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Elixir Polymorphism (Protocols)


Elixir Polymorphism (Protocols)

What Are Protocols?

So what are they? Protocols are a means of achieving polymorphism in Elixir. One pain of Erlang is extending an existing API for newly defined types. To avoid this in Elixir the function is dispatched dynamically based on the value’s type. Elixir comes with a number of protocols built in, for example the String.Chars protocol is responsible for the to_string/1 function we’ve seen used previously. Let’s take a closer look at to_string/1 with a quick example:


As you can see we’ve called the function on multiple types and demonstrated that it works on them all. What if we call to_string/1 on tuples (or any type that hasn’t implemented String.Chars)? Let’s see:


As you can see we get a protocol error as there is no implementation for tuples. In the next section we’ll implement the String.Chars protocol for tuples.

Implementing a protocol

We saw that to_string/1 has not yet been implemented for tuples, so let’s add it. To create an implementation we’ll use defimpl with our protocol, and provide the :for option, and our type. Let’s take a look at how it might look:

defimpl String.Chars, for: Tuple do
  def to_string(tuple) do
    interior =
      |> Tuple.to_list()
      |> Enum.map(&Kernel.to_string/1)
      |> Enum.join(", ")


If we copy this into IEx we should be now be able to call to_string/1 on a tuple without getting an error:

to_string({3.14, "apple", :pie})

We know how to implement a protocol but how do we define a new one? For our example we’ll implement to_atom/1. Let’s see how to do that with defprotocol:

defprotocol AsAtom do
  def to_atom(data)

defimpl AsAtom, for: Atom do
  def to_atom(atom), do: atom

defimpl AsAtom, for: BitString do
  defdelegate to_atom(string), to: String

defimpl AsAtom, for: List do
  defdelegate to_atom(list), to: List

defimpl AsAtom, for: Map do
  def to_atom(map), do: List.first(Map.keys(map))

Here we’ve defined our protocol and it’s expected function, to_atom/1, along with implementations for a few types. Now that we have our protocol, let’s put it to use in IEx:

import AsAtom
to_atom([1, 2])
to_atom(%{foo: "bar"})

It is worth it to note, that although underneath structs are Maps, they do not share protocol implementations with Maps. They are not enumerable, they cannot be accessed.

As we can see, protocols are a powerful way to achieve polymorphism.