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Number Wordle


Number Wordle

  {:jason, "~> 1.4"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
  {:youtube, github: "brooklinjazz/youtube"},
  {:hidden_cell, github: "brooklinjazz/hidden_cell"}


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Number Wordle

Wordle is a popular game where players get six attempts to guess a word. They are given feedback clues to guess the word.

  • Green if the letter is in the word and in the correct spot.
  • Yellow if the letter is in the word but in the incorrect spot.
  • Gray if the letter is not in the word.

For example for the word “TOAST” the guess “TARTS” would be

flowchart LR
style 1 fill:green
style 2 fill:gray
style 3 fill:gray
style 4 fill:yellow
style 5 fill:yellow

1[T] --- 2[A] --- 3[R] --- 4[T] --- 5[S]

You’re going to create a wordle game but for numbers.

It should provide feedback for a guess and and answer.

NumberWordle.feedback(3689, 3598)
[:green, :gray, :yellow, :yellow]

Ensure you handle numbers with multiple of the same digit. For example,

NumberWordle.feedback(1113, 2221)
[:yellow, :gray, :gray, :gray]

NumberWordle.feedback(1113, 2211)
[:yellow, :gray, :green, :gray]

NumberWordle.feedback(1111, 2111)
[:gray, :green, :green, :green]

Enter your solution below.

defmodule NumberWordle do
  @doc ~S"""
  Returns feedback on the given `guess` as it relates to the given `answer`.

  ## Examples

      iex> NumberWordle.feedback(1113, 2221)
      [:yellow, :gray, :gray, :gray]

      iex> NumberWordle.feedback(1113, 2211)
      [:yellow, :gray, :green, :gray]

      iex> NumberWordle.feedback(1111, 2111)
      [:gray, :green, :green, :green]

  def feedback(guess, answer) do

Mark As Completed

file_name = Path.basename(Regex.replace(~r/#.+/, __ENV__.file, ""), ".livemd")

progress_path = __DIR__ <> "/../progress.json"
existing_progress = File.read!(progress_path) |> Jason.decode!()

default = Map.get(existing_progress, file_name, false)

form =
      completed: input = Kino.Input.checkbox("Mark As Completed", default: default)
    report_changes: true

Task.async(fn ->
  for %{data: %{completed: completed}} <- Kino.Control.stream(form) do
    File.write!(progress_path, Jason.encode!(Map.put(existing_progress, file_name, completed)))


Commit Your Progress

Run the following in your command line from the curriculum folder to track and save your progress in a Git commit. Ensure that you do not already have undesired or unrelated changes by running git status or by checking the source control tab in Visual Studio Code.

$ git checkout solutions
$ git checkout -b number-wordle-exercise
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish number wordle exercise"
$ git push origin number-wordle-exercise

Create a pull request from your number-wordle-exercise branch to your solutions branch. Please do not create a pull request to the DockYard Academy repository as this will spam our PR tracker.

DockYard Academy Students Only:

Notify your instructor by including @BrooklinJazz in your PR description to get feedback. You (or your instructor) may merge your PR into your solutions branch after review.

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