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Day 4


Day 4

    {:benchee, "~> 1.3"},
    {:nx, "~> 0.9.2"}
  force: true


input =
  |> Path.join("data/day4.txt")
  |> File.read!()



defmodule TensorUtils do
  def where(tensor, predicate) when is_function(predicate, 1) do
    # Apply predicate to get boolean mask
    mask = predicate.(tensor)
    {rows, cols} = Nx.shape(tensor)

    # Create coordinate tensors
    row_indices = Nx.broadcast(Nx.iota({rows, 1}), {rows, cols})
    col_indices = Nx.broadcast(Nx.iota({1, cols}), {rows, cols})

    # Use select to mask the indices
    masked_rows = Nx.select(mask, row_indices, Nx.broadcast(-1, {rows, cols}))
    masked_cols = Nx.select(mask, col_indices, Nx.broadcast(-1, {rows, cols}))

    # Convert to lists and zip only valid indices
    rows = Nx.to_flat_list(masked_rows)
    cols = Nx.to_flat_list(masked_cols)

    Enum.zip(rows, cols)
    |> Enum.filter(fn {r, c} -> r != -1 and c != -1 end)

  def where_equals(tensor, value) do
    where(tensor, &Nx.equal(&1, value))
{:module, TensorUtils, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 11, ...>>, {:where_equals, 2}}
defmodule Day4 do
  @forward Nx.tensor(~c"XMAS")
  @backward Nx.tensor(~c"SAMX")
  def to_board(input) do
    for row <- String.split(input, "\n"), row != "" do
    |> Nx.tensor()

  defp horizontal(_i, j, %Nx.Tensor{shape: {_r, c}}) when c - j <= 3, do: nil
  defp horizontal(i, j, board), do: board[[i, j..(j + 3)]]
  defp vertical(i, _j, %Nx.Tensor{shape: {r, _c}}) when r - i <= 3, do: nil
  defp vertical(i, j, board), do: board[[i..(i + 3), j]]

  defp down_right(i, j, %Nx.Tensor{shape: {r, c}})
       when r - i <= 3 or c - j <= 3,
       do: nil

  defp down_right(i, j, board), do: board[[i..(i + 3), j..(j + 3)]] |> Nx.take_diagonal()

  defp down_left(i, j, %Nx.Tensor{shape: {r, _c}})
       when i + 3 >= r or j < 3,
       do: nil

  defp down_left(i, j, board),
    do: board |> Nx.gather(Nx.tensor([[i, j], [i + 1, j - 1], [i + 2, j - 2], [i + 3, j - 3]]))

  @doc ~S"""
  def part1(input) do
    %Nx.Tensor{shape: {rows, cols}} = board = to_board(input)

    for i <- 0..(rows - 1),
        j <- 0..(cols - 1),
        slice <-
            horizontal(i, j, board),
            vertical(i, j, board),
            down_right(i, j, board),
            down_left(i, j, board)
        slice == @forward || slice == @backward,
        reduce: 0 do
      sum ->
        sum + 1

  defp gather_x(i, j, %Nx.Tensor{shape: {r, c}})
       when i - 1 < 0 or j - 1 < 0 or i + 1 >= r or j + 1 >= c,
       do: nil

  defp gather_x(i, j, board) do
    Nx.gather(board, Nx.tensor([[i - 1, j - 1], [i - 1, j + 1], [i + 1, j - 1], [i + 1, j + 1]]))

  @doc ~S"""
  def part2(input) do
    board = to_board(input)
    middles = TensorUtils.where_equals(board, ?A)

    permuts =
      for perm <- [~c"MMSS", ~c"MSMS", ~c"SSMM", ~c"SMSM"], do: Nx.tensor(perm)

    for {i, j} <- middles, reduce: 0 do
      sum ->
        gathered = gather_x(i, j, board)
        if Enum.any?(permuts, fn perm -> gathered == perm end), do: sum + 1, else: sum

  def bench(input) do
        "part1" => fn -> part1(input) end,
        "part2" => fn -> part2(input) end
      time: 10,
      memory_time: 2
{:module, Day4, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 26, ...>>, {:bench, 1}}
Error trying to determine erlang version enoent, falling back to overall OTP version
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M1 Max
Number of Available Cores: 10
Available memory: 32 GB
Elixir 1.17.2
Erlang 27
JIT enabled: true

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 10 s
memory time: 2 s
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 28 s

Benchmarking part1 ...
Benchmarking part2 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...

Name            ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
part2         52.54       19.03 ms     ±6.19%       18.73 ms       25.27 ms
part1          4.85      206.20 ms     ±1.52%      204.98 ms      215.61 ms

part2         52.54
part1          4.85 - 10.83x slower +187.16 ms

Memory usage statistics:

Name     Memory usage
part2        30.43 MB
part1       492.62 MB - 16.19x memory usage +462.19 MB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
  system: %Benchee.System{
    elixir: "1.17.2",
    erlang: "27",
    jit_enabled?: true,
    num_cores: 10,
    os: :macOS,
    available_memory: "32 GB",
    cpu_speed: "Apple M1 Max"
  configuration: %Benchee.Configuration{
    parallel: 1,
    time: 10000000000.0,
    warmup: 2000000000.0,
    memory_time: 2000000000.0,
    reduction_time: 0.0,
    pre_check: false,
    formatters: [Benchee.Formatters.Console],
    percentiles: ~c"2c",
    print: %{configuration: true, fast_warning: true, benchmarking: true},
    inputs: nil,
    input_names: [],
    save: false,
    load: false,
    unit_scaling: :best,
    assigns: %{},
    before_each: nil,
    after_each: nil,
    before_scenario: nil,
    after_scenario: nil,
    measure_function_call_overhead: false,
    title: nil,
    profile_after: false
  scenarios: [
      name: "part2",
      job_name: "part2",
      function: #Function<1.89054018/0 in Day4.bench/1>,
      input_name: :__no_input,
      input: :__no_input,
      before_each: nil,
      after_each: nil,
      before_scenario: nil,
      after_scenario: nil,
      tag: nil,
      run_time_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: 19033843.338403042,
          ips: 52.537996778736805,
          std_dev: 1178938.0927336547,
          std_dev_ratio: 0.06193904571837086,
          std_dev_ips: 3.2541533844298,
          median: 18731457.5,
          percentiles: %{50 => 18731457.5, 99 => 25271011.95000001},
          mode: [18559622, 18643540, 18738625, 18627206, 18680624, 18786250],
          minimum: 18156951,
          maximum: 30889370,
          relative_more: nil,
          relative_less: nil,
          absolute_difference: nil,
          sample_size: 526
        samples: [19161047, 18156951, 19701512, 19021254, 19036836, 18862584, 18879793, 19047795,
         18982003, 18976712, 18883293, 19052546, 19115254, 18938045, 18939794, 18869793, 18738625,
         18836291, 19034879, 19275799, 18953294, 19043462, 18906751, 18951128, 19009170, 19093004,
         18975920, 18873126, 18747416, 18869376, 19305090, 19048170, 19005753, ...]
      memory_usage_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: 31910336.0,
          ips: nil,
          std_dev: 0.0,
          std_dev_ratio: 0.0,
          std_dev_ips: nil,
          median: 31910336.0,
          percentiles: %{50 => 31910336.0, 99 => 31910336.0},
          mode: 31910336,
          minimum: 31910336,
          maximum: 31910336,
          relative_more: nil,
          relative_less: nil,
          absolute_difference: nil,
          sample_size: 105
        samples: [31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336,
         31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336,
         31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336,
         31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, 31910336, ...]
      reductions_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: nil,
          ips: nil,
          std_dev: nil,
          std_dev_ratio: nil,
          std_dev_ips: nil,
          median: nil,
          percentiles: nil,
          mode: nil,
          minimum: nil,
          maximum: nil,
          relative_more: nil,
          relative_less: nil,
          absolute_difference: nil,
          sample_size: 0
        samples: []
      name: "part1",
      job_name: "part1",
      function: #Function<0.89054018/0 in Day4.bench/1>,
      input_name: :__no_input,
      input: :__no_input,
      before_each: nil,
      after_each: nil,
      before_scenario: nil,
      after_scenario: nil,
      tag: nil,
      run_time_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: 206195492.7755102,
          ips: 4.849766532427181,
          std_dev: 3129786.7076533427,
          std_dev_ratio: 0.015178734828412636,
          std_dev_ips: 0.07361332017542244,
          median: 204978021.0,
          percentiles: %{50 => 204978021.0, 99 => 215613746.0},
          mode: nil,
          minimum: 203761380,
          maximum: 215613746,
          relative_more: 10.833098135229802,
          relative_less: 0.09230969640604914,
          absolute_difference: 187161649.43710715,
          sample_size: 49
        samples: [205949325, 215272116, 205718031, 205706864, 204739809, 204883310, 204963521,
         205186982, 206203287, 205393359, 205300609, 204823352, 215260949, 206500791, 205308318,
         204758560, 204237886, 204899436, 206731544, 204476722, 204524348, 204966520, 204971313,
         206155912, 215293991, 204547682, 204941520, 204827519, 206106619, 205876408, 204767518,
         204348596, ...]
      memory_usage_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: 516546832.0,
          ips: nil,
          std_dev: 0.0,
          std_dev_ratio: 0.0,
          std_dev_ips: nil,
          median: 516546832.0,
          percentiles: %{50 => 516546832.0, 99 => 516546832.0},
          mode: 516546832,
          minimum: 516546832,
          maximum: 516546832,
          relative_more: 16.18744572291561,
          relative_less: 0.061776268913406096,
          absolute_difference: 484636496.0,
          sample_size: 10
        samples: [516546832, 516546832, 516546832, 516546832, 516546832, 516546832, 516546832,
         516546832, 516546832, 516546832]
      reductions_data: %Benchee.CollectionData{
        statistics: %Benchee.Statistics{
          average: nil,
          ips: nil,
          std_dev: nil,
          std_dev_ratio: nil,
          std_dev_ips: nil,
          median: nil,
          percentiles: nil,
          mode: nil,
          minimum: nil,
          maximum: nil,
          relative_more: nil,
          relative_less: nil,
          absolute_difference: nil,
          sample_size: 0
        samples: []