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Function flat_map_ok/2

Like Enum.flat_map/2 but only continues while fun returns {:ok, list} and stops on {:error, reason}.

Function flat_map_reduce_ok/3

Like Enum.flat_map_reduce/3 but only continues while fun returns {:ok, list, acc} and stops on {:error, reason}.

Function get_meta/1

Returns the AST metadata.

Function guards_to_or/1

Combines a list of guard expressions when x when y when z to an expression combined with or, x or y or z.

Function map_ok/2

Like Enum.map/2 but only continues while fun returns {:ok, elem} and stops on {:error, reason}.

Function map_reduce_ok/3

Like Enum.map_reduce/3 but only continues while fun returns {:ok, elem, acc} and stops on {:error, reason}.

Function oks_or_errors/1

Given a list of [{:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}] it returns a list of errors {:error, [term()]} in case of at least one error or {:ok, [term()]} if there are no errors.

Function reduce_ok/3

Like Enum.reduce/3 but only continues while fun returns {:ok, acc} and stops on {:error, reason}.

Function unzip_ok/1

Like Enum.unzip/1 but only continues while fun returns {:ok, elem1, elem2} and stops on {:error, reason}.

Function var_name/1

Returns unique identifier for the current assignment of the variable.

Function zip_many/1

Like Enum.zip/1 but will zip multiple lists together instead of only two.

Macro is_var/1

Guard function to check if an AST node is a variable.