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SSBU Personality


SSBU Personality

    {:vega_lite, "~> 0.1.7"},
    {:kino, "~> 0.9.3"},
    {:ssbu, github: "rob-brown/amo_system", subdir: "apps/ssbu"}
  force: false

Read amiibo

Run the following cell to create a file input. Then, drop the amiibo bin file on it.

If you want to analyze another amiibo, then you need to drop a new file on the input and re-run all cells after.

input = Kino.Input.file("Amiibo file:")

Key Retail

In order to decrypt the bin, you will need to find a file named key_retail.bin on the Internet. Once found, you need to base 64 encode the key. Go into the Secrets tab in the side bar. Create a secret named KEY_RETAIL and paste in the base64 encoded data. If you did this right, then you can decrypt the amiibo bin files.

value = Kino.Input.read(input)
path = Kino.Input.file_path(value.file_ref)
case System.get_env("LB_KEY_RETAIL") do
  nil ->
    IO.puts("You need to add a new secret named `KEY_RETAIL` to your Livebook")

  key ->
    System.put_env("KEY_RETAIL", key)
{:ok, amiibo} = AmiiboSerialization.Amiibo.read_file(path)

Extract Attributes

Running the next cell will extract all the attributes from the amiibo.

First, let’s visualize the attributes in a text form. This is nice for putting two amiibo into a diff program for a side-by-side comparison.

Uses the raw values just so the attribute names look nicer.

raw_attributes = SSBU.Attributes.Serializer.parse_amiibo(amiibo)

for {k, {_, _, v}} <- raw_attributes do
  name = String.pad_trailing(k, 21)
  value = Float.round(v * 100, 3)


Next, let’s visualize the information in a table for easier reading. This code also calculates the implicit values.

Each table only shows 10 rows by default, so you will need to page through the data to see all the attributes.

Behavioral Attributes

|> Keyword.take([
  "Attack Out Cliff",
  "Return To Cliff",
  "Air Offensive",
  "Feint Master",
  "Feint Counter",
  "Feint Shooter",
  "100 Attacker",
  "100 Keeper",
  "Attack Cancel",
  "Smash Holder",
  "Dash Attacker",
  "Critical Hitter",
  "Meteor Smasher",
  "Shield Master",
  "Just Shield Master",
  "Shield Catch Master",
  "Item Collector",
  "Item Throw to Target",
  "Dragoon Collector",
  "Smash Ball Collector",
  "Hammer Collector",
  "Special Flagger",
  "Item Swinger",
  "Homerun Batter",
  "Club Swinger",
  "Death Swinger",
  "Item Shooter",
  "Carrier Broker",
  "Advantageous Fighter",
  "Weaken Fighter",
  "Stage Enemy"
|> Enum.map(fn {k, {int, bits, float}} ->
  %{attribute: k, int: int, float: float, bits: bits, max: trunc(:math.pow(2, bits) - 1)}
|> Kino.DataTable.new(name: "Behavioral Attributes", sorting_enabled: true)

Grounded Moves

grounded_moves =
  |> Keyword.take([
    "Forward Tilt",
    "Up Tilt",
    "Down Tilt",
    "Forward Smash",
    "Up Smash",
    "Down Smash",
    "Neutral Special",
    "Side Special",
    "Up Special",
    "Down Special"

# Calculate the implicit jab value.
jab = 1 - (grounded_moves |> Enum.map(fn {_, {_, _, v}} -> v end) |> Enum.sum())

[{"Jab", {jab * 1023, 10, jab}} | grounded_moves]
|> Enum.map(fn {k, {int, bits, float}} ->
  %{attribute: k, int: int, float: float, bits: bits, max: trunc(:math.pow(2, bits) - 1)}
|> Kino.DataTable.new(name: "Grounded Moves", sorting_enabled: true)

Aerial Moves

aerial_moves =
  |> Keyword.take([
    "Forward Air",
    "Back Air",
    "Up Air",
    "Down Air",
    "Neutral Special Air",
    "Side Special Air",
    "Up Special Air",
    "Down Special Air"

# Calculate the implicit neutral air value.
nair = 1 - (aerial_moves |> Enum.map(fn {_, {_, _, v}} -> v end) |> Enum.sum())

[{"Neutral Air", {nair * 511, 9, nair}} | aerial_moves]
|> Enum.map(fn {k, {int, bits, float}} ->
  %{attribute: k, int: int, float: float, bits: bits, max: trunc(:math.pow(2, bits) - 1)}
|> Kino.DataTable.new(name: "Aerial Moves", sorting_enabled: true)

Dodge Directions

dodge =
  |> Keyword.take([
    "Front Air Dodge",
    "Back Air Dodge"

# Calculate the neutral dodge value.
neutral_dodge = 1 - (dodge |> Enum.map(fn {_, {_, _, v}} -> v end) |> Enum.sum())

[{"Neutral Air Dodge", {neutral_dodge * 255, 8, neutral_dodge}} | dodge]
|> Enum.map(fn {k, {int, bits, float}} ->
  %{attribute: k, int: int, float: float, bits: bits, max: trunc(:math.pow(2, bits) - 1)}
|> Kino.DataTable.new(name: "Dodge Directions", sorting_enabled: true)

Taunt Directions

taunt =
  |> Keyword.take([
    "Up Taunt",
    "Down Taunt"

# Calculate the side taunt value.
side_taunt = 1 - (taunt |> Enum.map(fn {_, {_, _, v}} -> v end) |> Enum.sum())

[{"Side Taunt", {side_taunt * 127, 7, side_taunt}} | taunt]
|> Enum.map(fn {k, {int, bits, float}} ->
  %{attribute: k, int: int, float: float, bits: bits, max: trunc(:math.pow(2, bits) - 1)}
|> Kino.DataTable.new(name: "Taunt Directions", sorting_enabled: true)

Calculate Personality

Using the attributes we can calculate the personality.

attributes = SSBU.Attributes.parse(amiibo)

Or you can do it all in one line.
