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Chapter 10: Building the Network


Chapter 10: Building the Network

    {:exla, "~> 0.5"},
    {:nx, "~> 0.5"},
    {:jason, "~> 1.4"}
  config: [nx: [default_backend: EXLA.Backend]]

Load MNIST images

The module to load MNIST data is based on the chapter 7 implementation.

defmodule C10.MNIST do
  @moduledoc """
  Use this Module to load the MNIST database (test, train, and labels).

  MNIST dataset specifications can be found here: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/

  @data_path Path.join(__DIR__, "../data/mnist") |> Path.expand()

  @train_images_filename Path.join(@data_path, "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz")
  @test_images_filename Path.join(@data_path, "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz")
  @train_labels_filename Path.join(@data_path, "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz")
  @test_labels_filename Path.join(@data_path, "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz")

  defstruct [:x_train, :x_test, :y_train, :y_test]

  @doc """
  Load the MNIST database and return the train and test images.
  def load() do
      # 60000 images, each 784 elements (28 * 28 pixels)
      x_train: load_images(@train_images_filename),
      # 10000 images, each 784 elements, with the same structure as `x_train`
      x_test: load_images(@test_images_filename),
      # 60000 labels
      y_train: load_labels(@train_labels_filename),
      # 10000 labels, with the same encoding as `y_train`
      y_test: load_labels(@test_labels_filename)

  @doc """
  One-hot encode the given tensor (classes: from 0 to 9).
  def one_hot_encode(y) do
    Nx.equal(y, Nx.tensor(Enum.to_list(0..9)))

  @doc """
  Load the MNIST labels from the given file
  and return a matrix.
  def load_labels(filename) do
    # Open and unzip the file of labels
    with {:ok, binary} <- File.read(filename) do
      <<_::32, n_labels::32, labels_binary::binary>> = :zlib.gunzip(binary)

      # Create a tensor from the binary and
      # reshape the list of labels into a one-column matrix.
      |> Nx.from_binary({:u, 8})
      |> Nx.reshape({n_labels, 1})

  @doc """
  Load the MNIST images from the given file
  and return a matrix.
  def load_images(filename) do
    # Open and unzip the file of images
    with {:ok, binary} <- File.read(filename) do
      <<_::32, n_images::32, n_rows::32, n_cols::32, images_binary::binary>> =

      # Create a tensor from the binary and
      # reshape the pixels into a matrix where each line is an image.
      |> Nx.from_binary({:u, 8})
      |> Nx.reshape({n_images, n_cols * n_rows})

Load the data

# Use the public API to get train and test images
%{x_train: x_train, x_test: x_test, y_train: y_train, y_test: y_test} = data = C10.MNIST.load()

Writing the Softmax Function

Softmax is used as activation function as the sigmoid we used in the previous chapter. It is used in the last network’s layer.

$$ softmax(l_i) = \cfrac{e^{l_i}}{\sum e^{l}} $$

softmax = fn logits ->
  exponentials = Nx.exp(logits)

    Nx.sum(exponentials, axes: [1]) |> Nx.reshape({:auto, 1})

output = Nx.tensor([[0.3, 0.8, 0.2], [0.1, 0.9, 0.1]])


Numerical Stability

Our implementations of softmax/1 and sigmoid/1 have a problem: they’re numerically unstable, meaning that they amplify small changes in the inputs

softmax.(Nx.tensor([[1, 20]])) |> IO.inspect(label: "softmax([[1, 20]])")

softmax.(Nx.tensor([[1, 1000]])) |> IO.inspect(label: "softmax([[1, 1000]])")


Forward propagation and Cross entropy

Update the classifier implemented in chapter 7 with:

  • Softmax activation function softmax/1
  • Forward propagation forward/3
  • Classification function classify/3
  • Cross-entropy loss loss/2
defmodule C10.Classifier do
  import Nx.Defn

  @doc """
  A sigmoid function is a mathematical function having
  a characteristic "S"-shaped curve or sigmoid curve.

  A sigmoid function:
  - is monotonic
  - has no local minimums
  - has a non-negative derivative for each point

  It is used as activation function in the intermediate
  layers of a neural network.

  More here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmoid_function
  defn sigmoid(z) do
    Nx.divide(1, Nx.add(1, Nx.exp(Nx.negate(z))))

  @doc """
  A softmax function turns a list of numbers (logits)
  into probabilities that sum to one.

  It is used as activation function in the last
  layer of a neural network.

  More here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Softmax_function
  defn softmax(logits) do
    exponentials = Nx.exp(logits)

      Nx.sum(exponentials, axes: [1]) |> Nx.reshape({:auto, 1})

  @doc """
  Prepend a the bias, an extra column of 1s, to
  the given tensor.
  defn prepend_bias(x) do
    bias = Nx.broadcast(1, {elem(Nx.shape(x), 0), 1})

    # Insert a column of 1s in the position 0 of x.
    # ("axis: 1" stands for: "insert a column, not a row")
    Nx.concatenate([bias, x], axis: 1)

  @doc """
  Return the prediction tensor ŷ (y_hat) given the inputs and weights.
  The returned tensor is a matrix with the same dimensions as
  the weighted sum: one row per example, and one column.
  Each element in the matrix is now constrained between 0 and 1.  
  defn forward(x, weight1, weight2) do
    h = sigmoid(Nx.dot(prepend_bias(x), weight1))
    softmax(Nx.dot(prepend_bias(h), weight2))

  @doc """
  Return the prediction rounded to forecast a value between 0 and 9.
  defn classify(x, weight1, weight2) do
    y_hat = forward(x, weight1, weight2)

    # Get the index of the maximum value in each row of y_hat
    # (the value that’s closer to 1).
    # NOTE: in case of MNIST dataset, the returned index is also the
    # decoded label (0..9).
    labels = Nx.argmax(y_hat, axis: 1)

    Nx.reshape(labels, {:auto, 1})

  @doc """
  Cross-entropy loss.

  It measures the distance between the classifier's prediction
  and the labels.
  defn loss(y, y_hat) do
    # In python: -np.sum(Y * np.log(y_hat)) / Y.shape[0]
    -Nx.sum(y * Nx.log(y_hat)) / elem(Nx.shape(y), 0)

  @doc """
  Utility to report (to stdout) the loss per iteration.
  def report(iteration, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, weight1, weight2) do
    y_hat = forward(x_train, weight1, weight2)
    training_loss = loss(y_train, y_hat) |> Nx.to_number()
    classifications = classify(x_test, weight1, weight2)
    accuracy = Nx.multiply(Nx.mean(Nx.equal(classifications, y_test)), 100.0) |> Nx.to_number()

    IO.puts("Iteration #{iteration}, Loss: #{training_loss}, Accuracy: #{accuracy}%")

Hands on: Time Travel Testing

Test the system with some pre-computed weights

[weight1, weight2] =
  Path.join(__DIR__, "./weights.json")
  |> Path.expand()
  |> File.read!()
  |> Jason.decode!()
  |> Enum.map(&amp;Nx.tensor/1)

C10.Classifier.report(0, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, weight1, weight2)