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Day 1: Historian Hysteria


Day 1: Historian Hysteria

Mix.install([{:kino, "~> 0.14.0"}])


(I’m guessing the entire “look for the chief historian an these locations” preamble sets the tone for the entire Advent of Code puzzles.)

  • List of relevant locations identified by a (unique?) ID each
  • Input: two lists of location IDs, unordered
  • Goal: come up with the full list of all unqiue IDs on both lists

Instead of simply using a Set, they want me to use a more convoluted algorighm (perhaps I’m overlooking something as well):

  1. pair up the smallest items from both lists, then the second smallest, etc (pre sort the list and iterate?)
  2. figure out how far apart the numbers are (subtract the greater one from the smller one, always positive)
  3. find the total distance between both lists (sum all distances)

Input Data

Attached file input.bin from https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/1/input


{left, right} =
  |> Kino.FS.file_path()
  |> File.stream!()
  |> Stream.map(&String.split/1)
  |> Enum.reduce({[], []}, fn [l_val, r_val], {l_list, r_list} ->
    r_int = String.to_integer(r_val)
    l_int = String.to_integer(l_val)
    {[r_int | l_list], [l_int | r_list]}

With the input loaded and cached in the cell, we’ll calculate the distances.

left = Enum.sort(left, :asc)
right = Enum.sort(right, :asc)

Enum.zip(left, right)
|> Enum.map(fn {l_val, r_val} -> abs(l_val - r_val) end)
|> Enum.sum()

Part 2

  • Apparently there are problems with the input set, some numbers could be incorrect
  • We now want to find out how similar the two lists are

Instead of using a Set to compare the two, we are doing it mathematically again

  1. Take the original two lists again
  2. Multiply each number if the left list by how often it is found in the right list
  3. Sum all numbers for a “total similarity score”
lookup = Enum.reduce(right, %{}, fn element, acc ->
  Map.update(acc, element, 1, fn count -> count + 1 end)

Enum.reduce(left, 0, fn element, similarity_score ->
  count = Map.get(lookup, element, 0)
  similarity_score + element * count