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Generic Servers, Registries and Supervision


Generic Servers, Registries and Supervision

  {:kino, "~> 0.12.3"}


In Elixir, servers are processes that execute code defined in modules that implements the GenServer behaviour. This allows them to define a client-side interface as well as a server-side endpoint patterns. The code on the client-side sends messages to the server processes that triggers code execution at the matching endpoint. This endpoint has access to server state and returns a tuple that (among others) includes the new state and – if relevant – a return term that the GenServer module will send back to the client.

There are two ways for the client-side to contact the server:

  1. Through a cast were no response is intended. This operation returns immediately.
  2. Through a call where a response is needed. This operation blocks until a response has been received.

These servers are sometimes called actors and sometimes nanoservices. Each running server is identified by a pid (process id) and any server you can name through such a pid – independently of which physical machine in the cluster is hosting it – can be communicated. In fact, there is no difference between the code needed for local and remote communcation, and there is no need to worry about marshalling.

Wrapping State in a Server

Here’s the code for a simple server. It contains some state, and the client-side interface allows for:

  • Fetching the state through the get/1 function.
  • Assigning a new term to the state through the set/2 function.
  • Performing an operation on the state through the manipulate/2 function.

The code looks line this:

defmodule State do
  use GenServer

  # (client) interface

  def start_link() do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil)

  def get(server) do
    GenServer.call(server, {:get})

  def set(server, value) do
    GenServer.cast(server, {:set, value})

  def manipulate(server, function) when is_function(function, 1) do
    GenServer.cast(server, {:manipulate, function})

  # callbacks

  @impl true
  def init(_) do
    # 0 is the initial state
    {:ok, 0}

  @impl true
  def handle_call({:get}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, state, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_cast({:set, value}, _state) do
    {:noreply, value}

  @impl true
  def handle_cast({:manipulate, function}, state) do
    {:noreply, function.(state)}

Lets start a State process:

pid =
  Kino.Process.render_seq_trace(fn ->
    {:ok, pid} = State.start_link()

What is the initial state?

Kino.Process.render_seq_trace(fn ->
|> IO.puts()

Lets override the value:

Kino.Process.render_seq_trace(fn ->
  State.set(pid, 42)

Now would be a good time to verify that the value has been updated:

Kino.Process.render_seq_trace(fn ->
  State.get(pid) |> IO.puts()

That looks a lot more complicated! The reason for this is that IO.puts() is implemented through message passing as well.

Note: In the examples above, the code for interacting with the State module has been wrapped in Kino.Process.render_seq_trace calls. This is purely to produce sequence diagrams, and not necessesary for interacting with the server:

State.get(pid) |> IO.puts()

Finally, lets try out the manipulate function:

incr = fn value -> value + 1 end

Kino.Process.render_seq_trace(fn ->
  State.manipulate(pid, incr)
  State.get(pid) |> IO.puts()

Named Servers

It can get cumbersome to keep track of servers by their pid. If we only need a single server of this type we can hardcode a name for it. That name can be any term. In the following example we use the name :state. Only the client-side interface needs to be updated. The name will be automatically translated into a pid.

defmodule NamedState do
  use GenServer

  # (client) interface

  def start_link(_) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil, name: :state)

  def start() do
    GenServer.start(__MODULE__, nil, name: :state)

  def get() do
    GenServer.call(:state, {:get})

  def set(value) do
    GenServer.cast(:state, {:set, value})

  def manipulate(function) when is_function(function, 1) do
    GenServer.cast(:state, {:manipulate, function})

  # callbacks

  @impl true
  def init(_) do
    # 0 is the initial state
    {:ok, 0}

  @impl true
  def handle_call({:get}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, state, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_cast({:set, value}, _state) do
    {:noreply, value}

  @impl true
  def handle_cast({:manipulate, function}, state) do
    {:noreply, function.(state)}

Lets try it out:

Kino.Process.render_seq_trace(fn ->
  area = fn r -> 3.14 * r * r end
  {:ok, _pid} = NamedState.start()
  NamedState.get() |> IO.puts()


If we mistreat the proces it is going to crash:

oopsie = fn r -> r / 0 end


A Supervisor is a process (or server; if you will) whose sole purpose is to manage (or supervise) the lifecycle of other processes. As input it needs a list of child definitions and a restart strategy. The child definitions can take many forms, but they all include information about what should be started with which parameters. The restart strategy dictates how it should deal with a crashed child.

defmodule NamedStateSupervisor do
  use Supervisor

  def start_link(opts \\ []) do
    Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, opts)

  @impl true
  def init(:ok) do
    children = [

    Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Start the supervisor:

{:ok, supervisor_pid} = NamedStateSupervisor.start_link()

In a typical program, you will see a tree of supervisors supervising other supervisors in order to define comples restart behaviors. This is a minimal example though, and here the supervision tree look like this:


Lets try to test it, and leave a bit of time for the supervisor to do its work:

Kino.Process.render_seq_trace(fn ->
  NamedState.get() |> IO.puts()
  NamedState.get() |> IO.puts()
  NamedState.get() |> IO.puts()

That’s quite a mouthfull! But the end result is that the supervisor did its job. Although, the result would have been less kind without the 1 second delay. We have a race between NamedState.get/0 sending a message to the NamedState server (that has crashed) and the supervisor restarting it. If the former comes first, it will crash as well. Often crashes will cascade a bit, and – during this partial unavailability – it will result in reduced performance, or worse. But with supervision, this is handled automatically and the damage is limited.

Note: If you squint your eyes, you can see how the first three messages goes to one process, which then emits an EXIT message. This is received by the supervisor which spawns a new NamedState process that server the last two messages.


A Registry is a key-value store whose interface supports a number of patterns. In this example we use it for looking up processes (servers) so that we can hide the dispatch complexity.

For this purpose we need unique keys and we need to give the registry a name that we can later refer to:

{:ok, registry_pid} = Registry.start_link(name: StateRegistry, keys: :unique)

To make use of it, we redefine the State module. The callbacks remain unchanged. But we add a via_tuple/1 function that builds a so-called via_tuple this tells the undelying GenServer logic to look up name in the StateRegistry registry, and update all interface functions to use it. The result:

defmodule RegisteredState do
  use GenServer

  # (client) interface

  def start_link(name) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil, name: via_tuple(name))

  def start(name) do
    GenServer.start(__MODULE__, nil, name: via_tuple(name))

  def get(name) do
    GenServer.call(via_tuple(name), {:get})

  def set(name, value) do
    GenServer.cast(via_tuple(name), {:set, value})

  def manipulate(name, function) when is_function(function, 1) do
    GenServer.cast(via_tuple(name), {:manipulate, function})

  # helpers

  defp via_tuple(name) do
    {:via, Registry, {StateRegistry, name}}

  # callbacks

  @impl true
  def init(_) do
    # 0 is the initial state
    {:ok, 0}

  @impl true
  def handle_call({:get}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, state, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_cast({:set, value}, _state) do
    {:noreply, value}

  @impl true
  def handle_cast({:manipulate, function}, state) do
    {:noreply, function.(state)}

Start a few RegisteredState servers:

{_, state_rust_pid} = RegisteredState.start_link("Rust")
{_, state_elixir_pid} = RegisteredState.start_link("Elixir")
{_, state_erlang_pid} = RegisteredState.start_link("Erlang")
%{rust: state_rust_pid, elixir: state_elixir_pid, erlang: state_erlang_pid}

Lets try it out:

IO.puts("Initial Rust state:   #{RegisteredState.get("Rust")}")
IO.puts("Initial Elixir state: #{RegisteredState.get("Elixir")}")
IO.puts("Initial Erlang state: #{RegisteredState.get("Erlang")}")

RegisteredState.set("Rust", 1)
RegisteredState.set("Elixir", 2)
RegisteredState.set("Erlang", 3)

IO.puts("Final Rust state:   #{RegisteredState.get("Rust")}")
IO.puts("Final Elixir state: #{RegisteredState.get("Elixir")}")
IO.puts("Final Erlang state: #{RegisteredState.get("Erlang")}")

Note: While strings has been used as keys for the registry in this example, any term is a valid key. You will often see tuples used as keys.

Dynamic Supervision

Now we have a registry for keeping track of our RegisteredState servers, but they are not supervised. The previous supervisor won’t work as it operates on a fixed set of children. What we need is something that can supervise a set of children that changes over time. What we need is a DynamicSupervisor!

{:ok, dyn_supervisor_pid} =
  DynamicSupervisor.start_link(name: RegisteredStateSupervisor, strategy: :one_for_one)

Lets instruct our new dynamic supervisor to start a few RegisteredState servers:

{_, state_c_pid} =
  DynamicSupervisor.start_child(RegisteredStateSupervisor, {RegisteredState, "C"})

{_, state_zig_pid} =
  DynamicSupervisor.start_child(RegisteredStateSupervisor, {RegisteredState, "Zig"})

{_, state_python_pid} =
  DynamicSupervisor.start_child(RegisteredStateSupervisor, {RegisteredState, "Python"})

%{c: state_c_pid, zig: state_zig_pid, python: state_python_pid}

This should be reflected by the supervision tree:


Verify that the interface works:

IO.puts("Initial C state:   #{RegisteredState.get("C")}")
IO.puts("Initial Elixir state: #{RegisteredState.get("Elixir")}")
IO.puts("Initial Python state: #{RegisteredState.get("Python")}")

RegisteredState.set("C", 4)
RegisteredState.set("Elixir", 5)
RegisteredState.set("Python", 6)

IO.puts("Final C state:   #{RegisteredState.get("C")}")
IO.puts("Final Elixir state: #{RegisteredState.get("Elixir")}")
IO.puts("Final Python state: #{RegisteredState.get("Python")}")

And finally, verify that the supervision works (this code relies on the C process now having been restarted):

pid =
  case state_c_pid do
    {:already_started, pid} -> pid
    pid -> pid

IO.puts("pid of C process: #{inspect(pid)}")

IO.puts("C state before kill: #{RegisteredState.get("C")}")
Process.exit(pid, :kill)
IO.puts("C state after kill:  #{RegisteredState.get("C")}")

Notice that the supervision tree now reflects that one of the children has been restarted.
