Phoenix And Ecto Relationships
{:jason, "~> 1.4"},
{:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
{:youtube, github: "brooklinjazz/youtube"},
{:hidden_cell, github: "brooklinjazz/hidden_cell"}
Ensure you type the ea
keyboard shortcut to evaluate all Elixir cells before starting. Alternatively, you can evaluate the Elixir cells as you read.
Ecto handles the data layer in our application.
By default, Ecto uses Postgres which is a relational database.
Relational databases store data in any number of tables, and use foreign keys to relate data to one another.
There are three primary relationships that data can have.
- One-to-One.
- One-to-Many.
- Many-to-Many.
We use belongs to, has many, and has one to describe the nature of the relationship.
In order to understand relationships better, we’re going to spend the next few lessons creating a book management software called BookSearch
that manages authors and books.
For the sake of example, our book management app will have authors, books, and tags.
- Books belong to an author, and authors have many books (One-to-Many).
- Schools have many instructors, and instructors have one school (One-to-Many).
- instructors have many students, and students have many instructors (Many-to-Many).
class School {
name: :string
class Principal {
name: :string
class instructor {
name: :string
class Student {
name: :string
School "1" --> "1" Principal
School "1" --> "*" instructor
instructor "*" --> "*" Student
Create Phoenix Project
Initialize a new phoenix project and install dependencies when prompted.
$ mix faculty_manager
Then create the Database.
$ mix ecto.create
Schools Schema
To create schools, run the following command.
$ mix phx.gen.html Schools School schools name:string
Then run migrations.
$ mix ecto.migrate
Add the schools to our routes.
scope "/", FacultyManagerWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :index
resources "/schools", SchoolController
And all tests should pass.
$ mix test
Principals/Schools Association
Principals have a one-to-many relationship with schools. We can create the principals resource and each principal will have a reference to a school.
$ mix phx.gen.html Principals Principal principals name:string school_id:references:schools
This generates a migration for principals.
# Priv/repo/migrations/_create_principals
defmodule FacultyManager.Repo.Migrations.CreatePrincipals do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:principals) do
add :name, :string
add :school_id, references(:schools, on_delete: :nothing)
create index(:principals, [:school_id])
The references/2 function defines a foreign key to associate each principal with a school. The on_delete: :nothing
option descripts what to do if a school is deleted. By default, deleting a school does nothing to any principals that belong to that school.
For the sake of example, we’re going to enforce that principals reference a school. The on_delete: :delete_all
option means any principals belonging to a school will be deleted if the school is deleted. The null: false
option enforces that principals must reference a school.
Replace the migration file with the following.
defmodule FacultyManager.Repo.Migrations.CreatePrincipals do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:principals) do
add :name, :string
add :school_id, references(:schools, on_delete: :delete_all), null: false
create index(:principals, [:school_id])
Run migrations.
$ mix ecto.migrate
Has Many
To declare that our schools have many principals, we need to add the has_many/3
relationship to their schema.
The has_many/3
macro makes the associated principals available, so we can call school.principals
to retrieve a list of Principal
structs if the data is loaded.
defmodule FacultyManager.Schools.School do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
schema "schools" do
field :name, :string
has_many :principals, FacultyManager.Principals.Principal
@doc false
def changeset(school, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:name])
|> validate_required([:name])
direction LR
class School {
name: :string
principals: [Principal]
class Principal {
name: :string
school_id: :id
School "1" --> "*" Principal : has many
Belongs To
To declare that our principals belong to a single school, we need to add belongs_to/3
to the Principal
The belongs_to/3
macro makes associated schools available so we can call
to retrieve the principal’s School
struct if the school data is loaded.
We no longer need the :school_id
field, so we can remove that as well.
defmodule FacultyManager.Principals.Principal do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
schema "principals" do
field :name, :string
belongs_to :school, FacultyManager.Schools.School
@doc false
def changeset(principal, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:name, :school_id])
|> validate_required([:name, :school_id])
direction LR
class School {
name: :string
principals: [Principal]
class Principal {
name: :string
school_id: :id
Principal "*" --> "1" School : belongs to
Principal Context
Because we added the null: false
constraint on the FacultyManager.Repo.Migrations.CreatePrincipals
migration, we have seven failing tests in the Principals
Run the following to execute the failing tests.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs
8 tests, 7 failures
Let’s fix these tests, starting with the following.
# Test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs
test "list_principals/0 returns all principals" do
principal = principal_fixture()
assert Principals.list_principals() == [principal]
Execute the test by running the following where 13
is the line number of the test.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs:13
We should see the following error.
1) test principals list_principals/0 returns all principals (FacultyManager.PrincipalsTest)
** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 23502 (not_null_violation) null value in column "school_id" violates not-null constraint
table: principals
column: school_id
Failing row contains (29, some name, null, 2022-07-21 04:53:12, 2022-07-21 04:53:12).
code: principal = principal_fixture()
(ecto_sql 3.8.3) lib/ecto/adapters/sql.ex:932: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.raise_sql_call_error/1
(ecto 3.8.4) lib/ecto/repo/schema.ex:744: Ecto.Repo.Schema.apply/4
(ecto 3.8.4) lib/ecto/repo/schema.ex:367: anonymous fn/15 in Ecto.Repo.Schema.do_insert/4
(faculty_manager 0.1.0) test/support/fixtures/principals_fixtures.ex:16: FacultyManager.PrincipalsFixtures.principal_fixture/1
test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs:14: (test)
ERROR 23502 (not_null_violation) null value in column "school_id" violates not-null constraint
means we must have an associated school.
The principal_fixture/1
function causes this error. Let’s abandon the fixture in favor of calling our context directly. We also need an associated school, so let’s use the FacultyManager.Schools.create_school/1
test "list_principals/0 returns all principals" do
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = FacultyManager.Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
assert Principals.list_principals() == [principal]
We need to alter the Principals.create_principal1
function to use the associated school.
We have many different options for how to associate the principal with a school. We’re going to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate Ecto.build_assoc/3 which builds a struct with the given association.
Replace Principals.create_principal/1
with the following Principals.create_principal/2
def create_principal(school, attrs \\ %{}) do
|> Ecto.build_assoc(:principals, attrs)
|> Principal.changeset(attrs)
|> Repo.insert()
Ecto.build_assoc/3 builds the associated struct. This is the return value of Ecto.build_assoc/3 when we run our test.
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:built, "principals">,
id: nil,
inserted_at: nil,
name: "Dumbledore",
school: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded,
school_id: 21,
updated_at: nil
This struct then gets saved to the Database when it’s passed to Repo.insert/2
Now our first test passes! Re-run the test and it should succeed.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs:13
All of our tests can be resolved by using FacultyManager.Principals.create_principal/2
and FacultyManager.Principals.create_schools/2
. Replace test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs
with the following content.
defmodule FacultyManager.PrincipalsTest do
use FacultyManager.DataCase
alias FacultyManager.Principals
alias FacultyManager.Schools
describe "principals" do
alias FacultyManager.Principals.Principal
import FacultyManager.PrincipalsFixtures
@invalid_attrs %{name: nil}
test "list_principals/0 returns all principals" do
{:ok, school} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
assert Principals.list_principals() == [principal]
test "get_principal!/1 returns the principal with given id" do
{:ok, school} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
assert Principals.get_principal!( == principal
test "create_principal/1 with valid data creates a principal" do
{:ok, school} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
valid_attrs = %{name: "some name"}
assert {:ok, %Principal{} = principal} = Principals.create_principal(school, valid_attrs)
assert == "some name"
test "create_principal/1 with invalid data returns error changeset" do
{:ok, school} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = Principals.create_principal(school, @invalid_attrs)
test "update_principal/2 with valid data updates the principal" do
{:ok, school} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
update_attrs = %{name: "some updated name"}
assert {:ok, %Principal{} = principal} =
Principals.update_principal(principal, update_attrs)
assert == "some updated name"
test "update_principal/2 with invalid data returns error changeset" do
{:ok, school} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = Principals.update_principal(principal, @invalid_attrs)
assert principal == Principals.get_principal!(
test "delete_principal/1 deletes the principal" do
{:ok, school} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
assert {:ok, %Principal{}} = Principals.delete_principal(principal)
assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> Principals.get_principal!( end
test "change_principal/1 returns a principal changeset" do
{:ok, school} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
assert %Ecto.Changeset{} = Principals.change_principal(principal)
We’ve added aliases for FacultyManager.Schools
and FacultyManager.Principals
for the sake of consiseness.
All tests now pass!
$ mix test test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs
8 tests, 0 failures
List Principals By School
While we’re in the Principals
context, we’re going to need a Principals.list_principals/1
function that will list principals by school, rather than just listing all principals.
First, add a new test. This test will ensure we list principals by the provided school.
# Test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs
test "list_principals/1 returns all principals by school" do
# create schools
{:ok, school1} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, school2} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Springfield"})
{:ok, school3} = Schools.create_school(%{name: "Empty School"})
# create one principals for schools
{:ok, principal1} = Principals.create_principal(school1, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
{:ok, principal2} = Principals.create_principal(school2, %{name: "Skinner"})
# list school1 principals
assert Principals.list_principals( == [principal1]
# list school2 principals
assert Principals.list_principals( == [principal2]
# list school 3 principals
assert Principals.list_principals( == []
Now we need to add the Principals.list_principal/1
function to make the test pass.
There are many ways to build a query that will find all principals that belong to a school. Let’s consider a few examples.
We can use the where/3 function to filter the list of principals by their school_id
def list_principals(school_id) do
|> where([p], p.school_id == ^school_id)
|> Repo.all()
Why use where/3?
Filtering by the id using where/3
is often the simplest and best performing query option when we want to retrieve data from a single table. However it’s less flexible than the other options below for incorrorating data from multiple tables.
We can use the preload function to load an associated table.
# Lib/faculty_manager/principals.ex
def list_principals(school_id) do
school =
|> preload([s], :principals)
|> Repo.get(school_id)
First, this will retrieve the school from the database in one query. Then, it will load the principals for that school in a second query.
Why use preloading?
Preloading is a fantastic way to retrieve associated data from a table. However, it’s slower because it requires two queries unless we add further optimizations.
Join And Select
We can join/5 two associated tables together. Then use select to return the nested principals field.
# Lib/faculty_manager/principals.ex
def list_principals(school_id) do
|> where([s], == ^school_id)
|> join(:inner, [s], p in assoc(s, :principals))
|> select([s, p], p)
|> Repo.all()
Why use join/5 and select/3?
Using join/5
and select/3
we can be extremely specific about our return value. For example, we could return a tuple with both the school name and the principal name.
|> where([s], == ^school_id)
|> join(:inner, [s], p in assoc(s, :principals))
|> select([s, p], {,})
Your Turn: Which Solution Is Fastest?
First, guess which approach you think will be fastest.
Then, use either Benchee (which you’ll have to add to your mix.exs
) or
to determine which approach out of the above is the actually fastest.
Which solution is fastest? Why do you think that is? What do you think would happen if you had more Schools or more Principals?
Use the fastest solution for the Principals.list_principals/1
function and ensure your tests pass.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager/principals_test.exs
Table Joins
Every resource in our application is stored in a separate table.
Schools Table
id | name |
1 | “Hogwarts” |
Principals Table
id | name | school_id |
1 | “Dumbledore” | 1 |
While querying a resource, we often want to retrieve data from associated tables. We do this by joining two tables during the query.
We use the join/5 function from Ecto.Query
There are many different kinds of joins including :inner
, :left
, :right
, :cross
, :full
, :inner_lateral
or :left_lateral
The most commonly used join is the :inner
join, so we’ll focus on that. An inner join combines two associated tables that satisfy the join condition. For example, earlier when we used the following:
join(:inner, [s], p in assoc(s, :principals))
We joined the schools and the principals table using the :principals
association with assoc
Alternatively, we can specify the table to join using either the table name and the schema, then use the :on
option to specify the join condition. In the example below, we join tables where the school_id
field of the principal matches the school’s id.
join(:inner, [s], p in FacultyManager.Principals.Principal, on: p.school_id ==
Both accomplish the same functionality. assoc
is only syntax sugar in this example.
Nested Resources
Presently, have several failing tests because we have not added the resources for principals to our router.
We have eight more failing tests for our PrincipalController
because we have not added the resources for principals to our router. Run the following to see these failing tests.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
8 tests, 8 failures
We could add these resources to the router the usual way, however this does not account for the relationship between principals and schools.
Instead, we’ll use nested resources to associate one resource with another.
Principals should always belong to a school, so we can nest the principal resource inside of the schools resource.
Modify our router to include the following.
# Lib/faculty_manager_web/router.ex
scope "/", FacultyManagerWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :index
resources "/schools", SchoolController do
resources "/principals", PrincipalController
We can run mix phx.routes
to view the new nested routes we’ve created.
$ mix phx.routes
page_path GET / FacultyManagerWeb.PageController :index
school_path GET /schools FacultyManagerWeb.SchoolController :index
school_path GET /schools/:id/edit FacultyManagerWeb.SchoolController :edit
school_path GET /schools/new FacultyManagerWeb.SchoolController :new
school_path GET /schools/:id FacultyManagerWeb.SchoolController :show
school_path POST /schools FacultyManagerWeb.SchoolController :create
school_path PATCH /schools/:id FacultyManagerWeb.SchoolController :update
PUT /schools/:id FacultyManagerWeb.SchoolController :update
school_path DELETE /schools/:id FacultyManagerWeb.SchoolController :delete
school_principal_path GET /schools/:school_id/principals FacultyManagerWeb.PrincipalController :index
school_principal_path GET /schools/:school_id/principals/:id/edit FacultyManagerWeb.PrincipalController :edit
school_principal_path GET /schools/:school_id/principals/new FacultyManagerWeb.PrincipalController :new
school_principal_path GET /schools/:school_id/principals/:id FacultyManagerWeb.PrincipalController :show
school_principal_path POST /schools/:school_id/principals FacultyManagerWeb.PrincipalController :create
school_principal_path PATCH /schools/:school_id/principals/:id FacultyManagerWeb.PrincipalController :update
PUT /schools/:school_id/principals/:id FacultyManagerWeb.PrincipalController :update
school_principal_path DELETE /schools/:school_id/principals/:id FacultyManagerWeb.PrincipalController :delete
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageLive :home
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard/:page Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageLive :page
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard/:node/:page Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageLive :page
* /dev/mailbox Plug.Swoosh.MailboxPreview []
websocket WS /live/websocket Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
longpoll GET /live/longpoll Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
longpoll POST /live/longpoll Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
List Principals
Ensure the server is running.
mix phx.server
Then visit http://localhost:4000/schools/new and create one school.
Now visit http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals. We want to see an empty list of principals for the school. However currently we see the following.
The error above is because we used nested routes. By default, the Phoenix generator assumes all principal routes will use Routes.principal_path
but instead they use Routes.school_principal_path
which we saw when we ran mix phx.routes
To resolve the error above, we need to fix the "index"
test in our controller tests.
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "index" do
test "lists all principals", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :index))
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Listing Principals"
We need to replace Routes.principal_path/2
with Routes.school_principal_path/3
. This new path requires we create a school and provide its id.
Replace the test with the following content.
describe "index" do
test "lists all principals", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
conn = get(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :index,
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Listing Principals"
Now we need to modify the PrincipalController
. Because we’ve used nested routes, we have access to the "school_id"
parameter from the URL http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals.
Let’s use the school_id
to filter the list of principals, and pass school_id: school_id
to the render/3
function for the template.
def index(conn, %{"school_id" => school_id}) do
principals = Principals.list_principals(school_id)
render(conn, "index.html", principals: principals, school_id: school_id)
Now we need to use the proper Routes.school_principal_path
instead of Routes.principal_path
in the template file.
Replace the index page with the following content.
# Lib/faculty_manager_web/templates/principals/index.html.heex
<h1>Listing Principals</h1>
<%= for principal <- @principals do %>
<td><%= %></td>
<span><%= link "Show", to: Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :show, @school_id, principal) %></span>
<span><%= link "Edit", to: Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :edit, @school_id, principal) %></span>
<span><%= link "Delete", to: Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :delete, @school_id, principal), method: :delete, data: [confirm: "Are you sure?"] %></span>
<% end %>
<span><%= link "New Principal", to: Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :new, @school_id) %></span>
Now re-run the test where 7
is the line number of the "index"
test and it should pass.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs:7
To ensure we’ve correctly fixed the issue, visit http://localhost:4000/schools and create a school.
Then visit http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals and we should see the list principals page.
New Principal
We have the same principal_path/2
is undefined issue when we click the New Principal link.
To solve this, we need to fix the "new principal, renders form"
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "new principal" do
test "renders form", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :new))
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "New Principal"
Replace the test with the following.
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "new principal" do
test "renders form", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
conn = get(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :new,
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "New Principal"
Replace the
function with the following.
# Lib/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller
def new(conn, %{"school_id" => school_id}) do
changeset = Principals.change_principal(%Principal{})
render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset, school_id: school_id)
Then replace the template file to remove calls to Routes.principal_path/2
# Lib/faculty_manager_web/templates/principal/new.html.heex
<h1>New Principal</h1>
<%= render "form.html", Map.put(assigns, :action, Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :create, @school_id)) %>
<span><%= link "Back", to: Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :index, @school_id) %></span>
Now the test should pass when we run the following where 18
is the line number of the "new principal"
$ mix test test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs:18
http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals/new should no longer crash.
Create Principal
Now, if we attempt to submit the form on http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals/new, we’ll see the following error.
To resolve this, we need to fix the tests for "create principal"
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "create principal" do
test "redirects to show when data is valid", %{conn: conn} do
conn = post(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :create), principal: @create_attrs)
assert %{id: id} = redirected_params(conn)
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.principal_path(conn, :show, id)
conn = get(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :show, id))
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Show Principal"
test "renders errors when data is invalid", %{conn: conn} do
conn = post(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :create), principal: @invalid_attrs)
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "New Principal"
Replace these tests with the following.
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "create principal" do
test "redirects to show when data is valid", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
conn =
post(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :create,,
principal: @create_attrs
assert %{id: id} = redirected_params(conn)
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :show,, id)
conn = get(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :show,, id))
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Show Principal"
test "renders errors when data is invalid", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
conn =
post(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :create,,
principal: @invalid_attrs
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "New Principal"
Update the PrincipalController.create/2
function to use the school_id
. We need to use Routes.school_principal_path
instead of Routes.principal_path
. We also need to provide the school
to the Principals.create_principal/2
# Lib/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller
def create(conn, %{"principal" => principal_params, "school_id" => school_id}) do
school = FacultyManager.Schools.get_school!(school_id)
# provide the school to create_principal/2
case Principals.create_principal(school, principal_params) do
{:ok, principal} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Principal created successfully.")
# use school_principal_path
|> redirect(to: Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :show, school_id, principal))
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
# bind the school_id to the assigns
render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset, school_id: school_id)
Since PrincipalController.create/2
redirects the use using :show
, we also need to update
to use the school_id
# Lib/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller
def show(conn, %{"id" => id, "school_id" => school_id}) do
principal = Principals.get_principal!(id)
render(conn, "show.html", principal: principal, school_id: school_id)
Then replace the show template with the following content to replace all instances of Routes.principal_path/2
with Routes.school_principal_path/3
# Lib/faculty_manager_web/templates/principal/show.html.heex
<h1>Show Principal</h1>
<%= %>
<span><%= link "Edit", to: Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :edit, @school_id, @principal) %></span> |
<span><%= link "Back", to: Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :index, @school_id) %></span>
Now the tests should pass when we run the following.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs:27
When we create a principal from the browser, we’ll be successfully redirected to http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals/1.
Edit Principals
If we click the Edit button to go to http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals/1/edit we encounter the same error.
To resolve this issue, we need to fix the "edit principal"
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "edit principal" do
setup [:create_principal]
test "renders form for editing chosen principal", %{conn: conn, principal: principal} do
conn = get(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :edit, principal))
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Edit Principal"
Replace the test with the following. We’re going to opt out of using the :create_principal
function and instead manually create a school and principal. We also replace
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "edit principal" do
test "renders form for editing chosen principal", %{conn: conn} do
# create school and principal
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = FacultyManager.Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
# use Routes.school_principal_path instead of Routes.principal_path
conn = get(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :edit,, principal))
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Edit Principal"
Update the PrincipalController.edit/2
function to use the school_id
in the assigns.
# Lib/faculty_web/controllers/principal_controller.ex
def edit(conn, %{"id" => id, "school_id" => school_id}) do
principal = Principals.get_principal!(id)
changeset = Principals.change_principal(principal)
render(conn, "edit.html", principal: principal, changeset: changeset, school_id: school_id)
Fix the principal edit page to replace Routes.principal_path
with Routes.school_principal_path
# Lib/faculty_web/templates/principal/edit.html.heex
<h1>Edit Principal</h1>
<%= render "form.html", Map.put(assigns, :action, Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :update, @school_id, @principal)) %>
<span><%= link "Back", to: Routes.school_principal_path(@conn, :index, @school_id) %></span>
The test should pass when we run the following in the command line where 55
is the correct line number of the test.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs:55
We should see the following page when we click the Edit button to navigate to http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals/1/edit.
Update Principal
Submitting the form on http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals/1/edit causes the following error.
To resolve this issue we need to fix the "update principal"
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "update principal" do
setup [:create_principal]
test "redirects when data is valid", %{conn: conn, principal: principal} do
conn = put(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :update, principal), principal: @update_attrs)
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.principal_path(conn, :show, principal)
conn = get(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :show, principal))
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "some updated name"
test "renders errors when data is invalid", %{conn: conn, principal: principal} do
conn = put(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :update, principal), principal: @invalid_attrs)
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Edit Principal"
Replace the tests with the following. We’re manually creating the school and principal, and replacing Routes.principal_path
with Routes.school_principal_path
# Test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs
describe "update principal" do
test "redirects when data is valid", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = FacultyManager.Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
conn =
put(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :update,, principal),
principal: @update_attrs
assert redirected_to(conn) ==
Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :show,, principal)
conn = get(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :show,, principal))
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "some updated name"
test "renders errors when data is invalid", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = FacultyManager.Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
conn =
put(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :update,, principal),
principal: @invalid_attrs
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Edit Principal"
Modify the PrincipalController.update/2
function to use the school_id
# Lib/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller.ex
def update(conn, %{"id" => id, "principal" => principal_params, "school_id" => school_id}) do
principal = Principals.get_principal!(id)
case Principals.update_principal(principal, principal_params) do
{:ok, principal} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Principal updated successfully.")
|> redirect(to: Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :show, school_id, principal))
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
render(conn, "edit.html", principal: principal, changeset: changeset, school_id: school_id)
Tests should pass when we run the following where 64
is the line number of the test.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs:64
We should be able to update a principal when we submit the form on http://localhost:4000/schools/1/principals/1/edit.
Delete Principal
On to our last issue! We see the following error when we visit http://localhost:schools/1/principals and delete a principal.
We need to fix the "delete principal"
test to resolve this issue.
describe "delete principal" do
setup [:create_principal]
test "deletes chosen principal", %{conn: conn, principal: principal} do
conn = delete(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :delete, principal))
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.principal_path(conn, :index)
assert_error_sent 404, fn ->
get(conn, Routes.principal_path(conn, :show, principal))
Replace the test with the following.
describe "delete principal" do
test "deletes chosen principal", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, school} = FacultyManager.Schools.create_school(%{name: "Hogwarts"})
{:ok, principal} = FacultyManager.Principals.create_principal(school, %{name: "Dumbledore"})
conn = delete(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :delete,, principal))
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :index,
assert_error_sent 404, fn ->
get(conn, Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :show,, principal))
Modify the PrincipalController.delete/2
function to use the school_id
def delete(conn, %{"id" => id, "school_id" => school_id}) do
principal = Principals.get_principal!(id)
{:ok, _principal} = Principals.delete_principal(principal)
|> put_flash(:info, "Principal deleted successfully.")
|> redirect(to: Routes.school_principal_path(conn, :index, school_id))
Tests should pass when we run the following where 94
is the correct line number of the test.
$ mix test test/faculty_manager_web/controllers/principal_controller_test.exs:94
When we visit http://localhost:schools/1/principals and delete a principal we should see the following.
With that, all of our tests should pass!
$ mix test
36 tests, 0 failures
Mark As Completed
file_name = Path.basename(Regex.replace(~r/#.+/, __ENV__.file, ""), ".livemd")
progress_path = __DIR__ <> "/../progress.json"
existing_progress =!(progress_path) |> Jason.decode!()
default = Map.get(existing_progress, file_name, false)
form =
completed: input = Kino.Input.checkbox("Mark As Completed", default: default)
report_changes: true
Task.async(fn ->
for %{data: %{completed: completed}} <- do
File.write!(progress_path, Jason.encode!(Map.put(existing_progress, file_name, completed)))
Commit Your Progress
Run the following in your command line from the curriculum folder to track and save your progress in a Git commit.
Ensure that you do not already have undesired or unrelated changes by running git status
or by checking the source control tab in Visual Studio Code.
$ git checkout solutions
$ git checkout -b phoenix-and-ecto-relationships-reading
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish phoenix and ecto relationships reading"
$ git push origin phoenix-and-ecto-relationships-reading
Create a pull request from your phoenix-and-ecto-relationships-reading
branch to your solutions
Please do not create a pull request to the DockYard Academy repository as this will spam our PR tracker.
DockYard Academy Students Only:
Notify your instructor by including @BrooklinJazz
in your PR description to get feedback.
You (or your instructor) may merge your PR into your solutions branch after review.
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