Elixir Bootcamp - Keyword List & Maps
Keyword List
Keyword lists are a key-value data structure.
[month: "April", year: 2018]
Keyword lists are lists of {key, value}
tuples, and can also be written as such, but the shorter syntax is more widely used.
[month: "April"] == [{:month, "April"}]
# => true
Keys in a keyword list must be atoms
, but the values can be anything. Each key can be used more than once. The key-value pairs in a keyword list are ordered.
You can work with keyword lists using the same approaches as for lists, or you can use the Keyword
Maps in Elixir are the data structure for storing information in key-value pairs. In other languages, these might also be known as associative arrays (PHP), hashes (Perl 5, Raku), or dictionaries (Python).
- Keys can be of any type, but must be unique.
- Values can be of any type, they do not have to be unique.
- Maps do not guarantee the order of their contents despite appearing to do so.
If the key is an atom
we can use a shorthand syntax. Maps do not guarantee the order of their entries when accessed or returned.
Literal forms
An empty map is simply declared with %{}
. If we want to add items to a map literal, we can use two forms:
# If the key is an atom:
%{atom_key: 1}
# If the key is a different type:
%{1 => :atom_value}
# You can even mix these if the atom form comes second:
%{"first_form" => :a, atom_form: :b}
Map module functions
Elixir provides many functions for working with maps in the Map module. Some Map module functions require an anonymous function to be passed into the function to assist with the map transformation.
# You can turn existing Enumerable into Map
kw_list = [a: 1, b: 2]
map = Map.new(kw_list)
# => %{a: 1, b: 2}
Map.get(map, :a)
# => 1
Map.delete(map, :a)
# => %{b: 2}
Map.put(map, :c, 3)
Keyword lists vs maps
Keyword list | Map | |
Key type | Atoms | Any, can be mixed in one map |
Duplicate keys | Yes | No |
Keys ordered | Yes | No |
Access |
list[:key] , Keyword.get/2 |
map.key , map[:key] , Map.get/2 |
Access time | Linear | Logarithmic |
Pattern matching | Not very useful | Useful |
Faster access time, flexible key type, and useful pattern matching makes maps the default choice in most cases.
Use keyword lists when you don’t have a lot of data, but need duplicate keys or keys in a specific order.
Exercise - High Score
In this exercise, you’re implementing a way to keep track of the high scores for the most popular game in your local arcade hall.
1. Define a new high score map
To make a new high score map, define the HighScore.new/0
function which doesn’t take any arguments and returns a new, empty map of high scores.
# => %{}
2. Add players to the high score map
To add a player to the high score map, define HighScore.add_player/3
, which is a function which takes 3 arguments:
- The first argument is the map of scores.
- The second argument is the name of a player as a string.
- The third argument is the score as an integer. The argument is optional, implement the third argument with a default value of 0.
score_map = HighScore.new()
# => %{}
score_map = HighScore.add_player(score_map, "Dave Thomas")
# => %{"Dave Thomas" => 0}
score_map = HighScore.add_player(score_map, "José Valim", 486_373)
# => %{"Dave Thomas" => 0, "José Valim"=> 486_373}
3. Remove players from the score map
To remove a player from the high score map, define HighScore.remove_player/2
, which takes 2 arguments:
- The first argument is the map of scores.
- The second argument is the name of the player as a string.
score_map = HighScore.new()
# => %{}
score_map = HighScore.add_player(score_map, "Dave Thomas")
# => %{"Dave Thomas" => 0}
score_map = HighScore.remove_player(score_map, "Dave Thomas")
# => %{}
4. Reset a player’s score
To reset a player’s score, define HighScore.reset_score/2
, which takes 2 arguments:
- The first argument is the map of scores.
- The second argument is the name of the player as a string, whose score you wish to reset.
The function should also work if the player doesn’t have a score.
score_map = HighScore.new()
# => %{}
score_map = HighScore.add_player(score_map, "José Valim", 486_373)
# => %{"José Valim"=> 486_373}
score_map = HighScore.reset_score(score_map, "José Valim")
# => %{"José Valim"=> 0}
5. Update a player’s score
To update a player’s score by adding to the previous score, define HighScore.update_score/3
, which takes 3 arguments:
- The first argument is the map of scores.
- The second argument is the name of the player as a string, whose score you wish to update.
- The third argument is the score that you wish to add to the stored high score.
The function should also work if the player doesn’t have a previous score - assume the previous score is 0.
score_map = HighScore.new()
# => %{}
score_map = HighScore.add_player(score_map, "José Valim", 486_373)
# => %{"José Valim"=> 486_373}
score_map = HighScore.update_score(score_map, "José Valim", 5)
# => %{"José Valim"=> 486_378}
6. Get a list of players
To get a list of players, define HighScore.get_players/1
, which takes 1 argument:
- The first argument is the map of scores.
score_map = HighScore.new()
# => %{}
score_map = HighScore.add_player(score_map, "Dave Thomas", 2_374)
# => %{"Dave Thomas" => 2_374}
score_map = HighScore.add_player(score_map, "José Valim", 486_373)
# => %{"Dave Thomas" => 2_374, "José Valim"=> 486_373}
# => ["Dave Thomas", "José Valim"]
defmodule HighScore do
def new() do
# Please implement the new/0 function
def add_player(scores, name, score) do
# Please implement the add_player/3 function
def remove_player(scores, name) do
# Please implement the remove_player/2 function
def reset_score(scores, name) do
# Please implement the reset_score/2 function
def update_score(scores, name, score) do
# Please implement the update_score/3 function
def get_players(scores) do
# Please implement the get_players/1 function
ExUnit.start(autorun: false)
defmodule HighScoreTest do
use ExUnit.Case
# Trivia: Scores used in this test suite are based on lines of code
# added to the elixir-lang/elixir github repository as of Apr 27, 2020.
@tag task_id: 1
test "new/1 result in empty score map" do
assert HighScore.new() == %{}
describe "add_player/2" do
@tag task_id: 2
test "add player without score to empty score map" do
scores = HighScore.new()
assert HighScore.add_player(scores, "José Valim") == %{"José Valim" => 0}
@tag task_id: 2
test "add two players without score to empty map" do
scores =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim")
|> HighScore.add_player("Chris McCord")
assert scores == %{"Chris McCord" => 0, "José Valim" => 0}
@tag task_id: 2
test "add player with score to empty score map" do
scores =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim", 486_373)
assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_373}
@tag task_id: 2
test "add players with scores to empty score map" do
scores =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim", 486_373)
|> HighScore.add_player("Dave Thomas", 2_374)
assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_373, "Dave Thomas" => 2_374}
describe "remove_player/2" do
@tag task_id: 3
test "remove from empty score map results in empty score map" do
scores =
|> HighScore.remove_player("José Valim")
assert scores == %{}
@tag task_id: 3
test "remove player after adding results in empty score map" do
map =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim")
|> HighScore.remove_player("José Valim")
assert map == %{}
@tag task_id: 3
test "remove first player after adding two results in map with remaining player" do
scores =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim")
|> HighScore.add_player("Chris McCord")
|> HighScore.remove_player("José Valim")
assert scores == %{"Chris McCord" => 0}
@tag task_id: 3
test "remove second player after adding two results in map with remaining player" do
scores =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim")
|> HighScore.add_player("Chris McCord")
|> HighScore.remove_player("Chris McCord")
assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 0}
describe "reset_score/2" do
@tag task_id: 4
test "resetting score for non-existent player sets player score to 0" do
scores =
|> HighScore.reset_score("José Valim")
assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 0}
@tag task_id: 4
test "resetting score for existing player sets previous player score to 0" do
scores =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim", 486_373)
|> HighScore.reset_score("José Valim")
assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 0}
describe "update_score/3" do
@tag task_id: 5
test "update score for non existent player initializes value" do
scores =
|> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 486_373)
assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_373}
@tag task_id: 5
test "update score for existing player adds score to previous" do
scores =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim")
|> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 486_373)
assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_373}
@tag task_id: 5
test "update score for existing player with non-zero score adds score to previous" do
scores =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim")
|> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 1)
|> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 486_373)
assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_374}
describe "get_players/1" do
@tag task_id: 6
test "empty score map gives empty list" do
scores_by_player =
|> HighScore.get_players()
assert scores_by_player == []
@tag task_id: 6
test "score map with one entry gives one result" do
players =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim")
|> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 486_373)
|> HighScore.get_players()
assert players == ["José Valim"]
@tag task_id: 6
test "score map with multiple entries gives results in unknown order" do
players =
|> HighScore.add_player("José Valim", 486_373)
|> HighScore.add_player("Dave Thomas", 2_374)
|> HighScore.add_player("Chris McCord", 0)
|> HighScore.add_player("Saša Jurić", 762)
|> HighScore.get_players()
|> Enum.sort()
assert players == [
"Chris McCord",
"Dave Thomas",
"José Valim",
"Saša Jurić"