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What is Kafka?


What is Kafka?

    {:kafka_ex, "~> 0.11"}
  config: [
    kafka_ex: [
      brokers: [
        {"localhost", 19092},
        {"localhost", 29092},
        {"localhost", 39092}


Kafka is an event streaming platform.

> 📽️ Kafka was created to address the data pipeline problem at LinkedIn. It was designed to provide a high-performance messaging system that can handle many types of data and provide clean, structured data about user activity and system metrics in real time.

An event is a thing that happend combined with the description of what happened.

NOTIFICATION (When-ness to the thing) + STATE (description)

The state is typically represented using JSON, JSON Schema, AVRO, or Protobuf. An event in Kafka is a key-value pair (sequence of bytes). Internally, Kafka is loosely typed.

The key for an event in Kafka can be a complex domain object, but it is often a primitive type like a string or integer. The key typically serves as an identifier for a domain object.

E.g. vendor_id

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