterations = 100, lr = 1.0e-5)
updated_y_test = C6.MNIST.encode_fives(y_test)

C5.Classifier.test(x_test, updated_y_test, weight)