02 - Up & Running
# find the current directory, where the livebook is running
{current_dir, _} = System.cmd("pwd", [])
# create new directories for translation files
System.cmd("mkdir", ["-p", "priv/gettext/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES"])
System.cmd("mkdir", ["-p", "priv/gettext/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES"])
# create a new ".po" translation file
sample_po_translation_file_hi = """
msgid "%{count} reviews"
msgstr "%{count} समीक्षाएँ"
msgid "Color"
msgstr "रंग"
msgid "Size"
msgstr "आकार"
msgid "Size guide"
msgstr "साइज़ संदर्शिका"
sample_po_translation_file_pt = """
msgid "%{count} reviews"
msgstr "%{count} avaliações"
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Cor"
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"
msgid "Size guide"
msgstr "Guia de tamanho"
{:ok, file} = File.open("priv/gettext/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/default.po", [:write, :utf8])
IO.write(file, sample_po_translation_file_hi)
{:ok, file} = File.open("priv/gettext/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/default.po", [:write, :utf8])
IO.write(file, sample_po_translation_file_pt)
# define a gettext backend module
defmodule DemoApp.Gettext do
use Gettext, otp_app: :foo
# define a CLDR backend module
defmodule DemoApp.Backend do
use Cldr,
locales: ["en", "de", "pt", "hi"],
default_locale: "en",
providers: [Cldr.Number, Cldr.DateTime, Cldr.Trans],
json_library: Jason
# Set an app-wide default backend
Application.put_env(:ex_cldr, :default_backend, DemoApp.Backend)
Generating DemoApp.Backend for 5 locales named [:de, :en, :hi, :pt, :und] with a default locale named :en
Translating static strings with gettext
# the 'locale' of the current Elixir process can be set explicitly
# import your app's gettext 'backend' module to have the markup functions available
import DemoApp.Gettext
# static strings that are marked-up using gettext, can be translated at runtime
|> IO.inspect()
|> IO.inspect()
gettext("Size guide")
|> IO.inspect()
"Guia de tamanho"
# if a translation is not available, the original string in the 'default' language is returned
gettext("This has not been translated yet.")
"This has not been translated yet."
# variables can be interpolated dynamically
num_reviews = 117
gettext("%{count} reviews", count: num_reviews)
"117 avaliações"
# we can wrap code our code to set a different locale explicitly
Gettext.with_locale("hi_IN", fn ->
gettext("%{count} reviews", count: num_reviews)
|> IO.inspect(label: :hi_IN)
gettext("%{count} reviews", count: num_reviews)
|> IO.inspect(label: :pt_BR)
hi_IN: "117 समीक्षाएँ"
pt_BR: "117 avaliações"
Handling variables with ex_cldr
Cldr.Number.to_string!(59.95, locale: "hi-IN", currency: "USD")
|> IO.inspect()
Cldr.Number.to_string!(59.95, locale: "pt-BR", currency: "USD")
|> IO.inspect()
Cldr.Number.to_string!(59.95, locale: "de-DE", currency: "USD")
|> IO.inspect()
"US$ 59,95"
"59,95 $"
Cldr.Date.to_string!(~D[1985-12-21], format: :short, locale: "en-US")
|> IO.inspect()
Cldr.Date.to_string!(~D[1985-12-21], format: :short, locale: "hi-IN")
|> IO.inspect()
Cldr.Date.to_string!(~D[1985-12-21], format: :short, locale: "de-DE")
|> IO.inspect()
now = DateTime.now!("Etc/UTC")
earlier = DateTime.add(now, -300)
Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string!(earlier, relative_to: now, locale: "en-US")
|> IO.inspect()
Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string!(earlier, relative_to: now, locale: "de-DE")
|> IO.inspect()
Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string!(earlier, relative_to: now, locale: "pt_BR")
|> IO.inspect()
"5 minutes ago"
"vor 5 Minuten"
"há 5 minutos"
Translating database records with ex_cldr_trans
defmodule DemoApp.Product do
use Ecto.Schema
use DemoApp.Backend.Trans, translates: [:title, :description]
schema "products" do
field(:title, :string)
field(:description, :string)
# use the 'translations' macro to set up a map-field with a set of nested
# structs to handle translation values for each configured locale and each
# translatable field
{:module, DemoApp.Product, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 20, ...>>,
[__schema__: 1, __schema__: 1, __schema__: 1, __schema__: 1, __schema__: 2, __schema__: 2, ...]}
[:de, :hi, :pt]
product = %DemoApp.Product{
title: "Basic Tee 6-Pack",
description: "The Basic Tee 6-Pack allows you to fully express your vibrant personality ...",
translations: %DemoApp.Product.Translations{
pt: %DemoApp.Product.Translations.Fields{
title: "camiseta básica",
"O Basic Tee 6-Pack permite que você expresse totalmente sua personalidade vibrante ..."
# de: ...,
# hi: ...
product_pt = Cldr.Trans.Translator.translate(product, :pt)
"Basic Tee 6-Pack"
"The Basic Tee 6-Pack allows you to fully express your vibrant personality ..."
"camiseta básica"
"O Basic Tee 6-Pack permite que você expresse totalmente sua personalidade vibrante ..."