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Line Geom Examples


Line Geom Examples

  {:ggity, path: ".", override: true},
  {:kino_ggity, github: "srowley/kino_ggity"}

alias Explorer.{DataFrame, Series}
alias GGity.{Examples, Kino, Plot}

Basic example

data = Examples.economics()

|> Explorer.DataFrame.filter_with(fn df ->
  Explorer.Series.less(df["date"], ~D[1970-12-31])
|> Plot.new(%{x: "date", y: "unemploy"})
|> Plot.geom_line(size: 1)
|> Plot.labs(title: "Date data")
|> Plot.scale_x_date(date_labels: "%Y")
|> Kino.render()

Fixed line type example

|> Plot.new(%{x: :wt, y: :mpg})
|> Plot.labs(title: "Fixed linetype: :twodash", x: "Weight")
|> Plot.geom_line(linetype: :twodash, size: 1)
|> Kino.render()

Fixed aesthetics example

|> Plot.new(%{x: "date", y: "unemploy"})
|> Plot.geom_line(color: "red", size: 1)
|> Plot.labs(title: "Fixed color: \"red\"")
|> Plot.scale_x_date(breaks: 6, date_labels: "%m/%d/%Y")
|> Plot.theme(axis_text_x: GGity.Element.Text.element_text(angle: 30))
|> Kino.render()

Date/time example

  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-01 00:00:00], price: 0.13},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-01 03:00:00], price: 0.5},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-01 06:00:00], price: 0.9},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-01 09:00:00], price: 0.63},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-01 12:00:00], price: 0.45},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-01 15:00:00], price: 0.25},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-01 18:00:00], price: 0.12},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-01 21:00:00], price: 0.13},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-02 00:00:00], price: 0.24},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-02 03:00:00], price: 0.74},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-02 06:00:00], price: 0.77},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-02 09:00:00], price: 0.63},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-02 12:00:00], price: 0.23},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-02 15:00:00], price: 0.53},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-02 21:00:00], price: 0.26},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-03 00:00:00], price: 0.27},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-03 03:00:00], price: 0.03},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-03 06:00:00], price: 0.79},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-03 09:00:00], price: 0.78},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-03 12:00:00], price: 0.08},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-03 18:00:00], price: 0.3},
  %{date_time: ~N[2001-01-04 00:00:00], price: 0.7}
|> Plot.new(%{x: :date_time, y: :price})
|> Plot.geom_line(size: 1)
|> Plot.scale_x_datetime(date_labels: "%b %d H%H")
|> Plot.labs(title: "DateTime data")
|> Kino.render()

Group by color example

|> Plot.new(%{x: "date", y: "value01"})
|> Plot.labs(title: "Mapped to color")
|> Plot.geom_line(%{color: "variable"}, linetype: :dotted)
|> Plot.scale_x_date(breaks: 6, date_labels: "%Y")
|> Kino.render()

Group by linetype example

|> Plot.new(%{x: "date", y: "value01"})
|> Plot.labs(title: "Mapped to linetype, custom glyph")
|> Plot.geom_line(%{linetype: "variable"}, key_glyph: :path, color: "purple")
|> Plot.scale_x_date(breaks: 6, date_labels: "%Y")
|> Kino.render()