exfacto_root = Path.join(__DIR__, "..")
{:exfacto, path: exfacto_root, env: :dev}
config_path: Path.join(exfacto_root, "config/config.exs"),
lockfile: Path.join(exfacto_root, "mix.lock")
==> exfacto
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Imports & Constants
alias ExFacto.{Gambler, Oracle, Event, Contract, Messaging, Utils, Builder}
alias ExFacto.Oracle.{Announcement, Attestation}
alias ExFacto.Contract.{Offer, Accept}
alias Bitcoinex.{Transaction, Script}
alias Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.{PrivateKey, Point, Signature, Schnorr}
network = :testnet
p2tr_keyspend_witness_len = 64
default_sequence = 0xFFFFFFFE
new_p2tr_keyonly = fn ->
sk = Utils.new_private_key()
pk = PrivateKey.to_point(sk)
{:ok, p2tr_script} = Script.create_p2tr(pk)
{sk, p2tr_script}
fake_tx = fn out ->
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "bcda2fe66ca90e922c3679b224b7b38e34660049a597a8193b850e951c90b268",
prev_vout: rem(Utils.new_rand_int(), 10),
sequence_no: default_sequence,
script_sig: ""
outputs: [out],
lock_time: 0
#Function<42.3316493/1 in :erl_eval.expr/6>
Set Up Oracle
oracle =
sk: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.PrivateKey{
d: 49210819581175817739796205276126045948765995434495284179134470827825907128590
pk: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point{
x: 112502138587442934194068684128318852147239071099056347765908050043529251109604,
y: 14372472142056461307751746689712105593257677661447046211315250490323145961828,
z: 0
Setup Event
outcomes = ["CHIEFS WIN", "EAGLES WIN"]
event_descriptor = %{outcomes: outcomes}
{nonce_sk, event} =
d: 11099716068458697126781019421672042870075979202855107091004132003591057325542
id: "339dddff3c187228b8c46b4d6c7e7722e80aef998e6cdcceec2aa9c0b4b7bdaf",
nonce_points: [
x: 53007777715105910724780386918899673925950264896437873703088252280660935563344,
y: 29493127903056445117114273794631617853089395679184317995663376207111954618218,
z: 0
descriptor: %{outcomes: ["CHIEFS WIN", "EAGLES WIN"]},
maturity_epoch: 1678498879
Now, the oracle will sign the event for authentication purposes, The signed event is a complete Announcement, which can be broadcast to DLC users.
oracle_info = Oracle.sign_event(oracle, event)
announcement: %ExFacto.Oracle.Announcement{
signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 9817884557788043311116236364298648127266359087879543768110447890793925641833,
s: 33263763681618801616927220214888551996816683182144900389480185689251560573126
public_key: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point{
x: 112502138587442934194068684128318852147239071099056347765908050043529251109604,
y: 14372472142056461307751746689712105593257677661447046211315250490323145961828,
z: 0
event: %ExFacto.Event{
id: "339dddff3c187228b8c46b4d6c7e7722e80aef998e6cdcceec2aa9c0b4b7bdaf",
nonce_points: [
x: 53007777715105910724780386918899673925950264896437873703088252280660935563344,
y: 29493127903056445117114273794631617853089395679184317995663376207111954618218,
z: 0
descriptor: %{outcomes: ["CHIEFS WIN", "EAGLES WIN"]},
maturity_epoch: 1678498879
Anyone can verify the signature of this announcement like so
Introducing Alice
Meet Alice. she has a coin (from a transaction that we made up). She wants to use this coin to bet on this Oracle Announcement.
{alice_input_sk, alice_input_script} = new_p2tr_keyonly.()
alice_input_tx =
value: 100_000_000,
script_pub_key: Script.to_hex(alice_input_script)
alice_funding_inputs = [
amount: 100000000,
max_witness_len: 64,
prev_tx: %Bitcoinex.Transaction{
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "bcda2fe66ca90e922c3679b224b7b38e34660049a597a8193b850e951c90b268",
prev_vout: 5,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51203757539bd5fe5c5077a11b3d9fac440cc6ae7b720e998177a05506802c7c48bf"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 0
prev_vout: 0,
redeem_script: nil,
sequence: 4294967294
Alice Makes an Offer
Alice will create an offer using this Event.
# we don't care where the money goes after the contract in this example
{_alice_change_sk, alice_change_script} = new_p2tr_keyonly.()
{:ok, alice_change_addr} = Script.to_address(alice_change_script, network)
{_alice_payout_sk, alice_payout_script} = new_p2tr_keyonly.()
{:ok, alice_payout_addr} = Script.to_address(alice_payout_script, network)
# Gambler is instantiated once per contract.
alice =
network: %Bitcoinex.Network{
name: :testnet,
hrp_segwit_prefix: "tb",
p2pkh_version_decimal_prefix: 111,
p2sh_version_decimal_prefix: 196
funding_inputs: [
amount: 100000000,
max_witness_len: 64,
prev_tx: %Bitcoinex.Transaction{
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "bcda2fe66ca90e922c3679b224b7b38e34660049a597a8193b850e951c90b268",
prev_vout: 5,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51203757539bd5fe5c5077a11b3d9fac440cc6ae7b720e998177a05506802c7c48bf"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 0
prev_vout: 0,
redeem_script: nil,
sequence: 4294967294
fund_sk: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.PrivateKey{
d: 59767214921211262063831426568980088969872177011134049327557565075950451087792
fund_pk: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point{
x: 114564553767010798500476798454396468895738181561405739508394323762080218726613,
y: 110979531653360282726091406237515411029843107390241081018546762591892756861498,
z: 0
change_script: %Bitcoinex.Script{
items: [
<<7, 45, 89, 196, 83, 247, 156, 202, 241, 164, 110, 112, 116, 63, 0, 73, 69, 116, 204, 227,
38, 199, 176, 84, 243, 124, 146, 220, 172, 139, 177, 146>>
payout_script: %Bitcoinex.Script{
items: [
<<158, 98, 237, 65, 136, 118, 116, 108, 133, 112, 202, 213, 151, 85, 89, 109, 162, 224, 173,
4, 13, 10, 24, 75, 22, 249, 54, 38, 24, 134, 93, 205>>
Alice sets a few parameters for the bet. She sets the total bet value to 100M sats, decides she will put up 50M sats (making the odds 50/50), and that she will bet on the EAGLES WIN
outcome. She also sets the fee rate to 2 sats/vByte.
total_collateral = 100_000_000
# alice will put up half (.5BBTC)
offer_collateral = 50_000_000
# alice decides she wants to bet on the seoncd outcome "EAGLES WIN"
payouts = [0, 100_000_000]
# refund will become available 1 week after the event maturity
refund_locktime_delta = 1_204_000
# sats/vByte
fee_rate = 2
Then she creates the offer
offer =
version: 0,
contract_flags: 0,
chain_hash: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 51, 234, 1, 173, 14, 233, 132, 32, 151, 121, 186, 174, 195, 206, 217,
15, 163, 244, 8, 113, 149, 38, 248, 215, 127, 73, 67>>,
offer_id: <<88, 163, 193, 174, 33, 93, 94, 72, 210, 161, 18, 144, 108, 153, 88, 15, 186, 68, 103,
85, 79, 200, 75, 170, 170, 84, 194, 56, 26, 251, 165, 103>>,
contract_info: %ExFacto.Contract{
total_collateral: 100000000,
descriptor: [{"CHIEFS WIN", 0}, {"EAGLES WIN", 100000000}],
oracle_info: %{
announcement: %ExFacto.Oracle.Announcement{
signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 9817884557788043311116236364298648127266359087879543768110447890793925641833,
s: 33263763681618801616927220214888551996816683182144900389480185689251560573126
public_key: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point{
x: 112502138587442934194068684128318852147239071099056347765908050043529251109604,
y: 14372472142056461307751746689712105593257677661447046211315250490323145961828,
z: 0
event: %ExFacto.Event{
id: "339dddff3c187228b8c46b4d6c7e7722e80aef998e6cdcceec2aa9c0b4b7bdaf",
nonce_points: [
x: 53007777715105910724780386918899673925950264896437873703088252280660935563344,
y: 29493127903056445117114273794631617853089395679184317995663376207111954618218,
z: 0
descriptor: %{outcomes: ["CHIEFS WIN", "EAGLES WIN"]},
maturity_epoch: 1678498879
funding_pubkey: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point{
x: 114564553767010798500476798454396468895738181561405739508394323762080218726613,
y: 110979531653360282726091406237515411029843107390241081018546762591892756861498,
z: 0
payout_script: %Bitcoinex.Script{
items: [
<<158, 98, 237, 65, 136, 118, 116, 108, 133, 112, 202, 213, 151, 85, 89, 109, 162, 224, 173,
4, 13, 10, 24, 75, 22, 249, 54, 38, 24, 134, 93, 205>>
collateral_amount: 50000000,
funding_inputs: [
amount: 100000000,
max_witness_len: 64,
prev_tx: %Bitcoinex.Transaction{
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "bcda2fe66ca90e922c3679b224b7b38e34660049a597a8193b850e951c90b268",
prev_vout: 5,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51203757539bd5fe5c5077a11b3d9fac440cc6ae7b720e998177a05506802c7c48bf"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 0
prev_vout: 0,
redeem_script: nil,
sequence: 4294967294
change_script: %Bitcoinex.Script{
items: [
<<7, 45, 89, 196, 83, 247, 156, 202, 241, 164, 110, 112, 116, 63, 0, 73, 69, 116, 204, 227,
38, 199, 176, 84, 243, 124, 146, 220, 172, 139, 177, 146>>
fee_rate: 2,
cet_locktime: 1678498879,
refund_locktime: 1679702879,
tlvs: nil
This offer can be serialized to base64 and broadcast publically, or shared directly with a counterparty Alice wants to bet against. It is one-time use, since the offer specifies Alice’s coins, which cannot be spent more than once.
Meet Bob
This is Bob. Bob says hi. This is Bob when an offer comes by. Bob also has a coin (also fake), and wants to bet against Alice.
{bob_input_sk, bob_input_script} = new_p2tr_keyonly.()
bob_input_tx =
value: 100_000_000,
script_pub_key: Script.to_hex(bob_input_script)
bob_funding_inputs = [
# we don't care where the money goes after the contract in this example
{_bob_change_sk, bob_change_script} = new_p2tr_keyonly.()
{:ok, bob_change_addr} = Script.to_address(bob_change_script, network)
{_bob_payout_sk, bob_payout_script} = new_p2tr_keyonly.()
{:ok, bob_payout_addr} = Script.to_address(bob_payout_script, network)
# Gambler is instantiated once per contract.
bob =, bob_change_addr, bob_payout_addr, &Utils.new_private_key/0)
network: %Bitcoinex.Network{
name: :testnet,
hrp_segwit_prefix: "tb",
p2pkh_version_decimal_prefix: 111,
p2sh_version_decimal_prefix: 196
funding_inputs: [
amount: 100000000,
max_witness_len: 64,
prev_tx: %Bitcoinex.Transaction{
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "bcda2fe66ca90e922c3679b224b7b38e34660049a597a8193b850e951c90b268",
prev_vout: 2,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51205d59ddb45ebbf4095a84957bc72cf281e91d38b0780c143f734fa57fbfe2ea22"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 0
prev_vout: 0,
redeem_script: nil,
sequence: 4294967294
fund_sk: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.PrivateKey{
d: 44604019854985784808865556248399850115653801163419028119626154994820038954610
fund_pk: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point{
x: 14150459797792531712934683190431462043133654649141591757944928049719459820297,
y: 70535129904109218451398605642616567932518110756700997188868515215226319975698,
z: 0
change_script: %Bitcoinex.Script{
items: [
<<188, 91, 116, 226, 28, 56, 122, 200, 133, 30, 15, 253, 136, 67, 166, 43, 203, 68, 205, 41,
157, 61, 242, 38, 115, 182, 226, 226, 119, 150, 163, 244>>
payout_script: %Bitcoinex.Script{
items: [
<<158, 78, 211, 190, 255, 130, 152, 176, 216, 8, 39, 135, 81, 152, 101, 203, 78, 52, 175, 205,
227, 227, 106, 142, 28, 158, 82, 89, 223, 112, 148, 40>>
Bob Accepts Alice’s Offer
Alice can send Bob an encoding of her offer, or a coordinator can help Bob find Alice’s offer. In either case, Bob will now create an Accept to Alice’s Offer.
From the Offer, Bob has all the info he needs to construct the full Funding Tx, CETs for each outcome, and a refund tx.
{accept, outcomes_cet_txs, refund_tx} = Gambler.create_accept(bob, offer)
version: 0,
chain_hash: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 51, 234, 1, 173, 14, 233, 132, 32, 151, 121, 186, 174, 195, 206,
217, 15, 163, 244, 8, 113, 149, 38, 248, 215, 127, 73, 67>>,
contract_id: <<117, 190, 36, 128, 131, 184, 152, 18, 54, 67, 139, 101, 30, 31, 143, 209, 176,
173, 113, 146, 164, 142, 251, 191, 231, 135, 179, 232, 82, 129, 36, 143>>,
offer_id: <<88, 163, 193, 174, 33, 93, 94, 72, 210, 161, 18, 144, 108, 153, 88, 15, 186, 68, 103,
85, 79, 200, 75, 170, 170, 84, 194, 56, 26, 251, 165, 103>>,
funding_pubkey: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point{
x: 14150459797792531712934683190431462043133654649141591757944928049719459820297,
y: 70535129904109218451398605642616567932518110756700997188868515215226319975698,
z: 0
dummy_tapkey_tweak: 16934846483378894890565234504791733207279513267057194057672482455920119488381,
payout_script: %Bitcoinex.Script{
items: [
<<158, 78, 211, 190, 255, 130, 152, 176, 216, 8, 39, 135, 81, 152, 101, 203, 78, 52, 175,
205, 227, 227, 106, 142, 28, 158, 82, 89, 223, 112, 148, 40>>
change_script: %Bitcoinex.Script{
items: [
<<188, 91, 116, 226, 28, 56, 122, 200, 133, 30, 15, 253, 136, 67, 166, 43, 203, 68, 205, 41,
157, 61, 242, 38, 115, 182, 226, 226, 119, 150, 163, 244>>
collateral_amount: 50000000,
funding_inputs: [
amount: 100000000,
max_witness_len: 64,
prev_tx: %Bitcoinex.Transaction{
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "bcda2fe66ca90e922c3679b224b7b38e34660049a597a8193b850e951c90b268",
prev_vout: 2,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51205d59ddb45ebbf4095a84957bc72cf281e91d38b0780c143f734fa57fbfe2ea22"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 0
prev_vout: 0,
redeem_script: nil,
sequence: 4294967294
cet_adaptor_signatures: [
adaptor_signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 90978364178544021802367793214640889112083314403552040032988742271135857961808,
s: 20210761486218253650978587387536842852559547852748243162444564273083923057445
was_negated: true
adaptor_signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 72700873725788662581715484951228162046687252252910922338188035078958333453017,
s: 79997523302327456534399266389595263700690459020378308845703842663096594313908
was_negated: true
refund_signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 33562964401042321607265418039138833973912693330612906096379732073245043857195,
s: 92439541549377783547920350267587245088469595146959933231437123707760839802995
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "2d1de52ea2e5c65ae4e299f57286d7de0ae916c7eb46b0154dd371d0487a81ea",
prev_vout: 2,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 0,
script_pub_key: "51209e62ed418876746c8570cad59755596da2e0ad040d0a184b16f9362618865dcd"
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51209e4ed3beff8298b0d8082787519865cb4e34afcde3e36a8e1c9e5259df709428"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 1678498879
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "2d1de52ea2e5c65ae4e299f57286d7de0ae916c7eb46b0154dd371d0487a81ea",
prev_vout: 2,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51209e62ed418876746c8570cad59755596da2e0ad040d0a184b16f9362618865dcd"
value: 0,
script_pub_key: "51209e4ed3beff8298b0d8082787519865cb4e34afcde3e36a8e1c9e5259df709428"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 1678498879
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "2d1de52ea2e5c65ae4e299f57286d7de0ae916c7eb46b0154dd371d0487a81ea",
prev_vout: 2,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 50000000,
script_pub_key: "51209e4ed3beff8298b0d8082787519865cb4e34afcde3e36a8e1c9e5259df709428"
value: 50000000,
script_pub_key: "51209e62ed418876746c8570cad59755596da2e0ad040d0a184b16f9362618865dcd"
witnesses: [],
lock_time: 1679702879
Alice ACKs the Accept, Signs Funding Transaction
Once Alice receives the Accept message from Bob, she has enough information to sign the funding transaction and encrypted_sign the CETs. She will then send those results back to Bob, who will broadcast the Funding transaction.
Bob gets a free option here (for now). In the future, we will integrate a Barrier Oracle to eliminate this, but that requires another round or synchronous communication.
{ack, signed_funding_tx, outcomes_cet_txs, cet_adaptor_signatures, refund_tx, refund_signature} =
Gambler.offerer_ack_accept(alice, offer, accept)
contract_id: <<117, 190, 36, 128, 131, 184, 152, 18, 54, 67, 139, 101, 30, 31, 143, 209, 176,
173, 113, 146, 164, 142, 251, 191, 231, 135, 179, 232, 82, 129, 36, 143>>,
funding_witnesses: nil,
cet_adaptor_signatures: [
adaptor_signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 71545299047403584280350093102881688899045651630875972501665480063499441775354,
s: 113255400802490240213356401307713237895933173450941633902558963401455761658868
was_negated: true
adaptor_signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 113943090579295950747425423646814870534250816951008286503127944112158272850817,
s: 98411006057455546361992457794195164115046965386001900636803840984332865348491
was_negated: true
refund_signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 68365117727113787193406509136072374812719626143900228734004104953954332899542,
s: 79004258105906074360111001897659133199729191643905471892954206592133776135360
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "4d6b6f988719d9a42ccf73f0af7778500479cf3b7ceaa25b3028f3f17a4adfc5",
prev_vout: 0,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
prev_txid: "e7e61fc5c41fbf524515868a8a067fc77a6c97fcc8e70779bae4196b4e4e94da",
prev_vout: 0,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 49999490,
script_pub_key: "5120072d59c453f79ccaf1a46e70743f00494574cce326c7b054f37c92dcac8bb192"
value: 49999490,
script_pub_key: "5120072d59c453f79ccaf1a46e70743f00494574cce326c7b054f37c92dcac8bb192"
value: 100000512,
script_pub_key: "5120979e5db0269867f168a1fec854d2f57cdd8cb6dfc01cfc303bbc2ec86590a5da"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 0
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "87df44a985bc5b6a2a18b26bf01481fa69750d955e6eab6efc6ba671203b7ef9",
prev_vout: 2,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 0,
script_pub_key: "51209e62ed418876746c8570cad59755596da2e0ad040d0a184b16f9362618865dcd"
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51209e62ed418876746c8570cad59755596da2e0ad040d0a184b16f9362618865dcd"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 1678498879
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "87df44a985bc5b6a2a18b26bf01481fa69750d955e6eab6efc6ba671203b7ef9",
prev_vout: 2,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 100000000,
script_pub_key: "51209e62ed418876746c8570cad59755596da2e0ad040d0a184b16f9362618865dcd"
value: 0,
script_pub_key: "51209e62ed418876746c8570cad59755596da2e0ad040d0a184b16f9362618865dcd"
witnesses: nil,
lock_time: 1678498879
adaptor_signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 71545299047403584280350093102881688899045651630875972501665480063499441775354,
s: 113255400802490240213356401307713237895933173450941633902558963401455761658868
was_negated: true
adaptor_signature: %Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature{
r: 113943090579295950747425423646814870534250816951008286503127944112158272850817,
s: 98411006057455546361992457794195164115046965386001900636803840984332865348491
was_negated: true
version: 2,
inputs: [
prev_txid: "87df44a985bc5b6a2a18b26bf01481fa69750d955e6eab6efc6ba671203b7ef9",
prev_vout: 2,
script_sig: "",
sequence_no: 4294967294
outputs: [
value: 50000000,
script_pub_key: "51209e4ed3beff8298b0d8082787519865cb4e34afcde3e36a8e1c9e5259df709428"
value: 50000000,
script_pub_key: "51209e62ed418876746c8570cad59755596da2e0ad040d0a184b16f9362618865dcd"
witnesses: [],
lock_time: 1679702879
r: 68365117727113787193406509136072374812719626143900228734004104953954332899542,
s: 79004258105906074360111001897659133199729191643905471892954206592133776135360
01:03:28.183 [debug] Tzdata polling for update.
01:03:28.448 [info] tzdata release in place is from a file last modified Tue, 29 Nov 2022 17:25:53 GMT. Release file on server was last modified Fri, 24 Mar 2023 03:10:55 GMT.
01:03:28.450 [debug] Tzdata downloading new data from
01:03:28.528 [debug] Tzdata data downloaded. Release version 2023b.
01:03:28.863 [info] Tzdata has updated the release from 2022g to 2023b
01:03:28.863 [debug] Tzdata deleting ETS table for version 2022g
01:03:28.864 [debug] Tzdata deleting ETS table file for version 2022g
12:23:57.925 [debug] Tzdata polling for update.
12:23:58.021 [debug] Tzdata polling shows the loaded tz database is up to date.
15:04:27.539 [debug] Tzdata polling for update.
15:04:27.635 [info] tzdata release in place is from a file last modified Fri, 24 Mar 2023 03:10:55 GMT. Release file on server was last modified Tue, 28 Mar 2023 20:25:39 GMT.
15:04:27.635 [debug] Tzdata downloading new data from
15:04:27.727 [debug] Tzdata data downloaded. Release version 2023c.
15:04:28.073 [info] Tzdata has updated the release from 2023b to 2023c
15:04:28.073 [debug] Tzdata deleting ETS table for version 2023b
15:04:28.075 [debug] Tzdata deleting ETS table file for version 2023b
Bob Signs Funding Transaction