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Sin and Cos


Sin and Cos

  {:vega_lite, "~> 0.1.6"},
  {:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.11"},
  {:kino_explorer, "~> 0.1.20"}


res_input = Kino.Input.range("resolution", min: 1, max: 100, step: 10) 
lower_input = Kino.Input.range("lower in pi", min: -4, max: 4, step: 1, default: 0)
upper_input = Kino.Input.range("upper in pi", min: -4, max: 4, step: 1, default: 0)
fx_input = Kino.Input.range("frequency of sin", min: 1, max: 8, step: 1, default: 1)
fy_input = Kino.Input.range("frequency of cos", min: 1, max: 8, step: 1, default: 1)

inputs = [res: res_input, lower: lower_input, upper: upper_input, f_x: fx_input, f_y: fy_input]
defmodule SinCosChart do
  def calcValues(f_x, f_y, resolution, lower_bound, upper_bound) do
    lower = floor(lower_bound * resolution)
    upper = ceil(upper_bound * resolution)
    normalize = fn x -> 
      abs_range = upper - lower
      abs_bound = upper_bound - lower_bound
      (x/ abs_range) * abs_bound

    tuples = for x <- lower..upper do 
      [:math.sin(normalize.(x) * 2 * :math.pi * f_x),
       :math.cos(normalize.(x) * 2 * :math.pi * f_y)]

    x_axis = for x <- lower..upper, do: normalize.(x)

    Enum.reduce(tuples,%{x: [], y: []}, fn [x,y], %{x: x_values, y: y_values} -> 
      %{x: [x | x_values], y: [y|y_values]}
      end )
    |> Enum.map(fn {key, value} -> {key, Enum.reverse(value)} end)
    |> Enum.into(%{})
    |> Map.put(:x_axis, x_axis)

  def plotChart(data) do
    VegaLite.new(width: 500, height: 500)
    |> VegaLite.data_from_values(data, only: ["y", "x"])
    |> VegaLite.mark(:point)
    |> VegaLite.encode_field(:x, "x", type: :quantitative)
    |> VegaLite.encode_field(:y, "y", type: :quantitative)

inputs |> Enum.each(fn {_k, v} -> Kino.render(v) end)

|> Kino.Control.tagged_stream()
|> Stream.map(fn 
  {:lower, %{value: v} = values} -> {:lower, Map.put(values, :value, v * :math.pi)}
  {:upper, %{value: v} = values} -> {:upper, Map.put(values, :value, v * :math.pi)}
  attrs -> attrs
    end  )
|> Kino.animate(%{res: 50, lower: 0, upper: 2 * :math.pi, f_x: 1, f_y: 1},
  fn {key, %{value: v}}, attr -> 
    new_attrs = Map.put(attr, key, v)
    %{res: res, lower: lower, upper: upper, f_x: f_x, f_y: f_y} = new_attrs
    chart = SinCosChart.calcValues(f_x,f_y, res, lower, upper)
    |> SinCosChart.plotChart()
    {:cont, chart, new_attrs}