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Auto Correct Document Rotation


Auto Correct Document Rotation

    {:vix, "~> 0.17.0"},
    {:kino, "~> 0.9.2"}
  # pre-built binaries does not support fourier transform operations
  # since these operations depend on an additional library.
  # Usually the platform/OS provided libvips comes with these additional library
  # so we are telling vix to use the libvips provided by the platform
  # and compile NIF for that. Follow platform specific libvips
  # installation guide
  system_env: [


In this livebook we look into correcting the text image rotation using image processing techniques such as Fourier Transformation, complex planes, and arithmetic operations.

This notebook is heavily based on libvips blog post and stack overflow answer.

We use the same image mentioned on the blog to test our implementation. So let’s first fetch the test image.

alias Vix.Vips.Image
alias Vix.Vips.Operation

# import convenience math operators `+`, `-`, `*` etc.
use Vix.Operator

# we use `:httpc` to download the image
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:inets)
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:ssl)

# image link is from the stackoverflow question
image_url = 'https://i.stack.imgur.com/2q4Qr.png'
{:ok, {{_, 200, _}, _headers, bin}} = :httpc.request(:get, {image_url, []}, [timeout: 5000], [])

{:ok, img} =
  |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
  |> Image.new_from_buffer()

# convert 4 channel PNG image to black & white
img = Operation.colourspace!(img, :VIPS_INTERPRETATION_B_W)
# skip alpha band
img = img[0]

Notice that the image is not fully vertical, orienttion is slightly off

Fourier Transformation

An image can be expressed as sum of sine and cosine waves of varying magnitudes, frequency and phase. Fourier Transform is an operation which decomposes an image into its sine and cosine components.

There are lot of resources online on this topic, I found this and this useful get started.

Libvips has fwfft function for Forward Fourier Transform operation and invfft for Inverse Fourier Transform operation.


fwfft returns an image with complex band format. Real part of the band will be the wave Amplitude, Imaginary part of the band will be the wave Phase. Position of the value is the frequency.

Since the returned image is in Complex band format, it can not be displayed. To make it visible we need convert the complex band to 2 band float, warp the image to center, scale values so they are visible.

white = Operation.black!(10, 200) + 255
vert_line = Operation.embed!(white, 45, 0, 200, 200)

# take fourier transform of the input image
ft = Operation.fwfft!(vert_line)

# display the images, notice the band format and band count
  [Kino.Text.new("Input"), Kino.Text.new("Fourier Transform"), vert_line, ft],
  columns: 2
|> Kino.render()

# convert complex number to 2 band double format
ft = Operation.copy!(ft, format: :VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE, bands: 2)

# do logarithm scaling for the image so that points visible
# and move the origin of the image to center
scaled_ft =
  |> Operation.scale!(log: true)
  |> Operation.wrap!()

# separate amplitude and phase channels
amp = scaled_ft[0]
phase = scaled_ft[1]

  [Kino.Text.new("Amplitude"), Kino.Text.new("Phase"), amp, phase],
  columns: 2

Since all these conversion is common, libvips provides spectrum function which does all this for you. Spectrum computes fourier transform, takes absolute value (amplitude), scales and wraps the origin. It meant for displaying the Fourier Transform.


Let’s display fourier transform for few sample images to see how the output changes. Change the number of lines and see how fourier transform changes.

lines_count =
  Kino.Input.number("Number of lines", default: 10)
  |> Kino.render()
  |> Kino.Input.read()

# lets create images which black and white lines
width = trunc(100 / lines_count)
black_line = Operation.black!(width, 200)

# 10 lines B&W lines
lines =
  [black_line, Operation.invert!(black_line)]
  |> List.duplicate(lines_count)
  |> List.flatten()

vert_lines = Operation.arrayjoin!(lines, across: length(lines))
horz_lines = Operation.rot!(vert_lines, :VIPS_ANGLE_D90)
vert_horz_lines = vert_lines + horz_lines

samples = [vert_lines, horz_lines, vert_horz_lines]

|> Enum.flat_map(fn img ->
  [img, Operation.spectrum!(img)]
|> Kino.Layout.grid(columns: 2)

As we can see, the vertical lines in the input image produces a horizontal line in the fourier transform and horizontal lines in the input produces to vertical line in the FT. Changing the number of lines does not change the number lines on the output image.

So if we take Fourier Transform of a perfect text image, it should have vertical lines and or horizontal lines exactly at 0, 90, 180, 270 degree angle, since the characters and lines are either parallel or perpedicular. If the document is off by some angle then the same should be visible in the Fourier Transform.

Kino.Layout.grid([img, Operation.spectrum!(img)], columns: 2)

Indeed we can see a slightly off vertical line and horizontal lines. Now we just need to find the angle.

Finding the angle

As said before ouput of image of Fourier Transform will be in complex band format. The real part of it is amplitude, which is what we are seeing as lines and there is imaginary part which is phase.

There are two different way to plot complex numbers on a 2D plane.

  • Cartesian (Rectangle) coordinate system
  • Polar coordinate system

Libvips provides functions to convert numbers from one plane to other plane. Intuitively when converting from Cartesian system to Polar system, all vertical lines becomes the circle and horizontal lines becomes the arch/segment. Which is what we used in the “Creating Rainbow” livebook for generating the arch.

But there is also the inverse operation. We can convert an image from Polar plan to Cartesian plane. The circle becomes the vertical line and the segment becomes the horizontal line. More importantly radius becomes the x-axis and angle becomes the y-axis.

Let’s see few examples

defmodule ComplexOps do
  def to_cartesian(img, background \\ [0, 0, 0]) do
    %{width: width, height: height} = Image.headers(img)
    xy = Operation.xyz!(width, height)

    # normalize the y-axis to be between 0 and 360
    xy = xy * [1, 360 / height]

    xy =
      # read values as complex numbers
      |> Operation.copy!(format: :VIPS_FORMAT_COMPLEX, bands: 1)
      # convert from polar to Cartesian plane
      |> Operation.complex!(:VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_RECT)
      # and convert back to float
      |> Operation.copy!(format: :VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT, bands: 2)

    scale = min(width, height) / width
    xy = xy * (scale / 2)
    xy = xy + [width / 2, height / 2]

    # mapim takes an input and a `map` and generates an output image
    # where input image pixels are moved based on map.
    # [new_x, new_y] = map[x, y]
    # out[x, y] = img[new_x, new_y]
    # mapim is to rotate, displace, distort, any type of spatial operations.
    # where the pixel value (color) remain same but the position is changed.
    Operation.mapim!(img, xy, background: background)

|> Enum.flat_map(fn img ->
  ft = Operation.spectrum!(img)
  [img, ft, ComplexOps.to_cartesian(ft)]
|> Kino.Layout.grid(columns: 3)
# for the input document
|> Operation.spectrum!()
|> ComplexOps.to_cartesian()

Only thing left now is to find a row with maximum value. The row number corresponding to the maximum value is the angle. Libvips has project function which finds the row wise and column wise sum and returns them as image, we can then use max to find the maximum value and its position.

defmodule Utils do
  def find_angle(cartesian) do
    # find the row wise and column wise sum
    # returns 2 images with respective column/row sum
    {_columns, rows} = Operation.project!(cartesian)

    # find position of the row with maximum value
    {_, %{y: y_pos}} = Operation.max!(rows)

    # convert the y position back to angle.
    y_pos / Image.height(rows) * 360

|> Enum.flat_map(fn img ->
  ft = Operation.spectrum!(img)
  cartesian = ComplexOps.to_cartesian(ft)

  angle = Utils.find_angle(cartesian)
  # print angle next to image
  text = Kino.Text.new("\n\n\n#{to_string(angle)}")

  [img, ft, cartesian, text]
|> then(fn list ->
  headers = ~w(Input Fourier-Transform Polar-Plane Angle) |> Enum.map(&Kino.Text.new/1)
  headers ++ list
|> Kino.Layout.grid(columns: 4)

If there are multiple rows with same maximum values we pick one randomly.

For the input image

ft = Operation.spectrum!(img)
cartesian = ComplexOps.to_cartesian(ft)

angle = Utils.find_angle(cartesian)

# since we know that angle can only be parallel or perpendicular
# can take mod of 90
angle = angle - trunc(angle / 90) * 90

Correcting the rotation

Putting it all together now we can rotate the image using the difference as correction to fix the document

diff = 90 - angle
corrected = Operation.rotate!(img, diff)

Kino.Layout.grid([Kino.Text.new("Input"), Kino.Text.new("Corrected"), img, corrected], columns: 2)