Day 1: Historian Hysteria
Mix.install([{:kino, "~> 0.14.0"}])
(I’m guessing the entire “look for the chief historian an these locations” preamble sets the tone for the entire Advent of Code puzzles.)
- List of relevant locations identified by a (unique?) ID each
- Input: two lists of location IDs, unordered
- Goal: come up with the full list of all unqiue IDs on both lists
Instead of simply using a Set, they want me to use a more convoluted algorighm (perhaps I’m overlooking something as well):
- pair up the smallest items from both lists, then the second smallest, etc (pre sort the list and iterate?)
- figure out how far apart the numbers are (subtract the greater one from the smller one, always positive)
- find the total distance between both lists (sum all distances)
Input Data
Attached file input.bin
{left, right} =
|> Kino.FS.file_path()
|> Enum.reduce({[], []}, fn [l_val, r_val], {l_list, r_list} ->
r_int = String.to_integer(r_val)
l_int = String.to_integer(l_val)
{[r_int | l_list], [l_int | r_list]}
With the input loaded and cached in the cell, we’ll calculate the distances.
left = Enum.sort(left, :asc)
right = Enum.sort(right, :asc), right)
|> {l_val, r_val} -> abs(l_val - r_val) end)
|> Enum.sum()
Part 2
- Apparently there are problems with the input set, some numbers could be incorrect
- We now want to find out how similar the two lists are
Instead of using a Set to compare the two, we are doing it mathematically again
- Take the original two lists again
- Multiply each number if the left list by how often it is found in the right list
- Sum all numbers for a “total similarity score”
lookup = Enum.reduce(right, %{}, fn element, acc ->
Map.update(acc, element, 1, fn count -> count + 1 end)
Enum.reduce(left, 0, fn element, similarity_score ->
count = Map.get(lookup, element, 0)
similarity_score + element * count