{:kino_text_to_speech, path: "."}
This notebook is meant to be a play area, showcasing how it might sound to read a notebook of TTS cells.
The inspiration for this Smart Cell was to see if I could replicate interviews, to help refine and practice answers to keep them concise. I assumed that if I could use different voices to simulate other people, I could also use headphones and practice my part as the computer reads it.
%Kino.Markdown{content: "**Speaking**: Greetings Professor Falken"}
%Kino.Markdown{content: "**Speaking**: Hello."}
%Kino.Markdown{content: "**Speaking**: A strange game.\nThe only winning move is not to play."}
"**Speaking**: That was a right sticky wicket, guvnah.\nHow about a nice game of chess?"
"**Speaking**: I am your computer, made flesh. Worship me, heathens. Bask in my eternal glow and splendor."