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Python Integration


Python Integration

  {:py_cell, github: "NduatiK/py_cell"}


This is an example of using the py_cell module. It allows for some level of integration with Python 3 code.

By installing the module, you gain access to the Python smart cell. This allows you to write python code and expose a single function within this code. That function can be executed by making a single call to PyCell.run/2.

It uses the python3 command on the host machine to evaluate the python code, and has access to the modules available to this installation.

Function Call Example

require PyCell

code = """
def add(a, b):
  return a + b

PyCell.open_port("add", code)
PyCell.run("add", [1, 2])

Module Import Example

require PyCell

code = """
import math

def get_pi():
  return math.pi

PyCell.open_port("get_pi", code)
PyCell.run("get_pi", [])